Monday, December 19, 2011

Fwd: Original Proposals...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 19, 2011 12:10 pm
Subject: Original Proposals...

                                                          ORIGINAL PROPOSALS
                                    (More on clairvoyant Citizen Journalist downstairs)                                 
                                             by Richaed DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Actually, we first made these proposals over a year and a half ago and have repeated them
periodically since then.
               1) The 'secret' Air Force X-37B Project (which NASA turned over to the Air Force a few
years ago due to budgetary constraints) is launched by the Atlas 5 (a modified Atlas missile launched
Mercury astros in the early '60s; too many changes have been made over the years for it to be
still considered an Atlas Class Rocket) and launches cost nearly as much as Space Shuttle
launches did. The green light has been given to a super heavy-lifter for missions to Mars or the
Moon and Mars. There should also be a heavy-lifter version for missions to and from space
station for time-sensitive missions (windows) when private companies can't launch due to having
to deal with technical problems;
               2) The super heavy-lifter should carry Orion Multi-Purpose Vehicle while less powerful
heavy-lifter should carry unmanned X-37B when it becomes operational for cargo missions, We
suspected over a year and a half ago that the Air Force likely has a manned-version under wraps.
One of the few things that Obama did which was correct: in 2009, he signed a directive allowing
greater cooperation between NASA and the military. The heavy-lifter should also carry a declassified
manned-version for NASA (classified-version could use it or Atlas 5). Operational-version should
be called Constitution to drive libs crazy;
              3) The Air Force should have an intermediate lifter to place unmanned X-37B when
operational 22,000 miles up near aging GPS satellites. If an enemy missile is in-coming, X-37B
should nudge it out of the way and, then, reposition it after danger passes. X-37B should have a
GPS in cargo bay ready to replace GPS when it dies. X-37B is more maneuverable than a satellite).
              4) Reactivate NERVA (1963-74) and refurbish facilities. We were well on our way to
developing nuclear thermal stage for Saturn rocket. What is learned might help us develop nuclear
fusion plants to generate energy.
The Air Force has wanted a manned space program since the late '50s. No doubt R & D is being
done on a manned version of X-37B. AF won't confirm.
        AF wanted X-15 to be followed by X-20 Dyna Soar ('58-64; astros were selected, program
canceled less than a year before first flight). Data gained incorporated into Space Shuttle - it wasn't
a total loss. This represented AF's first aspirations and efforts to manned space flight.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fwd: For the Record...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 14, 2011 8:26 pm
Subject: For the Record...

                           FOR THE RECORD: CITIZEN JOURNALIST...
was one of the first to warn about George Soros in 2009;
three weeks ago corrected author of "Blunder Book..."
regarding Sherlock Holmes.
two weeks ago charged HistoryChannel didn't know history;
Another Citizen Journalist First:
CJ is talking bows.
Facebook: Second American Revolution - See our proposal regarding ending subsidies
to Space X and issuing a contract Virgin Galactic.
                                                (See below)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fwd: Military's secret shuttle passes test, remains in orbit/CJ CHRONICLES

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 12, 2011 11:37 am
Subject: Military's secret shuttle passes test, remains in orbit/CJ CHRONICLES

                                      CITIZEN JOURNALIST CHRONICLES (Update)
                                               (followed by AF X-37B)
Citizen Journalist and 'The Lady' break up; CJ is drinking heavily in London at Diogenes
Club; former priest 'Dago Red' Mulcahy launches hostile take over of "Citizen Journalist
Comsats"; CJ in accident: struck by a car in London, treated by Dr. Watson; 'The Lady'
unable to visit him; CJ re-commits his most favorite parts to her: brain, unmentionable,
heart; CJ has a koala bear delivered to 'The Lady'; Dago Red puts his plans on hold; Dago
Red produces and CJ co-writes (having returned to U.S.A.) latest article - Richard D. had to
keep them separated; Hottest Cyber-Space Romance Resumes: 'The Lady' and CJ!...The
Saga Continues...
Two years ago, launch of 'secret' Air Force X-37B was televised live. Citizen Journalist was
the first or one of the first to suggest that a declassified-version of the unmanned space
shuttle in appearance X-37B be given to NASA. We suspected that a manned-version was in
the works and we further suggested that NASA play a role in its R & D. One of the few
things that Obama has done right is that in 2009 in a directive he enabled greater cooperation
between NASA and the military. Why hasn't he listened to our suggestion!?!
      With NASA participation, we would have had a manned-version by now. We wouldn't
have to be dependent on Russia (humiliating!) to take us to and from the space station for
which we footed most of the bill - and their charging  an astronomically high price tag. The
private companies that fed gov is subsidizing to take us to and from station are woefully
behind schedule. (Subsidies are wrong.It should be done by risk capital investors not taxpayers!
There is no guarantee $$$s will be refunded. If some day, company shows a profit, we
(taxpayers) won't share in dividends!). X-37B continues to undergo development...
End subsidies to private companies like SpaceX to carry astros and cargo to space station. There
is no guarantee that they will pay taxpayers back; they certainly won't share dividends with us
(taxpayers) if and when they show a profit. (Wind and solar have been subsidized since early '80s.
Most still haven't shown a profit; some have but artificial - no profit if evil subsidy deducted from
determining profit).
Virgins to space! Virgin Galactic is into space tourism without a dime of taxpayer $$$s (subsidies).
They should be awarded a CONTRACT to bring astros and cargo to space station (See Facebook:
Second American Revolution; Pictured: Virgins SpaceShipTwo).

   Article Title:  Military's secret shuttle passes test, remains in orbit  To view the contents on, go to:   Message: We were the first, or one of the first, to propose a declassified version for  NASA reducing dependency on Russia.