Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Fwd: Science Falsely so Called/Beware of False Prophets

-----Original Message-----
To: rrdd3939@aol.coms
Sent: Wed, Apr 28, 2010 6:35 pm
Subject: Science Falsely so Called/Beware of False Prophets

(Editor's Note: Richard DePersio of "Cosmic Trinity" has adopted\
"NASA_Ares" at Twitter as part of effort to save "Constellation" Program
and restore NASA as main sci/tech economic engine. Shop for Charity.
More bargains - click just below top of an ad section to right to go to

Richard DePersio
   "Cosmic Trinity"all components listed

                    "O what a tangled web we weave,
                      When  first we practise to deceive!"
Walter Scott
                     "The ends justify the means."
                     "'No, no', said he, it is not a good imitation of
                      Johnson; it has all of his pomp, without his
                      it has all the nodosities of the oak without its
                      it has all the contortions of the Sibyl without
the inspiration.'"
                     "Never, no never, did Nature say one thing and
                      say another."
(It's an upset!; Scott was the favorite).

representing cattle in
libel lawsuit against U.N. scientists in cattle fart case. For over
five years, U.N. scientists (and we use
the term very loosely) have alleged that the amount of methane (a
greenhouse gas) in cattle farts was
a significant contributor to 'global warming.' Recently, they reversed
their position and stated the
contribution was modest. Apparently, the graph that they were using for
the past few years was upside
down with bottom up. A gay U.N. janitor  reported his discovery. PETA
is demanding a public apology
from the head of the U.N. and the head of the "U.N. Commission on
Climate Change". A spokesman
for the U.N. declared the an official and formal apology to cattle
world-wide over their farts was forthcoming.
      It reminds one of the recent revelation. that the 'hockey pucks'
(as Don Rickles would say) a.k.a. U.N.
scientists involving the creative so-called 'hockey stick' graph.Only
two out of seven of the major studies
on global warming indicated that moderate to large-scale global warming
was taking place caused by
humans or a change in the energy output of the sun or both (one study
indicated global cooling; four little
or no global warming). One(indicating GW) had shown that the average
temperature of the earth had increased by
1% between 1900 and 2007. In reality, the increase stopped or leveled
off in 1995. Emails of top U.N.
scientists were hacked showing that they were fudging the data from
1995 to 2007 showing a continuing
increase in temperature and their grant was renewed in 2007. We also
discovered a breakdown in the peer
review process with nearly all papers indicating contrary data not
being published in prestigious journals
of climatology.
     Within the past few weeks, the "U.N. Commission on Climate Change"
latest report was released and it received a grade of 'F'
from real climatologist's, meteorologists and atmospheric physicists
according to "Science
Daily." It wasn't reported by the dominant liberal media and I'm sure
public school children weren't told about
it on "Earth Day." We doubt that they were told that turning green
might actually be bad for the environment.
Liberal indoctrination is now part of science, English, math(yes) and
social studies. Liberals are hoping that
as they indoctrinate instead of educate in public schools that children
will 'teach' their parents to think
correctly - and this is a fact - - it's part of their program of
disseminating misinformation.
    Obama said it when he was running for president and after he became
president that Cap-and-Trade
energy reform will cause your energy bills to quadruple over the next
ten years. What is C&T? An
American company would have a cap on the amount of greenhouse gases
that it could generate from
it's factories but could exceed their quota by buying gas. No; not
cattle farts! They can purchase 'certificates
of gas' from a foreign company in a poor country which is small and
doesn't produce a lot of gas from it's
few factories. The poor company and the poor government will get it's
share of greenbacks for 'certificates
of gas' so that the American company can exceed it's limit and pass the
cost to the American consumer.
Does that sound like redistributing the wealth internationally instead
of the socialist (more redistributing
in communism) just domestically. Is Obama reaching for a higher level
then the RED  star.
Your children were told that green is good for the environment but
weren't told that taking green from their
father's wallet and mother's purse wasn't good for the family. You'll
have to make due on fewer green
vegetables (even though gov is suggesting and soon will order you to
eat more broccoli!) and forgo buying that new shirt
with the words: I've gone Green.

latest? "The Library of
Congress" wants Twitter to turn over all of it's tweets since it
started tweeting for historical purposes.
The White House said it would be involved with the "Commerce
Department" regarding the census -
something, as far as we know, has never been the case. There were
complaints. They reconsidered.
Do you believe it. If so, I have beautiful green trees at the Antarctic
for sale! The Constitution states that
ever ten years a census must be taken to gather the names of all
individuals occupying a household. Most
people got the short form which demanded more than that. A small
percentage got the long form which,
included questions on occupation, time you leave for work and number of
toilets in your abode (a place of
privacy?). LIBERTY.
       Obama wants to grant amnesty to the estimated 12 million
illegal's 'who come here to work' overnight
and to bring their underage children over if they aren't already here
and elderly parents. We are really
talking about 30 to 40 million. It's been estimated that over 2/3th
will register democrat  (last year we
presented our theory on the four ways that Obama could create virtually
one party system - long before
Glenn Beck). And, then, he wants everyone to be required to have a
biometric I.D. card which would
unable Obama to know where you are, what you drive, what you eat, what
you drink, etc. He claims
that it's for security reasons and to prevent illegals after they been
According to "Campaign for Liberty" (full disclosure: we
and contribute to this org): "This bill
is a statist's dream - - "amnesty" for illegal immigrants and a
biometric I.D. card for virtually everyone
else...That's right. Instead of controlling the border and enforcing
the rule of law, these statists want
to control you...Require all employers to purchase an "I.D. scanner"
to verify the I.D. cards with the
federal government. Every time any citizen applies for a job, the
government would know - - and you
can bet it's only a matter of time until "I.D. scans" will be required
to make routine purchases, as well...
Of course, the most dangerous part of the bill is the biometric
tracking technology which would allow
federal bureaucrats to track our every move...Allowing our government
to have this much "prying power"
in our lives will ultimately result in the TOTAL loss of freedom...This
is often the type of battle that often
decides whether a country remains free, or continues down a slide
toward tyranny. (Editor's note: The
"Campaign for Liberty" opposes while the "Cosmic Trinity".supports
"Patriot Act" Why? We believe that
'Founding Father's' would cut the president some slack when it came to
national and domestic security.
Further, the "Patriot Act is modeled after the same Act that was passed
and deemed constitutional to
go after the mafia - we argue that terrorists are worse then mafia - in
the late '60s but Hoover 'tough guy
in a dress' refused to use it.He socialized with mafia members and felt
that mafia problem should be handled by states
and localities. It took a great deal of adverse publicity for him to
finally and reluctantly go after
Vegas Mafia between approximately '53 and '63. He died in '73 or 4.
Nonetheless, the provisions
weren't applied until late '70s, especially, by Guillanni --reporter
non- Italian-speaking Italian, is spelling close?
Follow the dirty terrorists' money, random computer runs to create
lists of suspected phone numbers,
wiretap conversations between two terrorists or a terrorist and an
American with one-party outside of U.S.
or both parties outside of U.S. with call relayed across U.S.We're
talking 'I'll blow you up' and 'I'll chop off
your head' terrorists and not ordinary - we are glad that we're not one
of those Americans!). Government
goon squads with all our personal information - informations they do
not need (editor's note: how many
crappers do you have?) and constitutionally should not have - is a
recipe for disaster for our nation..You
see, once "well-meaning" government bureaucrats know exactly how we
live our lives, it won't be long
before they try to run them (editor's note: no comparison between Bush
'Patriot' and Obama 'Biometric')...
In fact, it will only be a matter of time until they spend their
workdays making sure you and I don't go
anywhere we "shouldn't," (editor's note: who violated Constitution
five times!) buy anything we "shouldn't,"
(editor's note: who had a super health care bill passed - which should
have been a proposed constitutional
amendment - written in secret and we are only beginning to learn some
of the details and the full truth about?)
read anything we "shouldn't," (editor's note: Who plans to regulate the
internet?) eat anything we "shouldn't,"
(editor's note: Who is unconstitutionally taking control of private
sector and unconstitutionally used 230 years of bankruptcy law as
toilet paper - get your head out of the toilet - - a government
bureaucrat's head belongs there!)
or smoke anything we "shouldn't."
Who will be the prisoners. They break the law by illegally
entering a sovereign nation and will be granted
amnesty and real Americans and those that are here legally will be
monitored and stripped of their Constitutional
rights! Liberal lie: 'Most of them come here to work.' One-quarter are
Italians, Egyptians, Russians, Germans,
Spaniards, Austrians, Swedes, etc. and three-quarters are Latino or
Hispanic (which ever term you prefer- two-
thirds of which are Mexican - - or, 50% of the total). They states that
border with Mexico are going bankrupt
for two reasons: unions and illegals. Liberal governors and county
executives and mayors order social workers
not to check for citizenship when someone applies for social services.
Their children get a 'free' (you pay for it)
education in U.S. public schools. The get 'free' emergency and
non-emergency care in hospital 'emergency'
rooms.Many commit crimes and form terrorists-like gangs. Some carry
disease and potentially some can be
terrorists. We aren't anti-immigrant, we are anti-illegal immigrant.
This isn't about racism, this is about crime(rape,
murder, hit-and-run, extortion, destruction of public and private
property, etc.) and greenbacks. Many Hispanics
who were born here or who came here legally and virtually all who live
in neighborhoods in the U.S. where
Latino gangs control want tough immigration laws! After amnesty, do you
really think Obama will seal the
border or just use black tape?
What if Congress doesn't pass Cap-and-Trade? Obama will have
E.P.A. do it!. You are being told - children -
to drive small cars which are lighter and deadlier in an accident
because Obama cares more about Al Gore science
and the lives of green grass then he does humans! There is an effort to
end a "National day of Prayer" established
by 'Founding Father's.' The "San Francisco School of Law" won't
acknowledge, partially fund and grant
space on campus for a Christian Club for not allowing non-Christians to
hold any office. This policy doesn't
apply to gay clubs, feminists cubs, liberal clubs, black clubs,
Hispanic clubs. The liberal media claims
that the War Against Christians is a Fantasy, meanwhile, Muslims have
basins at airports. Myth: moderate-Muslims.
There are very few of them. Mostly, there are radical Muslims and
potential radical Muslims; terrorists and
terrorists-in-waiting. It has to do with their schools and with how it
is deceptively taught in Indonesia. More Muslins
there then in Middle East. It has to to with subtleties. Time doesn't
surfice to explain. Surf ice it to say that we
saw a former Muslim woman on the 700 Club and a radical Muslim cleric
(being monitored in England) on Sky News
shown here on Fox both say that the Koran and Islam are violent and
that moderates can easily be made to
change their stripes. Jeremy Brett in the '80s and '90s in the "Return
of Sherlock Holmes" and "the Casebook of
Sherlock Holmes" British shows now shown on Ch. 21 in New York is the
best Sherlock Holmes save for
Basil Rathbone.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fwd: Again

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 7:45 pm
Subject: Again

ki                     Subtitle: Lousy Little Lying Liberals (nice alliteration; if we do say so ourselves!)
                                                     by Richard DePersio
                                former museum educator and guest college lecturer

        "Well, Golly," as Gomer Pyle would say... Recently, former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan
Greenspan blamed lib dems in Congress and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for
the economic/financial crisis by pressuring Federal Reserve Bank, Fannie and Freddie into pressuring
banks into giving mortgages to people with little or no credit on a large scale beginning in 1998. The
Washington Times points out that his recent testimony before a congressional committee investigating
the crisis received very little media coverage. The Times further points out that as a result of the scarcity
of coverage the Dem's new financial reform bill is more likely to pass thereby giving Washington
bureaucrats even greater control of financial decision-making. It will also make the federal government more powerful as we mover further away from the "Declaration of Independence," "The Constitution, including, the Bill of Rights," "the Jefferson Papers," and capitalism.
       We beg to differ with the former Fed Chairman. The few informed Americans have known the truth
for about a year and a half. Greenspan failed to mention that ACorn put a great deal of pressure on the
Clinton Administration in 1998 for the issuing of high-risk loans as well.And he failed to blame unions.He was negligent for failing to point the finger of guilt at all those responsible. The liberal-biased media blamed Bush
but the informed discovered that the 'compassionate conservative' continued the crazy program when he
became president in 2001 but when he perceived a problem and a potential crisis, he signed two
executive orders - one in 2004 and the other in 2005 - to rectify the situation - - unfortunately, to no avail.
The lib dems seized control of Congress and in 2006, Bush dispatched Republican Congressional leaders
to meet with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Barney Frank who refused to investigate the problem
and declared that Freddie and Fannie were in fine shape. Freddie and Fannie have been major campaign
contributors to Frank for many years and Obama in recent years. F and F are semi-independent federal
agencies ( we consider such entities unconstitutional). Is it legal for an organization that is part of
the government or semi-part of the government to make campaign contributions, especially, to politicians
who have jurisdiction over them?

       HOCKEY PUCKS (as Don Rickles would say) TO FANTASY FART-ERS...Who can forget the comic and infamous "Hockey Stick" Graph of the top Climatologist's a.k.a. liberal U.N. Hockey Puck and Pasticcio Nut
'Global Warming' scientists. And, the latest scientific 'discovery.' We had been told for about five years now
that there was so much methane (a greenhouse gas) in cattle farts that cattle farts were one of the major
contributors to 'global warming'. Oops. Recently, the ".U.N. Commission on Global Warming" declared that the data had been misinterpreted and cattle were wrongfully speared and that their farts were but a minor culprit.
"PETA" forced Fantasy Fart-ers to issue a statement apologizing to cattle world-wide. Source of Problem:
"FART GRAPH" was upside down with bottom up. 'Discovery'  made by one of the world's top gay U.N.

     LAFFER CURVE NO LAUGHING MATTER. Liberals don't get it because it defies common sense but so
does relativity and Quantum but has been proven to be true by theoretical studies and in actual practice.
Yo can raise taxes to the level in which there are diminishing returns: further increases in certain types of tax
will reduce revenue to government if raised any further and that cutting certain taxes can increase revenue. Obama has to increase taxes on middle class contrary to his campaign 'promise' because by allowing Bush tax
cuts to sunset means that he can't raise taxes much more on the rich. We have socialized medicine
contrary to what the "Big Liar" claims. Over the next four years, private health insurance companies will be a
front. They will be owned by the government and controlled by the government and the unions. They will
be private in name only that's why the "Big Liar" (20 counts of impeachment should be brought against him!)
told liberals not to worry that the terms "socialized medicine" or "single-payer system"  weren't in reform
bill. Like other nations with socialized medicine, you have to have a national sales tax of about 15% to support
it. The Bush tax cuts for the middle class aren't being renewed and, therefore, sales tax will generate
less money then expected. Bush stopped those who earned 40,000 or less from paying federal income taxes.
Obama will have to reinstate them but the increase can't be too large for the government will receive less
revenue. How will he be able to raise taxes to pay off national debt. Liberals won't let him cut out-of-control spending. Ten per cent of the value of of all the goods and services produced this year in U.S. equals the interest on the national debt and it will grow to 20% in 5 years and 90%!!! in 2025 courtesy of the Big Socialist/Potential communist. U.s. bonds have a Triple A rating. Technically, a country is to loose Triple A if
figure is 3%.Naturally, we are cut some slack because theoretically we are the richest nation in the world.

DOINGS; SO THEY DEMONIZE...Bush and corporations responsible for economic/financial crisis. Are
conservative defamatory. Yes. Just look at conservative vs. liberal websites. Liberals do far more name-calling
and it's of a far more evil nature. They lack facts. They demonized corporations on now government will
have greater control over them. Government and unions will continue rolling over and destroying everything:
public schools, Amtrack, postal system, airline and auto industries. JFK allowed government workers to
create unions in the early '60s and they did so during the '60s and the '70s and coupled with the genesis of
affirmative action, we have seen the quality of the government worker decline. Unions formed in the '30s and
by the late '70s and early '80s demands regarding salaries, benefits and pensions became progressively
more and more outlandish.

He never improperly capitalized on his fame and shunned the spotlight. After becoming
America's number one hero, we rarely heard from him. Armstrong has spoke: Obama is destroying the
U.S. space program. Virtually all Apollo astronauts with a few exceptions like national hero and "Dancing with
the Stars" competitor Buzz Aldrin who endorses Obama's plans for the stars (Why? It doesn't appear
to parallel Buzz's ideas; our next article will propose a plan for humans and the stars). The space shuttle is
being retired in a few months. America which was number one in space will have to beg the Russians for
a ride: to take our astronauts to and from the International Space Station for which we footed most of the
cost.Russia has made it clear that they are going to charge us an arm and a leg. If Obama had Bs, he tell Russia to stay away from OUR space station unless we fly for free! He only good for bowing. We won't be in the race to Mars. Obama cancels the Constellation Program which was to replace the shuttle, return Americans to the moon and take them to Mars and was conducting solar panel, nuclear power and ion propulsion research. NASA does pure science and technology: they say that for every dollar budgeted toNASA, you got  7 dollars back in spin offs and applications in the '60s; it's down to about 3 dollars now. Obama is destroying America and remaking it the way that ACorn, Ayes, Rev. 'Wrong' want it. Kepler spoke of the Music of the Spheres. Armstrong is dancing to Obama's Green Music!



Sunday, April 11, 2010


Editor's Note: This should be on flagship site: rickaddsite. Rickcosmos is again! We set a
minimum and a maximum goal for the first week of "Cosmic Trinity." We came in at the middle. We are
sending you 'Half a Thank You.' We want to give a special thanks to Google and StumbleUpon.
        Our most recent political articles are on this page. Please note: We were one of the first to talk
about the likelihood of Obama instituting a sales tax and since last year we scooped Beck five times!!!
We will soon have an article on economics for this site and the future of space exploration and our R & D
problem for rickscisite. Tomorrow, psychiatrist Dr. Walter Jacobson (                  will make a return appearance at to contribute another contribution to "Our Theory of Everything" Project. We hope it isn't the last.
        As far as my 'half cyber-friends,' I expect more from you. Check out "Cosmic Trinity" Network. I'm
confident that you will enjoy it. And, leave a comment or email a comment or something else that you would
like to see on the Internet.
ORGS and EDITOR is DISABLED and HOMEBOUND and a CYNIC. Prove to him that he shouldn't be the
latter: SHOP with US!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Editor's Note: We want to post all points-of-view. Please leave comments or email (rrdd comments and articles for possible posting. We desire: robust but civil
We contend - just to be provocative! - that Obama has broken the law 20 times, including,
5 violations of constitutional law. We further maintain that we have scooped Glenn Beck
5 times in the past year in our - sometimes, controversial - articles. Recently, he presented a political theory on how lib dems could create a one-party system ( a la
communism) which involved illegal's. It's eerily similar to a theory proposed by our
resident wordsmith Richard DePersio months ago!
Some of the articles confirming our contentions appear at this site, including, "Why You
should read Rickaddsite," "Triumvirate...Oligarchy," "The Dog Ate it," Triumvirate
Continued" etc. Please read and let us know if you concur. Please read for we wish
to demonstrate our political and economic skills to you. Thank you.