Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fwd: ADDed Article 3 Version 2 or Article 8 Version 4

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2010 9:21 pm
Subject: ADDed Article 3 Version 2 or Article 8 Version 4

                       by Mr. ADD Himself: RIchard DePersio

Editors Note: Rickcosmos (multiple personalities too?) was diagnosed by Doc L. as
having ADD after Doc. L. had known RC for three years (Rick hadn't had a medical doctor for over  fifteen years - podiatrists until 1995 who did more for his neuromuscular conditions then neurologists and orthopedists - prior to becoming Doctor L.'s patient in 2005). Rick suspected that he was unorthodox at 20 upon conducting introspection
regarding child- and teen-hood and merrily excepted what came nature and not by design.Two years ago, Doc. L. K. recommended that Rich read: "Driven to Distraction" by Edward Hallowell after thoroughly explaining condition to him. RD was on cloud 9!
While everyone had ADD to a modest extent, you can't claim to be a member of the club unless you have it to a moderate to large degree from childhood or adolescence.
In spite of his inability to ambulate, he did a cartwheel upon realizing that he had regular plus three other forms! It's great to be different!!! Recently, Doc K. recommended: "Why is it Always About You?-The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism" - somehow he doesn't think that he'll enjoy this book so much. Then again, you never know!

      February is one of the most important months of the year as three great men
were born in that month: George, Abe and (as O'reilly would say) this humble reporter.
Beginning at around 1910 at a modest scale by progressives and continuing with
their descendants the liberals in the 1950s and accelerating for the past 20 or so
years, there as been an effort to knock the Founding Father's down a few pegs in
an effort to replace their Federalist/Constructionalist Constitution with the so-called
progressive 'living' constitution. It's being done in most public schools, as well as, the
media. Let's look at a couple of examples: !) Jefferson fathered a baby with a black
slave in 1996 (no - that's not when he did the fathering - - although, many public
school students might think so if this writer doesn't point it out for their knowledge
of American history is parochial and revised by liberal history textbook writers; it
was the year the story broke - give or take a year - - having problems with recent
American history, are we? - and the media covered for for way more then 2 days which
meant that it had legs. A couple of years later, it was discovered that in all likely hood
it was his nephew - most of the media didn't cover it or glossed over it. 2) Was
George a Christian (this scribe can call him George because he and America's
four other greatest presidents - Tom, Jim, Abe and Ron - often drop by for good conversation and ale when their in the neighborhood). Liberals having been claiming
and teaching that 10% of the Founding Fathers were Christians, 40% deists (which
is a philosophy excepting God and heaven while rejecting miracles and prophesies
and isn't practiced for it isn't a religion) and 50 per cent atheists and agnostics. Other
public schools ignore religion in history altogether, in spite of the fact, it played
a major role - our children are being indoctrinated and in some cases and there are
big gaping holes in their education in other cases. As Friday would say: "Just the facts, ma'am - 90% were Christians (although, they didn't all subscribe to a particular religious denomination and some weren't regular church-goers), 7% were deists and 3 per cent atheists or agnostics.. The nation as a whole was 99% Christian and today
75 to 80% identified themselves as such and we have Judeo-Christian and capitalistic
based "Declaration of Independence," "Constitution, including, Bill of Rights" and 
laws predicated on common law and Christian theology. We are without question a
Christian nation. According to Dr. Peter Lillaback, author of: Sacred Fire," according
to his grandchildren, he often wrote sermons which he read to his wife Martha,
occasionally attended services and had many Christians friends. And, further,
Dr. Lillaback states that they would make for fine sermons today.
     Are you reading the words of a biased Christian. This writer stopped being a
Catholic at age 20, was an atheist from 20 to 30 and a agnostic and pantheist from 30 to ? What about now? As Number 2 would say: "That would be telling." Will reveal soonest. Interesting this writer supports the "Alliance Defense Fund" which fights
to protect the civil rights of Christians against the "American Civil Liberties Union"
which don't think Christians have them.

       According to Paul Gigot of the Wall Street Journal, the filibuster was rarely
used before 1900 and has been used progressively more and more since then.
In 1994, the filibuster couldn't be used for budgetary bills but would be unconstitutional not to be able to use it for other bills. The writer asks: why was it all of a sudden constitutional not to apply it to budgetary bills? Don't major constitutional changes - like major healthcare reform - - no constitutional authority for federal involvement in healthcare - - - require Constitutional Conventions? Dems in Congress say: Don't
bother me. Ask a constitutional expert. I make laws - constitution gives me that right.
Ask constitutional professor.

        According to Charles K. of Fox News: The U.S. Intelligence Estimate of 2007
claiming Iran had stopped developing bomb probably prevented Bush from making
surgical strikes on their nuclear and missile facilities. This writer feels report might
have been political. Long-time government bureaucrats sometimes undermine presidents. These are at the lower and some middle management level and staff
members (all civil servants) who have worked in Washington for many years. New
presidents can't replace all members of executive branch. Yes- White House Senior
Staff and their members for example, Chief-of -Staff and his subordinates, National
Security Advisor and his senior staff and some middle. Cabinet Secretaries and their
upper managers and staffs and some middle managers and their staffs.

                                     TO BE CONTINUED

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fwd: Sneak Peak: ADDed Article 3 (tentative name) DePersio(no space)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Feb 23, 2010 5:48 pm
Subject: Sneak Peak: ADDed Article 3 (tentative name) DePersio(no space)

February is one of the year's most important months. It is the month in which three great people appeared on earth: George, Abe, Rickcosmos (thanks for the millions of cards and letters; although, most of them weren't for me). I'm on a first name basis
with our five greatest presidents as they - George, Tom, Jim, Abe and Ron - visit
whenever their in town for good conversation and ale.

Was George a Christian? Liberal revisionists historians and reporters and most of them
are liberal have been making that claim for decades and in many public schools, teachers teach that he was a deist. This has been part of the plan to replace real Constitution with progressive 'living' constitution. Is Rickcosmos a Christian? Do he believe in God?

Sneak Peak - more like tease!

(While you are there, please check out: "Union of...China"; "Hockey Puck";
"Army Saying..." - if you already haven't. Switch to www.rickaddsite.blogspot. com
for: "we should have listened to Ross Periot" and 6-part: "DePersio Scoops Beck."

Part 2 of ? at

Saturday, February 20, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Feb 20, 2010 8:11 pm

                                                 by Richard DePersio
         New website:; is back 

THE UNION OF SOCIALIST (PERHAPS, SOCIALIST-COMMUNIST COMBO) STATES OF CHINA. Last year, we coined the phrase: Union of Socialist Secular States of America. At this juncture. we wish to revise it to the title of this article.
       Correction: we recently stated that China had begun becoming a developing nation in 2000 and had rapidly become one by 2005. We were way off the mark! It began becoming a developing nation in 1985 had become one by 1990. It's government owned banks began making loans to and purchasing U.S. Saving Bonds in that year; it has done so at a rapidly accelerating rate ever since. We would describe China today as a industrialized nation and predict that it will be a post industrialized nation (or service economy) within 5 years, This represents amazing, startling economic growth even surpassing our illustrious economic history! We owe China (and Japan and England in that order) more money then any other nation. It should be noted that China has been
selling some of our debt to it to Japan - as a character in "Laugh In" used to say: 
Interesting, very interesting.
      It explains and puts into perspective certain things like why we felt that Clinton was
guilty of a felony - receiving campaign contributions from a foreign country and a traitor by giving aid and comfort to the enemy in 2006 (missile technology). We maintain that it was the biggest of an unbelievably long list of scandals painted by Clinton but the least investigated; we assumed that it was the least investigated because the Republicans had just been burnt by Monica L (no attempt here to spell her last name!). The scandal: China wanted to purchase certain technology from the U.S. In the case of
certain types of technology and certain countries a special committee in the Department of Defense must give approval to the U.S. company to make the sale. It had decided in the negative on the grounds that due to the nature of the technology, China which is claiming that it wanted it for domestic use, could too easily use it in their missile development program. Clinton in an unprecedented act over-ruled the Department of Defense and told his Secretary of Commerce to make the call.
He saw nothing wrong with the transaction. China immediately applied it to their missile development. Al Gore and the Buddhist Temple. During the campaign of '96, Gore visited a Buddhist Temple in California and later claimed that he didn't know why he was there. Business as usual. It's as if he goes to Buddhist Temples every week. The following year, it's suspected that he had been collecting envelopes containing campaign contributions from the government of China - it is illegal for a foreign country to interfere with a U.S. election  in any manner, shape or form, especially, campaign contributions. The money had been laundered of course -  passing through many hands and organizations. The liberal so-called mainstream media virtually ignored the story. You had to take the little information that they were supplying and downplaying and couple it with reliable but outside the mainstream sources which was harder to do back then when there was only one cable news network - liberal-biased CNN and Fox and MsNBC infants and of no significance (Today, FOx dominates and MsNBC is still an infant!). There weren't many on-line political blogs and websites and virtually all were unreliable. You had to struggle to find information from reliable alternate sources for the liberals began controlling telelivision,newspapers, music industry. movie industry, as well as, public elementary schools, public high schools and public and private colleges in the '60s). Quid pro quo: sensitive missile technology in exchange for dirty campaign money. It troubled me though - even sleaze ball Clinton wouldn't
betray his country for money that he certainly could probably do without. It has gnawed at me all these years; we felt that there had to be more to the story. There's a lot of evidence but much has turned cold since then about these alleged monumental Clinton crimes. Recently, the nebula dissipated thanks to Glenn Beck and Charles K. (of Special Report on FOX; I won't attempt to spell his name) our debt to China was growing. A couple of years ago, Bush didn't make much of a fuss over tainted baby food made in China and sold here. Last year, Australia wanted to make a move to reduce it's inflation but China felt that the economic moves might have unfortunate ramifications for China. Australia didn't implement program. By the way, Australia is also deeply in debt to China.(Could this foreshadow America's future policy decisions?) There have been unconfirmed reports that the Obama Administration has instructed the C.I.A. and other intelligence-gathering agencies not to keep as close an eye on China. It is suspected that China has infiltrated our computerized infrastructure and made be capable of doing things like - if   not now but in the not too distant future - disrupting our power grids and gaining access to U.S. military secrets.We can be certain that there may never be a thorough investigation -  it would be a major crime for Clinton to have received the dirty money - felony; advanced Chine's missile program - treason! And, now, the CIA and our 13 other intelligence-gathering agencies may only have one eye on China!  And, is it because our government doesn't want the world, including, Americans to know how the RED, WHITE and BLUE is turning YELLOW!!!

We have contended that the unions destroyed the public school system, Amtrak, the postal system the airline industry and the auto industry with it's unreasonable demands. Union demands and much - not all - unnecessary government red tape and regulations - much of which are silly has resulted in higher production costs, overhead and prices ascending while prices and money left for R & D descending. Making American products and services less appealing to Americans and consumers
in other nations, the matter should have been handled by a bankruptcy judge who would have spread the pain to all involved. Unions are bad for business and consumers and worse for governments. Back in the '60s and 70s, we allowed federal, state and local civil servants to form unions. At least, when there are negotiates between large- and medium-sized companies' execs and union bosses, one side of the table is concerned with saving money and reducing costs. In his State of the Union Address, Obama stated that U.S. exports will increase 5-fold over the next 5 years (more likely prices!). Does he live in fantasy land. Is he an avatar in that virtual life website where there is money, stocks, houses, sports, stores, cars, etc. SOMEBODY PLEASE TURN OFF THE PRESIDENT'S COMPUTER!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fwd: RICKADDSITE has posted a comment to your profile

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 8:39 pm

                                             by Richard DePersio
                            check out new site:

       Dear Hockey Pucks,
       It's my term of endearment for those who bow at the alter of the infamous 'Hockey
Puck Graph and idolize the false prophet Al Gore and his disciples( U.N. scientists).
Scandal after scandal after scandal as world-renowned scientists commit the biggest
sin or crime: 'Thou shall not violate the scientific method" even in the name of the paper
chase: pursuit of or renewal of U.N. or government or university grants.
      Many, if not most, of you don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about because
it has been ignored or downplayed in the so-called mainstream liberal media. I talking
about nothing less then the biggest scandal in scientific history!
      It makes sense now. Ten years ago, a super-majority (60% or more) of Americans
subscribed to the view that large- or medium-scale global warming caused by humans
was fact. Within the last couple of years, the number dropped to below 50% with some
of them realizing that it was speculation, perhaps, theory and that there wasn't a general
consensus amongst scientists. This prompted the Chairman of the Democratic National
Committee to instruct democratic politicians to stop using the term 'global warming'
and replacing it with 'climate change' - a political marketing decision and not a
scientific one - in effort to get Americans to worry about faux science again. He did so at
the end of last summer. A few weeks later, I asked my nine year old niece if she
was learning about fake global science in school. She politely interrupted me and
said: "Don't you mean climate change?" It seems to me that the Chairman was not
only sending memos to democratic politicians but public school principals as well. Recently, this
reporter has come to suspect that the Chairman and other prominent democrats
new something that where just discovering. We have learned in the past few weeks -
well, some of us have learned - that certain scientists with impeccable reputations,
especially, those associated with the U.N. Commission on Global Warming were
falsifying data, suppressing those with alternate views from being published in
prominent climatology journals, the peer review process had collapsed, they were
using data from masters degree students, data had mysteriously disappeared, using magazines like, "Mountain Climbing." A hacker discovered emails being sent
among these fake scientists on how to fudge  the data and later they were
emailing each other about ways to cover their tracks. Apparently, the earth's average
atmospheric temperature had increased by 1/2 of a degree between 1895 and
1995 (according to them) which they attributed to the Industrial and post- industrial revolutionary
periods - factories, oil, cars, etc but then the warming stopped - leveled off beginning
in 1995. They must have been alarmed about loosing their precious
grants. They also determined that there was a warming period between 1000 and
1400 A.D. (not warm enough and too short to be considered an inter-glacial period)
which they couldn't explain and opted to tape their months shut and besides they
a more immediate problem: what happened to global warming between 1995 and
2000. Solution: Violate the Holy Grail of Science: the Scientific Method! The most
creative was their artistic creation: the Hockey Puck Graph.It continues to flat line to this day.
       It would appear to this reporter that, perhaps, the Chairman and some other
democratic bigwigs got wind of it last year. Global Warming had become like
a religion to the Democratic Party. And, maybe, another motivation for the name
change was: Global warming was the number one environmental 'problem' with
other ones being in a distant second, we better shift the focus in the event that
the truth sees the light of day - we must continue to deceive stupid Americans.
Where democratic politicians go so does most of the media. Were they executing
a pre-emptive action?
      This reporter is proud to say that predicated on his scientific background had
concluded in 1993 that run-away global warming (remember: global warming in
and of itself is a good thing; we couldn't exist without it but liberal politicians and liberal scientists were using the term  inappropriately - saying global warming instead of run-away global warming and had forgotten about the albedo effect: cooling which balances warming creating a livable steady-state) was highly improbable. In 2005, I saw the results of the five recently released major studies.The NASA study using satellites to measure temperatures at various levels in the atmosphere (over the past 10 years, the tree ring study, climate change (more on that momentarily) and  one other (ADDed, again) indicated that little or no increase in temperature had taken place over the last 100 years while only one did indicate significant warming - it was based on surface temperatures which, by the way, are reliable on land but not so reliable at sea. Getting back to the climate study of the past one hundred years indicating 0 to a 1/4 of percent increase it didn't get widespread media coverage. I garnered the information from science magazines like "Science Digest" and the Internet, including, NASA's website.
      I just realized something: I'm a scientific prophet - I knew about 1995-2000
ahead of most people! I could have been famous. I should have used  my
big crystal balls and predicted what has unfolded over the past three weeks.
     By the way, two more major studies were released last year. One indicated that
there would be a 2% rise in temperature over the next hundred one years - and they
can't even accurately predict the weather over the next week! And that it was being caused by humans or a change in the energy output of the sun or a combination of both.The other showed that 'Global Cooling' was the name of the game! And, the
lousy, little, lying liberals have been telling you that this was settled science since
2000. (Notice that this article is on one of my political websites not my scientific
    Congress can't pass cap-and-trade energy energy reform as a result of public skepticism regarding global warming or climate change and public opposition to the bill. Your messiah president is going to do an end-run around the American public and get his unpopular energy reform by executive order and the EPA. He's thumbing his nose at Americans - again!!! Expect your energy bills to quadruple over the next ten years and your standard of living to lower because of the pistachio nuts to no avail as China which is just beginning to taste a higher standard of living has know intention but to maintain it's high pace in oil drilling in Africa and factory building at home. Obama is going to make you suffer in vain! And, what if cooling is taking place we would be harming not helping the environment. China is right.
       We should be concerned with energy independence with a rational concern
for the environment - the sky, my friends, isn't falling. And, now, believe it or not, U.N. scientists are claiming that the increase in snow is evidence of global warming. Between 1977-1979 they claimed the increase in snow was prove of global cooling!
     Normally, it would take years, if not decades, for a field or an organization to
regain respectability after a scandal of such proportions. Hockey Puck Liberals are
protecting their imaginary melting ice rink! Farewell, it was fun while it lasted, fairy tale...
                                                                                    Frosty the Snowman,
                                                                                    With warm Wishes, Rick

Monday, February 8, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Feb 8, 2010 10:05 am

        Dear Steve...nay, I'll use his real name...Topper...some of of know him,
        A few weeks ago, Dr. K. told me that he was considering writing on article on healthcare
indicating where he agreed and where he disagreed with me. I told him that is what I want for our
readers: unlike public elementary schools, public high schools and public and private colleges,
as well as, the mainstream media, I relish the idea of a diversity of opinion so the reader and not
the government, the teacher, the entertainer, the journalist can make educated choices, as opposed
to being indoctrinated into liberal philosophy and not developing  their cognitive, analytical,
discernment skills.
        I want you to write an article including the following: why you think that elements of socialism
are necessary to save capitalism; why we should transition from a capitalistic/socialist economy mixed economy to a socialist economy; why you equate unions with middle management; why you think that the Cuban medical and educational system is better then we think and that 90% of the population isn't poor; why you think capitalism failed; why you don't think NASA should be a top priority; why you think that Bush - father and son - are to blame; why you want more FEDERAL government involvement in state and local governments, businesses and our personal lives; etc.
        We covered so much. I have to stop. My fingers hurt!
                                                                 CAPITALISM IS THE BEST SYSTEM ON PAPER;
                                                                 IT'S PEOPLE WHO SCREW IT UP!,
                                                                 Rick DePersio
P.S. Re: your ideas about Cuba. You told me that you've been there. Is that your only source of
information. What's that guy's name: he made about five lying liberal documentaries,including,
"Bowling for Columbine" and" Fahrenheit 911" and I think his last one was on healthcare and
featured Cuba - I don't consider him a reliable source nor do most Americans. His first doc was
moderately successful and it's been downhill ever since with his last one doing modest performance
at the box office.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Mon, Feb 8, 2010 1:53 am

       Dear Steve.
       I wish to pay you a compliment: you present liberal and socialist concepts better then the
so-called political pundits I hadn't had an intellectual work-out like that in years. You are indeed a worthy opponent. Thanks for the cerebral stimulus. But there are two floors in your thinking.
       They are 1) The Founding Father's created a Federalist/Constructionalist Constitution predicated
on Judeo-Christian principles and classic market liberal economics (later known as capitalism).
       Problem: add-ons, such as unions; signing statements, expansion of federal role; creation of
semi-independent federal agencies such as the Federal Reserve Bank; progressive income tax; etc.
       Solution: allow market forces determine interest rates; apply Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights and define commerce clause the way the Founding Father's defined it; create a flat tax; reduce the
cooperate income tax; place limits on unions; stop expanding the welfare state; investing in R & D on the scale of the past.. Capitalistic solutions.
      They are 2: Basically, capitalism is the greatest economic/political system ever created - the
problem lies with people not the system: Clinton allowing people with little or no credit to receive
mortgages in 1998. Democrats not permitting an audit of the Fed and reigning in unions (which destroyed the public school system. Amtrak, the Postal System, the airline industry and the auto industry).. Senator Frank refusing in 2006 to examine Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac once that domino fell so did the others: commercial banks, investments banks, combos, Wall Street, auto industry.               Part of it is institutional: the socialistic concepts introduced by Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson - - - worst of all Obama.
      Secondly people. You can create a perfect economic/political system on paper but once you
introduce people into the equation you screw up the works.
       It's fascinating that economically China and Western Europe (and Eastern Europe after the
fall of communism) are moving toward homegrown forms of capitalism while Obama takes us in
the direction of traditional socialism with possible future elements of communism.
      Restore power to the states, localities and the people (Amendment 10) which is the way are system is suppose to operate: bottom-up not top-down. The federal government can't spend it's way to long lasting prosperity( a la Obama; FDR tried it in the '30s and Japan in the'90s) and we must once again place the individual above the group if you want creativity, innovation, and productivity.
                                                                                                     Yours Truly,
                                                                                                      George, Tom, Jim and Rick

Saturday, February 6, 2010



EDITOR'S NOTE: rickcosmos' (Richard DePersio) high school teachers and college professors
would have a field day with article and supplement and utterly relish giving him a BIG FAT 'D' and
he would enjoy it immensely!! He wrote articles back then and not book reports and term
papers to their dismay and frustration. They would turn the BIG FAT 'D' into a BIG FAT 'F' because
of the supplement with a preface and a game. Let the ADD good times roll. He hated school and
driving teachers up the proverbial wall but took great proud in his self-education.
       Let the games begin...There was a New Year's contest at group site: The three questions were: 1) Who was the Patron Saint of hookers; 2) Who remembers Topper and Harvey; 3) What odd couple is alleged to be members of the "Illuminati" (Saw movie "Angels and Demons" but that won't help you with question)?
      The prizes: a BIG WET KISS for one correct answer, two BIG WET KISSES for two correct
answers and five BIG WET KISSES for three correct answers (by reservation only). Everyone is
eligible except homos and you must be a female between the ages of 18 and 70. (Answers at
end of supplement; don't peek; honors system: you can only collect your prize if you can refrain 
from peeking - which is hard for girls to do!). (The end of preface shouldn't be red' Just realized it
and too lazy to rectify it (memories of school days!).

"Journey from the Earth to the Moon" Western Europeans, especially, the smelly French have
 always looked down at us (The British are true friends). Yet, Jules Verne, Frenchman, was a
visionary and science prophet (he and the Englishman, H.G. Wells, are called the "Fathers
of science fiction; although, there are those who only recognize one - it has been a raging debate for decades. Wells was a science teacher and Verne was self-educated in science and had
many friends who were scientists. They were science science-fiction writers. Is your ADDed
reporter going off on a tangent!) who chose a site in Florida not far from today's space center. Why would he think that the first flight to the moon would take place from the U.S. and
not his beloved France. How unlike a Frenchman not to be a snob!. He believed that the U.S. had great potential and would soon be number one in science, technology and economics. He
penned his book in the 1860's. It was around 1920 that we began our move to number one and 1946 when we achieved  the trophy! Verne was indeed a science prophet! In
a fit of madness they gave us the Statue of Liberty circa 1880 for our growth as a nation, 
in the hope that we would remain true to our ideals and that France would move in the direction that we had chosen. So un-Frenchy! Our growth  in the '40's - atomic age, the '50's - the television age and the '60's - the space age. Problems began in the '70's when we reduced spending on the space agency - a unique federal program which benefited so many of the sciences and was at the cutting edge of developments in electronics, computer technology, micro miniaturization, engineering (other government programs are limited to just one thing) which enabled our enemies in World War 2 - Germany and Japan - which we rebuilt after the war and set them on the right path in science and technology to began breathing down our necks in a close second. Germany fell after it reunited in 1990 and was replaced by China in 1990s. Today, we still have the world's richest and biggest economy but it is shrinking .Japan is number 2. It is expected to be replaced by China by 2012. China was expected to replace us in 2025 - now, courtesy of Obama could occur in 2015. Science and technology
have been the engines of the economy since the Industrial Revolution and now we are number
one in very few areas - one of which is improving existing and creating new medications.
Japan is number one in the most important area: computer/robotic technology. China was a
third-world nation until 1990 when they became a developing nation. They are now an industrialized
nation. They will be a post-industrialized nation (or service economy) within 5 years. It makes you dizzy. They moved through the phases even more rapidly then us! 
       It is broke but can be fixed. NASA only receives 1/10th of 1% of the federal budget. It
should have the budget that it enjoyed in the '60's adjusted for inflation. Obama wants to cancel Orion - Version one to replace space shuttle, version two return Americans to the moon and version three take humans to Mars!.Instead, thanks to the un-American will will have to beg the Russians for a ride to the 'International Space Station' international my foot! It was largely built with American money - when our money was worth something internationally! With it's usual collateral benefits in other areas - unlike other government programs - medicine, solar energy, ion energy, nanotechnology and applications from home to car to office to factory..Once again, there will be a couple of nations in the world in second place but a distant second place. Obama is unwilling to take broken and put in that thing that they use to crush cars. He'll throw good money after bad instead of reorganizing social programs. The red-white-blue will soon be yellow!

HOOKERS AND OTHER THINGS...Hint: December. Santa Claus - more precisely, Saint
Nicholas, who amongst other things purchased 6 hookers from a pimp (or whatever, they
were called about 1600 tears ago. There is no truth to the rumor that he was a party guy.
Although, there is no record of what became of the 6 pros! Catholics - Roman and Orthodox -
are angry with me. Wait a minute, didn't the Pope demote him in the '70's. No compromising
photos surfaced - there was no photography back then. What about the Shroud of Turin.
I don't want to get in trouble was all Christians.
       There were a movie and a sequel in the '40's about Topper and a T.V. series in the '50's.
e people have bad memories and think Topper was the ghost - the ghost were Merriam and George.
       Harvey was a 6' tall invisible rabbit in the movie "Harvey" starring Jimmy Steward in the'40s.
       According to Wikipedia, the Illuminati, "is the name a several groups, both historical and
modern and both real and fictitious." Further, it is rumored that members of this 'secret society'
include Bush and Obama!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fwd: "There's an Old Army Saying: If it Ain't Broke Don't Fix it!" Version 3


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 9:15 pm
Subject: "There's an Old Army Saying: If it Ain't Broke Don't Fix it!" Version 3

                                                   by Richard DePersio
  (all websites listed at group site)
                    Certified Media Placement Specialist, "Global Cash Flow Network."

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Tue, Nov. 7, 2010 5:39 pm
Subject: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It! Updated and Expanded

                                             Preface: ADDed Article Two
Beck Correct (ed). Recently, Glen Back declared that our rights came from God and strongly
implied that the members of the First Congress were divinely inspired as many contend that the
scribes of the Old Testament and the disciples of the New Testament were.
       George Washington was Chairman of the Constitution Convention which composed the
historic document and James Madison was it's chief contributor. The Constitution concerned
the powers granted to the federal government. The second section was written by a congressional
Committee and passed by the full Congress after extensive debate known as the "Bill of Rights" (which spelled out the people's rights). The daily sessions of the Convention, as well as,
the daily sessions of Congress began with a prayer for divine guidance. Many, if not most, don't
believe that the Holy Spirit wrote it through humans as is the case with the New Testament. Most
would state that they were mortals writing on behalf of what they perceived to be God's wishes -
rather presumptuous wouldn't you say! The did make it clear that there could be no more rights
and that oversized bills or  major overhauls or bills with profound societal impact had to be written in the form of an Amendment to the Constitution.
       Democrats are claiming that Healthcare reform is a new RIGHT and this reporter maintains that
are majority of Americans (or rather, the few who are informed) that it constitutes a bill  of such proportions as to demand state involvement (don't forget Amendment 10 and the financial burden it will place on the 50 states)and, therefore, should go through the amendment process. Especially, in light of the fact that the most recent poll indicates that only 35% of Americans support it!
      Our Constitution was written by men who hoped that they were reflecting the view's of God or
Nature's God when it came to defining the rights of the citizenry and that major change could only
be achieved through the amendment process. They didn't want it easy to fiddle with the Constitution. Further, the Founding Father's believed that the governments powers came from the people - and, yet, the liberals are creating a monstrosity behind closed downs - exercising powers they weren't given - created a new right as they've said in their own words (202-224-3121) without letting us peek. Health reform isn't about health but a power play by a socialist president and his congressional cohorts to take away what we call "God-given Rights" from the people and the lousy, little, lying liberals have promised to  extend it's scope and built upon it! Somehow, they will couple it with the commerce clause. (What's with the phone number and the red?!).
Perhaps, you've seen the T,V, commercial: "Reporters Gone Wild"? Richard is featured in it! This
editor cuts his ace reporter, rickcosmos (a.k.a Richard DePersio), a lot of slack.                             We are going for something unorthodox here perhaps unique. An article consisting of a title,a preface/subtitle combo, a preface, a preview of an upcoming article, sectional
titles and an epilog and an addendum to a preface! (Pretend that it's all been red up to this point).
As Groucho Marx would say: You Bet Your Life...I never heard of a major broadcast network giving a president an hour of prime-time real estate to promote a program that's steadily loosing public support primarily because of it's astronomically high price tag (what results are there to show for the 8,000,000,000,000 dollar, 8-year stimulus package thus far!?Most of which isn't really stimulus). I won't name the network - why give aid, comfort and publicity to an enemy Yet, they did it a few months ago.The mainstream Obama bias has been a continuous and never-ending stream for over a year and a half.The bias went from subtle in 1967 to subtle and occasionally blatant beginning in 2004. Now, anchors, moderators, hosts and reporters are cheerleaders. Shockingly, we're beginning
to see clots in what we had prognosticated to be never-ending stream - not that their having problems with his policies but the lethargic process of his achieving the liberal laundry list.
America enjoys the most advanced medical technology in the world. Why do liberals believe that a major and expensive overhaul of the Healthcare system is necessary? They just love spending your hard earned paycheck. Expect taxes in many areas  to go through the roof next year and not just on the super-rich! The democrats won't do it this year (except, perhaps, modestly) because it's a non-presidential election year. Liberals believe in hurting the many for the sake of the few. Only twenty percent lack health insurance - this necessitates a major overhaul as opposed to a little fine-tuning? Who doesn't have health insurance?Bums but they can get emergency and non-emergency medical care in any hospital emergency room for free just like any illegal aliens (one of the perks they receive for breaking the law: entering a sovereign nation illegally .Young people in their twenties who shun it if their employer doesn't pay a hundred per cent of it - they think that they are invincible to
disease or injury because of their youth! And those who can't afford it and their employer can't afford to pay all or half like large corporations do. There is a simply inexpensive, private sector solution: associations (please read ATBTC by this writer on this website). Allow a group of small- and medium-sized businesses to for associations. They will be totally autonomous except when it comes to health insurance for their employees. They can purchase in bulk and thereby get a discount. You have to pay full price if you have less then  a hundred employees but if as an association you can say that we have over a hundred employees - you will be about to afford to pay all or half of the insurance.Granted the discount wouldn't be as large as that of a cooperation with thousands or tens of thousands of employees.It will raise the number insured from 80% to 85 to 87%. Allow health insurance companies to compete in other states. Right now, the competition is limited to a single state - greater competition means lower premiums. After all, auto insurers can compete regionally or nationally - it's their call. This will result in an increase from 85% to 87% of workers with health insurance to 90% to 92%. One hundred per cent is impossible to achieve (universal). It constitutes a capitalistic solution and would A) Cost the taxpayer nothing! Liberals would suffer sleep deprivation or a hell of a lot worse - some might contemplate, if not, perform suicide! and B) It would achieve over 90% insured which the Obama plan promised but won't achieve - only 85% to 88%. Remember: it's primarily about dramatically enhancing federal power and healthcare secondarily.And, it wouldn't force younger Americans to get heath insurance or be fined which is  unconstitutional like forces banks that received bailout money to do certain things is unconstitutional - you can't signal out certain members within a particular group for selective treatment.
        Universal health care means socialized medicine in spite of what the lousy, little, lying liberals (do you like the alliteration?) are telling you. Have you heard any of the horror stories about countries like England, Japan and Canada with government-controlled socialized medicine like having to wait up to two weeks to see a primary physician and up to three months to see a specialist or a lab. technician! Liberals claim that you will have a choice between the government program and a private program. I told my doctor that the government will determine how much he can make and his already high medical malpractice insurance will go higher. It requires the creation of 153 new bureaucracies being created even if they drop the government option. Government lawyers, clerks and accountants will make medical decisions for you and not you and your doctor.(Liberals have to appease
trial lawyers and,further, with price controls on medication will mean less money spent on pharmacology R&D). In 2013,  those who have private insurance will be taxed unless your a union boss or a union member - only they will have choice and you can be sure they will prefer private insurance but there will no longer be private companies. Non-unionized workers will form or join existing unions in order to no longer be taxed for having private insurance. And then the government will drop the second shoe: increase taxes on private insurance companies putting them out of business. With so many new union members the unions will have a lot more
money to contribute to the Democratic National Committee, state and local democratic committees and individual democratic candidates  ---   taking us one step closer to a one-party system...
Like some girls use to say: What You See is What You Get...(I was remiss: don't forget about the health care czar -of course, you can't see him; please read The Invisible Government on this website).  Please call: 202-224-3121(you were wondering about that number at the top of the article) to get the phone number of your U.S. Senators - you don't have to know their names - - most stupid
Americans don't - - - but you have to meet the congressional operator half-way - - - - you must find out the name of the state in which you live! Ask a family member or a co-worker or a friend and plan on spending hours, if not, days trying to find someone with that information. (This shouldn't be in
purple - except the phone number - looks nice though, we'll keep it - - it might take hours, if not days to found someone to correct it!).  They might vote on healthcare reform this week - - it's too late to leave it to the other guy!). The union gofers will be overflowing with new member and new money. Step Two: Bring back the Equal Time law to muzzle moderate and conservative voices. Step Three: Take away the secret ballot so that union strong men can strong-arm you into voting in favor of a union at your place of employment. PLAN 9 FROM ALIEN SPACE: Those who come here
legally have to wait five years to become citizens and can only bring their underage children and elderly parents. Illegals will be rewarded for their crime by being granted amnesty and becoming citizens overnight and be allowed to bring over their under and overage children, elderly parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. You keep hearing the figure of 12 million what where really talking about is 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 million and the cost of their health care, education and social services not that many aren't already receiving these services  because of liberal governors and mayors - which constitutes a crime! It's estimated that over 2/3 will register democrat. Are we becoming
a socialistic or a communist nation? The President and the Congress have already broken the law 17 times, including, Constitutional Law four times. It won't mean anything when you virtually have only one party!
Get Smart...'I've been telling people for years that the unions ruined the school systemthe airline industry, Amtrack, the postal system, and now the auto industry and so Obama rewarded them with ownership and management of GM! And, we have given dozens of examples  that our children aren't being educated but indoctrinated into the liberal philosophy. Pravda -Russia's largest
newspaper states that Obama is doing the things that were done in the the former Communist Soviet Union, including, the dumbing down of children in public schools. A few months ago, it hit home. I now pocess my own anecdotal evidence: I was talking to my eight year old niece Alexa (namedropper; you should have gotten Diane and Andre' permission before naming their daughter; oops, I revealed their names too;  they might not prefer to be associated with this guy because of his mildly controversial views). We  think like most parents they want to know the truth bt are being misled by principals and teachers.. Where was I...I've been ADDed again...oh, yes...I was telling Alexa the truth about global warming - real science vs. Al Gore science - after all, she is only supplied with one perspective on issues in her classroom. She
interrupted me a said: "Don't You Mean Climate Change?" It was less then two weeks earlier that the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee had instructed democratic politicians to switch from'global warming' to 'climate change' because Americans weren't buying it: large scale global warming caused by humans. They teach our children that glob --- I'm trying so hard to be  PC --- climate change is scientific fact. The only fact is: scientists have not yet come to a consensus. Is there large- or moderate- or modest global warming (We tried, We really did try, we're just not made from P.C. cloth - prayer that Apollo forgives us!). caused by humans or a change in the energy output of the sun or both or no global warming and is global cooling the name of the game.
And, further, the bulk of the so-called green contracts are going to GE (owner of NBC which was virtually an arm of the Obama campaign - we can't jeopardize them. It was a marketing decisionnot a
scientific decision regarding the name change for a largely scientifically illiterate  public and the so-called science being taught in the public classroom. Our little ones pay the price. It's imperative that children learn real science as our society becomes more and more scientific and technological and that they are told more then one point of view in all subjects so that they can acquire analytical skills. It wouldn't surprise me if the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee sends memos to public school principals!
As they used to say in the T.V. series Laugh in: Sock It to ..Most of the stimulus package hasn't stimulated gold bullion in heat (whatever that means). My friend received a so-called stimulus check and he socked to the liberals. He distributed it as follows: one-third went to the Alliance Defense Fund which does battle with one of the two most dangerous liberal organizations there is: "The American Civil Liberties Union" (the other is "ACorn"). The U.C.L.U. doesn't think that Christians have civil rights (in spite of the fact that my friend isn't a Christian exactly); one-third to the
Campaign for Liberty which favors state and people rights and not a federal government with czars lurking in the shadows.And the administration promised to be open and transparent.; the final third to the child that he sponsors in Honderous..Obama and co-president Nancy Polusi are fuming.
As Jackie Gleason use to say: How sweet it is...Pure science: the acquisition of knowledge for knowledge's sake; increasing man's storehouse of knowledge. It's a beautiful thing. Applied science or technology: making life more livable and pleasant and enjoyable; it's practical. We claim that NASA is the most important federal program save for The Department of Defense, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Justice, F.B.I.- you get the idea. Do you think that rickcosmos belongs in a celestial rubber room!? Visit NASA or or just NASA
and check out NASA IN OUR LIVES, TECHNOLOGY AND NASA HISTORY and you'll get just a taste of how NASA has affected your life over the past few decades and most of you weren't even aware of it. NASA focuses on
astronomy andspace exploration (pure science) and all forms of engineering (applied physics) but is multi-faceted benefiting medicine, botany, zoology, meteorology, communications, household devices, oceanography, physics, transportation, fire-fighting and so much more.Making it a unique federal program. We are members of the NASA team having joined My NASA and we hope that our nieces join NASA's Kid's Club.
                                                                 DEAL OR NO DEAL
Is Our Future in the COSMOS or in COMMUNISM...Time is running out - Have you called 202-224-3121. You don't need to know your congressman's name but you do have to know the name of the state in which you live! Let him or
a member of his staff know that you don'\t want to live in a 'nanny state' and have a government that takes care of you from cradle to grave. And that you don't want Big Government to be in charge of your medical decisions and you like associations and not a plan that will cost ?,000,000,000,000 of dollars. Contact your governor, your state legislators, may and councilman and tell them you want more local and citizen powers. Look in to the Alliance Defense Fund, The Campaign for Liberty, thand the 912 Project (Glenn Beck's baby - we'll return to him shortly. (The computer has a mind of it's own!). Remember: we are talking about ??,000,000,000,000. You and your children will have to pay the piper. Watch your energy costs go higher while the government gets more green - you have less green!!!
                                                 ADDENDUM TO PREFACE
Perhaps, we're nitpicking regarding Glenn? Hey, we did plug his not-for-profit organization. It's
just that we have big heads here: umbrella organization: and flagship website: rickaddsite - after we scooped Beck BIG TIME a few months ago (Read:
"Triumvirate...Oligarchy" series.")..
       Most of the Founding Fathers's were Christians and were members of a particular denomination and some were deists (it's a philosophy were believe in God and Heaven is arrived at through reason -they did live during the Enlighten- but don't believe in miracles, prophecies and telemetry of any sort
between God and human). A few might have thought that they were inspired by the Holy Spirit
while most hoped that they were accurately reflecting the wishes of God.
      Congress' claim of creating a RIGHT is unconstitutional. We think that they are creating a
negative right: it will give them the pretext and the foundation of stripping us of rights under the
guise of new rights. What should we do regarding American History in public schools, a Constitutional Convention to reign in federal power, Nullification Doctrines, energy production, the protection of the sanctity of traditional marriage - we'll tackle those issues and more in our next 'variety' article. We just realized that we used a variety of colors but not GREEN. Plants be praised. We are now prostrate before an artificial flower as we chant and as we...