Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fwd: OUR CHOSEN PEOPLE - Part Two...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 1:52 pm
Subject: OUR CHOSEN PEOPLE - Part Two...

                                    OUR CHOSEN PEOPLE - Part Two
                     by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Irving Penner
RD: "Studio audience held over at no extra charge." CJ: "What in blazes are you talking
about? They weren't charged - should have been!" RD: "What about the pleasure that
the ladies gave us - priceless!
Jews suffered more in history than any other group bar none: being enslaved or tortured or
evicted or rendered second class by Egyptians, Assyrians, Mesopotamians, Romans, Germans.
Palestinian Arab suicide- and car bombers, others. Germans marched some into gas chambers,
others were sent to labor camps were many worked until they dropped - dead, still others
had heinous medical experiments conducted on them, as well as, being tortured: forced to
engage in incest, honey being placed on vaginas and vaginas exposed to bees, etc. The
kikes suffered unmercifully.
Blacks (we always say 'blacks' not African-Americans because the Rev. Jesse Jackson
ordered everyone to do so in 1988 - and, we don't take orders from the Rev. Jesse Jackson)
have the audacity to complain about their brand of slavery!
Most Heebs immigrated to American from Eastern Europe in the 1880s and '90s. Some entered
into crime with some becoming gang members and, later, part of organized crime a long
with the Irish but not on the scale of our ginny friends. By the 1950s, they had largely exited
the crime scene. Others went into entertainment and during the last century to the present
much of upper and middle management at television networks, movie studies and record companies
are Jews. Over 50% of stand-up comics were Jewish prior to the 1970s. This in spite of all the
suffering that they have endured. They remember the past which makes them strong. They
don't use the past as a crutch like black leaders and liberal white politicians tell niggers to do.
Others went in to the garment industry, especially, in Manhattan - the Garment District and
played a major role in making New York City one of the three Garment Capitals in the world -
the others being Paris and Malin. They played a significant role in empowering unions in the '30s
and '40s. Their role in the industry has declined since the '50s but their unions have done
great harm with unreasonable demands. since the '80s, the manufacturing arm of the Garment
Industry has declined and moved to locales such as China. The rest of the industry might exit
as well which would constitute a major blow to New York's economy.
A temporary A.D.D. Aside brought to you by Adderall and Marijuana (the better pick-me-upper):
Morally and Financially Bankrupt California Leads the Way for
States or Whole Nation. Don't be fooled by the apparent innocuous name: "Student Non-
Discrimination Act" which presently has 147 co-sponsors in the House (HR 998) and 34
in the Senate (s. 555). It will require in the already sexually explicit public school sex ed:
graphic description of homo sex (and may apply to private, including, religious schools as
well. It is the reason libs oppose school choice, they don't like what most private schools
do: don't teach homo or teach as sin). Purge religious references deemed by homo students
to be offense. It will necessitate math problems with homo characters and history classes
about the struggles of gays and lesbos against oppressive pro-family establishment. It will
encourage experimentation with 'different' lifestyles as early as first grade (read law). (homos
born that way, do libs REALLY believe that? Or, do that want to increase their numbers-see above).
Libs just love creating rights which are unconstitutional and don't exist in the Bill of Rights. Homo
students will be exempt from punishment for propositioning, harassing and sexually-assault-
ing their classmates.
Do you remember, Nancy Pelosi, saying of Obama-care: "Pass it to find out what's in it" ? We
are still finding out what's in it. It took a few decades to get marriage penalty (which discouraged
couples from marrying and encouraged living together) out of federal income tax. Lib attack on
marriage rears its ugly head again - this time in Obama-Care for poor and lower middle class to
be eligible it would be  a disadvantage to have a married/combined income.
Legislating immorality: abortion; social programs; same-sex marriages; gays in military;
healthcare; exorcising prayer and Bible and Moral Code in public schools; mandating perverted
sex ed; so much more.
Human defined: 46 chromosomes; humans have 46 from conception. Body has to create
special hormones to prevent killer-cells in immune system from attacking germinal (fetus)
because it is not of the body - half chromosomes from mother and half from the father - -
unique individual. So much for the argument: It's the women's body and only she should
THE END of MARRIAGE as WE KNOW IT: H.R. 1116/s 598 is sponsored by 127 in the
House and 29 in the Senate thus far. It calls for the repeal of "The Marriage Protection Act"
which presents one state from compelling another state from accepting a same-sex marriage
and some contend that it implies civil unions as well.
       This new bill will also pave the way for transgender and bi-sexual marriages and more.
The arrack on the sanctity of marriage and the traditional family continues...See next Addendum... 
(Contact you members of congress. Don't know their names? Call 202-224-3121 and just
supply the name of your state - you do know that, don't you? Also: name.senate (or house).
You won't find much Jewishness on social services other than social security and Medicare.
They done so much and suffered so much. They're only 2% of U.S. populations. Sadly, there
aren't more. There cheapness is an inspiration.
Since the 1940s, these immigrants and their children have been putting their children and
grandchildren through medical and law schools. We don't have exact figures but we would
venture to say that at least 25% of doctors and lousy lawyers are Jewish.
The next time that you see a penny on the ground, pick it up and give it to an elderly Jew.
You'll feel good about yourself.

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