Monday, October 17, 2011

Fwd: Duke Forrest...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 17, 2011 8:10 am
Subject: Duke Forrest
                                               Duke Forrest*
                by Duke Forrest, Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
Duke: "Dago Red is here. Are you here to work or are you just visiting?" DR: Visit-
ing. I come with good news and bad news." Citizen Journalist: "Let's get the bad
news out of the way." DR: "Some people aren't connecting to three of our comsats
- web sites - via Home and Profile Pages and may not be getting the very latest.
They should 'Add to Favorites' or 'Bookmark.' Duke: "Give us the straight dope,
we'll be cool with it. Is it big - Big like my Texas?" DR: "Last week, we enjoyed
413 readers (visits)!!! Our goal had been: 400. Some of the credit should go to our
new cyber-friend LadyMafalda471. We'll send the beautiful Lady a missive."
Richard D.: "We should celebrate." CJ: "I got it. There should be firework shows
at all five of our web sites beginning tomorrow at 9:47 P.M. eastern." Sherlock:
"Jolly good show." RD: "The man from Baker Street is here." Sherlock: "I just
dropped by to congratulate you. I'll visit each site on the morrow with the good
doctor if anyone wishes to meet us and discuss a case. Sir Doyle will be on hand
to finally answer the question: 'Where was Watson shot when he was younger."
DR: "May He bless all of you." Duke: "He's going religious on us. Let's exit before
he loses control and we take up so much time with the preface that we again run
out of space and are unable to flesh out our tax plan.
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (which means world) and then, we deal
with world and 'Offending with Truth' when circumstances warrant.
       The right way to do things...Unlike private companies like SpaceX which are
being subsidized with taxpayer $$$s to take astros and cargo to Space Station,
Virgin Galactic is developing SpaceShipTwo for tourism without one red penny
from taxpayers. And, has just been awarded a NASA contract. The SpaceShipTwo
is air-launched from a mother ship (does anyone remember the X-15? It was suppose to
 lead to the operational Dyna Saur orbital space plane in the '60s) for sub-
orbital flights (up and down on an arc like our first two manned flights in the early
'60s) to an altitude of over 60 miles. The 60-foot craft can carry two pilots, six
passengers and 1,300 pounds worth of experiments. We would like astros to fly virgins
to Space Station. Hopefully, Virgin Galactic will decide to get involved with that
endeavor. It would be better than Muslims blowing themselves up to get virgins in the
heavens.(Reader: "This section wasn't technically about the cosmos." CJ: "Show
him to the exit").
The smelly Wall Street demonstrators are still there with no clear message. Although,
some are angry over the bank bailouts. We opposed the bank bailouts and need not
smell about it  (creating environment for disease to incubate)and disturb the peace and
exposing our tits (Duke: "We don't have tits!") up front in front of toddlers: tits for
tots. The mainstream liberal media loves it. Hated the Tea Bags who had permits,
a short and clear agenda and didn't interfere with those trying to get to and from work.
It is reminiscent of the '60s: then and now the mainstream media applauds the youth
of back then. Claiming that there were more than just a few per cent of 18 to 30 year
olds demonstrating; claiming that for the first time young people were rebelling
against the over-30 crowd and thinking for themselves in opposing the Viet Nam War.
The truth: the vast majority were there to be part of an 'event'; were following the leader
of there neighborhood or college crowd; were there for the music and drugs; only
chanted when the TV cameras were on. Most didn't understand the issues and didn't
care. The demonstrations which took place on colleges campuses interfered with
the ability of those who wanted to attend classes to attend classes.
       We opposed not only the Bush/Obama bank bailouts but the auto bailouts. Obama
went unconstitutional in playing bankruptcy judge (in the case of the auto industry; giving
the shaft to bond- and stock-holders and CEOs in favor of union bosses and union
workers; a real bankruptcy judge would have spread the pain; bankruptcy judge is not
part of a president's job description) and banks (partly nationalizing/socializing them).
       Speaking of smelly...Maybe, those demonstrators would like to live in France with
a unionized army, zero economic growth for years due to lack of productivity (short work
weeks, many days off and virtually impossible to fire a worker) and over-regulation. Hey!
We are moving in that direction!!!
An A.D.D. break brought to you by Adderall and Johnny Walker Scotch (the better
mixer): Time and time again, we heard the so-called experts claim that TV shows of
the 80s, 90s and today are far more realistic than TV shows of the 50s, 60s and 70s.
We don't care if you take a sitcom or a drama from the former group of years or the
latter, TV is realistic (not even today's crime shows like CSI, according to experts in the
crime field and we don't mean criminals). People who watch dramas or sitcoms for reality
 need to have their heads examined! Read a book or watch news, docs and intellectual talk
 shows for crying out loud.
       We have never seen a character who reminded us of ourselves or someone we knew
nor have we ever seen a story which reminded us of something that happened to us
or someone that we knew. It represents the reality of the writers, producers, directors,
actors (listed in order of importance) living in Hollywood not Hoboken, New Jersey or
Flagstaff, Arizona or anywhere else (maybe, New York).
President Lincoln instituted a federal income tax on the super-rich to help pay the cost of the
Civil War. The U.S. Supreme Court conveniently deemed it unconstitutional after the war.
The federal income tax was modified and reinstated in 1914 which paved the way for
Prohibition: the fed gov was no longer dependent on taxes and licensing fees for beer, wine
and liquor.
       Economic genius Arthur Laffer (he was a Regean economic advisor and formulated "Laffer
Curve; it formed economic basis of Reagan-omics) has endorsed
Caine's 9-9-9- Plan which in phase three will do away with federal income tax and IRS. (We
hope that Herman Cain is VP choice).
       Once again, we have run out of time and can't flesh out our economic plan.
       Please read "Offending with Truth - Update 9" for shocking marriage news.
       We'll see you tomorrow at 9:47 P.M. dress optional.
*See "Scorecard."
(Eat from the plate of knowledge and drink from the cup of wisdom. Pig out like the gods on
more than one entree' at this restaurant of words).

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