-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Nov 14, 2012 6:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: Hermes BIG Challenge...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Nov 14, 2012 6:58 pm
Subject: Fwd: Hermes BIG Challenge...
Nota Bene': You can enjoy "Hermes BIG Challenge" solo
but better enjoyed with companion piece at the top of
www.comsat-ak.blogspot.com If you can't connect directly,
please try Facebook Richard DePersio or Twitter
@rickaddsite Your best bet: Facebook's Second American
Revolution {available to everyone}).
Below "Hermes BIG Challenge" Expanded Version.
Sent: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 10:12 pm
Subject: Hermes BIG Challenge...
Subject: Hermes BIG Challenge...
"Orion was a giant hunter who roamed the forests of the
earth with only his dog, Sirius*, for companionship. One
day Orion saw seven beautiful sisters walking through
the forest. Hoping to make one his wife, he chased after
the girls and frightened them. They fled from Orion,
calling to Zeus for help. Zeus turned the seven sisters
into birds,**and off they flew leaving Orion alone once
again."-C.E. Thompson, Constellations, Sunflower Publishing
Sub-Title: Atlas will Upset
by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
The death vigil has been launched. In attendance: BO who
has charged Thanatos with the rapid death of NASA; Mitt
who, if elected, would inhibit, not stop, the demise.
Hermes has concocted a recipe to cheat Thanatos a la
Sisyphus. "NASA, says Hermes, "must go BIG." BIG would
serve a two-fold purpose: restore morale to NASA and
excite the public - who will pressure White House and
Congress to issue a stay of execution.
BIG means nuclear thermal. (Please read articles on the
stages below concerning: Project NERVA; Saturn S-N;
current NT R & D). We have been BIG proponents of NT for
a long time. There will be members of congress and the
public whose opposition will be over safety concerns;
concerns which NASA can overcome even if NT stage is
on launch pad (a traditional chemical stage or two will
lift to orbit, NT would not be ignited on earth, nonetheless,
safety must be maintained regarding fission reactor and
hydrogen propellant. NASA might be able to construct the
NT rocket in low earth orbit - up to 600 miles or on moon).
NASA hasn't made NT a priority. It must think BIG!
The rocket of choice for solar system exploration: Mars;
moons of Mars; asteroids; the outer planets. It would mean
reasonable transit times to and from destinations and it
would be cost-effective. (Some engineers contend that
NERVA facilities are salvagable; reactivating them may
save $$$s).
NASA and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency) have partnered for the "100 Hundred
Year Starship Project." Initial funding: DARPA - $1 million;
NASA - $100,000. Hopefully, 10:1 ratio will be maintained.
It will develop interstellar spacecraft and launch system
and create spin-off technologies a long the way (will largely
justify costs; NASA has been completely or partially
responsible for over 30,000 discoveries and inventions
since its inception in '58 - one of the few successful
components of fed gov and can be constitutionally justified
unlike most of fed gov!).
While NT rockets are the rockets of choice for solar
system travel, it is insufficient for interstellar travel. However,
NT can open up the solar system and its resources to
enable interstellar missions. Hopefully, NT research will,
therefore, become part of "100 Hundred Year Starship
project." NASA must enhance its own sending for NT
(spin-offs may help us become energy independent).
Interstellar possibilities...Solar Sail: laser beam
supplying pressure, manned, hundreds of miles in diameter,
maximum speed: 10% the speed of light, time to nearest
star: 45 years; Nuclear Pulse Propulsion, manned,
nuclear bomblets, exploded behind craft, maximum speed:
5%, 90 years (see blue section below); Nuclear Fusion
Rocket (way beyond our present ability), fuse deuterium
and He-3 (plentiful and cheap to get on moon, see lower
stages) for propulsion), 15%, 35 years.
Pure Science: Increasing man's reservoir of knowledge -
an exciting and beautiful thing, It's what makes us human.
Over time Pure Science finds applications (aka spin-offs,
aka Applied Science) making living more enjoyable and
comfortable. Get revved-up!
You must think BIG to enjoy BIG benefits!!!
Atmospheric physicists consider an altitude of about 300
miles as marking the beginning of space. The exosphere is
about 300 to 6000 miles above the earth. It is considered the
lower part of space. While aeronautical and aerospace
engineers identify 62 miles up as the beginning of space. The
German V2 during a test become the first man-made object
to reach space: it attained an altitude of 100. A few U.S.
X-15s flew above 62 miles. Spacecraft and satellites orbit
above 100 miles. Sounding rockets study the atmosphere
between 30 and 900 miles up.
As you ascend in the air, temperature and density decreases.
Let's have our imaginary airplane fly to a higher altitude. It
acquires the same speed that it enjoyed at the lower
altitude but the density is lower, therefore the amount of air
diverted has been lowered (See "Hermes has a Message," two
stages down, "Hermes has more Messengers"). To maintain a
constant lift, the angle of attack
(the leading edge of wing must rise) to compensate for the
reduction in air diverted. The velocity of the diverted downward
air increases. Speed is the same: lower density, higher
downward velocity; higher density, lower downward velocity.
Remember: Downward air, lift of wing; action-reaction.
Orion is teeming with compliments. Named after him:
a constellation; a nebula; an association of dozens of hot, new
stars. Let's not forget the Orion spur on which resides the
solar system ("Urania Presents" at
www.comsat-ak.blogspot.com ) Orion: "Aren't you forgetting
something? Rocketry." The Orion Sounding Rocket and the
Orion Spacecraft with heavy-lifter. Also: Orion was an
experimental model of the exploding fission bombs tested in
'68-'70 (explosives not fission bombs were employed). Orion:
"Would ever you do, don't tell Atlas ("Is there a God"/Urania
"Would ever you do, don't tell Atlas ("Is there a God"/Urania
Moons You" at comsat) Sagittarius and Centaurus ("Urania
Presents" at comsat). You know how jealous they get!"
*The Dog Star follows Orion across the sky.
** Pigeons. Zeus having taken pity on them turned them
into pigeons and then made them a constellation, Pleiades.
Was that a favor!?! Eventually, Orion is turned into a
constellation with the unreachable Pleiades ahead of him.
Gods play hardball!
We know Atlas is already distraught. Don't bring up
Pleiades if you see him - they were his daughters!
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