Thursday, January 13, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Jan 11, 2011 4:24 pm
Subject: MONDAYS with RICK - EXPANDED (A.D.D.)

                                             Mondays with Rick
                                            "Cripple Composed"
                                            by Richard DePersio
    (Enjoy {one of his best!} with cold beer, cold pizza and an X-rated presentation at
                                           YouTube: Rickaddsite)

"How Dare they!" (Richard DePersio)...Shooter was a nut-period; don't read political                                                                                  motivations into it.They are lousy little lying liberals (writer's
copyrighted alliteration). They controlled the following for decades: public elementary/
high schools and colleges; all the major broadcasts networks and, in recent years,
MSNBC, CNBC and CNN (the latter since '81); the movie and music industries; the
major newspapers and magazines. Civility is a concept beyond liberal comprehension.
obama is in the process of seizing control of internet and taking actions as regards
FoxNews in an effort to suppress free speech. After all, they don't already control enough!
We are certain Miss Manners is pleased with "Huffington Post." Conservative and moderate-
conservative journalists such as 'Yours Truly' are provocative and controversial and non-P.C.
but we don't smite and put a pox on the house with remarks of this ilk: I hope congressman
_____(fill in blank) gets cancer; I hope Senator________and his family die in a fire.
Liberals often resort to name-calling and fact-distortion when they can't refute sound/logical
arguments. They incite riots - remember '60s and '70s and want what is happening in
Europe to happen here - - the violent demonstrations. They generate hostility toward those
who favor the real Judeo-Christian Federalist/Constructionist/Capitalist Constitution and oppose
bogus progressive/secular 'living' constitution. Fort Hood: liberal media and politicians - don't
read anything into the fact that shooter was muslim (lower-case 'm' intentional); Congressional
Shooter: do connect him with moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives for they
are the dangerous ones for demanding a return to "U.S. Constitution." via the vote and
"Action Chain Letters." The converse is the case: congressional shooter a nut job with no
connection to Constitutional Conservatives; Shooter in the Hood: relevant that he is a 'person
of the dome." Moderate muslims? We pointed out in article on the N.Y. dome: most so-called
moderate mosques in U.S. receive monetary contributions from radical/terrorist-supporting
"muslim brotherhood." (Please find saucer article: valuable info; article name: after an A.D.D.          break). 

FAREWELL to Keynesian economics...What not to do in a recession or a depression is
Keynesian and what fdr and obama did - both failed! Strong actions by Federal Reserve
Bank (especially, keeping interest rates very low) and large-scale fed gov spending (stimulus).
It is suppose to result in a rapid increase in the GDP and massive job creation. It failed
between 1929 and 1935 (in spite of liberal revisionist history being taught to your children
and grandchildren in liberal public schools regarding "new deal"). What turned economy
around? Private sector: Demand for weapons, food, etc. by nations fearful of an impending
war, demand increase after war begins by countries fearing that they were next for an
unwanted visit by the mad corporal from WW1 and demand from U.K. which stood alone
against the nazis who thought that they were from my friend Plato's Atlantis. It kills this
writer to give a nod of approval to the cripple (not-P.C.? Who cares! A cripple - no semantic
games - is composing this masterpiece!): started sending weapons to U.K. after congress
nixed idea. Economy really blossomed after we entered war. Movie theaters, night clubs
(not what goes for clubs today; nightclub defined: live jazz, stand-up comic and patrons
dressed in their Sunday best {people had class before this here cripple was born; no sissy
euphemism - call a spade a spade}) and restaurants were packed on Fridays and
Saturdays - people had money to burn: there were shortages of some products and
produce and some products were discontinued during war or were only being produced for
military as most companies focused on "the Greatest Generation in uniform and not on
consumers. What did "cash-for-clunkers (perfectly good cars but cars global warming
cattle farters don't like!) and non-shovel ready useless programs which only produced
low paying temporary jobs and caused our debt to skyrocket (Bad Bush increased national
debt by $3.7 trillion over 8 years while obama increased by $4 trillion in 2!) and value of
dollar to fall and food and energy prices to rise (energy is also rising because 'hockey
stick graph' global fantasy warming prompted moratorium on off-shore Gulf drilling while
obama gave loan to Brazilian Oil where some of the rigs went; other rigs saw mexicans
knocking American workers into the water after traitor gave loan to mexican (you know the
drill by now: lower-case letters intentional) oil. By the bye, Brazil and mexico have much
lower environmental standards then us: would someone kindly tell greennie cretins in the
White House! Bye-Bye American jobs). Constitutional Criminal-in-Chief continues to
print $$$s and borrow big-time from our banker: China; they own us; he won't be happy
until U.S. loses its Triple 'A' Bond Rating and we are well on our to achieving his lofty goal of
third-world status from Sea to Shining Sea!

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