Tuesday, November 1, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 2:00 pm

                                           OUR CHOSEN PEOPLE
                  by Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist, Irving Penner
Richard D.: "It is indeed rare when we dialog in front of a live (as opposed to
dead) studio audience. We are utilizing a CNN studio. Citizen Journalist
staff are watching each other's backs. We aren't comfortable in the land of
lousy little lying liberals (by far, our favorite alliteration)." Citizen Journalist:
"It is with much enthusiasm that we welcome our token Jew: the late (and we
don't mean tardy) grocer - Irving Penner." {Wild audience applause} Dago
Red: "I thought that I'd drop by this hostile CNN...{boos from audience}
environment, don't worry. I'm packing! I wish to congratulate 'Our Chosen
People' on now having their own cable network: JLTV. {Audience ecstatic;
jumping out of their seats - some great upskirts, boys!} Transmissions will
seep out - Hey! Your in public: Nothing else should seep out - into space to
be enjoyed by our fans on venues afar." RD: "Speaking of fans...drum roll
(loud but brief, we don't wish to disturb the peace like the OWT inconsiderates)
please...We've enjoyed 1010 Readers (Visits) over the past month. {Excitement
in the air; women tossing off their clothes; tossing hotel keys on stage} We
are...Did I just see the ghost of Larry King? Get the investigators from one of
those silly and bogus abnormal...correction? Paranormal shows over here
pronto! Did Larry say "Boo" and fall asleep?" Getting back to business: We
are averaging 252 Readers per week. Can we reach 500!?! Big goals; big
boobs. Audience members: Contain, yourselves. This is a family show. We
would transmit from friendly JLTV but their studios are too small - cheap
Jews won't spring for bigger ones. Actually, one of the reasons that we admire
them is for their cheapness. Penner watched his pennies and is financially
comfortable for the rest of his death. Have you seen how small talk show host
John Kerwin's studio is?!? All the great Jews are performing at JLTV: George
Burns and Gracie Allen; Jack Benny; Alfred Hitchcock; The Goldbergs;
Jack Webb's Dragnet; Robert Wagner - did he kill his wife in real life? - he's
Jewish?; Mostzoh ball Soupy Sales....Citizen Journalist is a proud honorary
Jew. He often displays his pride: showing his circumcision. (Female audience
members fainting. What is Gloria 'Jewish' Steinnen doing here. Get a microphone
over there, she's about to speak: "That's two big spicy meatballs...mostzoh balls."
{Ambulances have arrived} The wrong image of America is generated to the
world by New York City and Hollywood. What image are we producing for those
from beyond who are picking up our transmissions? IP: "I hate to be a crying
Jewish princess but when is the tribute to my people going to commence. My
whole family is here. Aunt Goldie flew in from Miami." RD: "We just have one
more piece of business and, then, the 'Offending with Truth' will be initiated."
CJ: "Our prefaces are getting to be as long as the article proper." RD: "It's our
style, man." CJ: "Do you think that this time that we will have time to flesh
 out our tax proposals?" RD: "Forgetting taxes and speaking of flesh." IP:
"Who's speaking of flesh? My great-grand-father is here from Israel." RD: "The
studio lights are bright - squint. We get the best audiences bar none. Let it all
hang out. Some things are just more important than tributes!"
Just one more live preface and we will finally honor 'Our Chosen People.'
Evolution: Cynics (Ancient Greece) + Beatniks = Homo Wall Street-us Defecatus,
in many not all respects...Cynics (School of Philosophy): poor, rude, unconventional;
begging to stay alive; avoiding family and property; dropping out of society,
wanting hand outs; anarchists...Beatniks: Contrary to popular opinion had
nothing to do with hippies. They were around from mid-'50s to mid-'60s and
dropped out of society: some had wealthy parents, some took odd jobs, some
lived on hand outs from other beatniks. they created weird, usually, depressing
poetry, hung out in coffee shops around the country, especially, in Greenwich
 Village in New York, snapped fingers instead of clapped, enjoyed modern jazz,
some played bongos in coffee shops (not drums outside for fourteen straight hours
a day!), didn't hate and weren't envious of others and drank fancy coffee. Most
were 21 to 30, a few were 30 to 50. They dropped back in: today, they are
between 65 and 90, many having worn three-piece suits as bankers and
businessmen with few suspecting of their previous life. Hippies, on the other hand,
were under 30, smelled, into psychedelic rock and drugs, lived in communes
and were politically-active and influenced a small minority of college students
(media falsely exaggerated number of college students who were politically-active).
 Hippies were smelly from the mid-'60s to early-'70s, died of overdoses or dropped
 in like Beatniks. Now, 55 to 80.
As is our wont, we begin with cosmos (which means world) and, then, we deal with world
and Offending with Truth when circumstances warrant. Audience member shoots,
"Haven't you already begun offending!" Irving Penner, "It's the smelly smucks on Wall
Street who are offending!"
      We have been talking about mining the moon for a couple of years now (See "Action Chain
Letter" followed by "Moon mining" our most recent offerings on subject). We want NASA to
play a major role for moon would help solve earth's energy problems. Private companies are
competing to be the first to set up mining operations. Thus far, NASA's has no definite
plans to return but is concerned with keeping the six landing sites pristine and undisturbed
for scientific and archeological reasons.
Bring on the Jews...We interrupt this article with an announcement: we've run out of our
allotted space and will require a Part Two which immediately follows, scroll down.
CJ: "More importantly, we didn't get to flesh out our tax proposals." RD: "Speaking of flesh,
look at that girl in the short skirt in the front row. Cameraman (should we say: cameraperson?
Never! Don't come to this venue for PC) would you zoom-in for the benefit of the men who are
watching this article on video.

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