Tuesday, August 2, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Aug 2, 2011 10:38 am
Updated/Modified/Expanded ACTION CHAIN LETTER 10: New Proposals/Saving $$$s
                   by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio and Dr. Yamamoto*
Article concerned with: NASA; national debt, healthcare, taxes and more.
(Originally published 4/21/2011) Reading other Letters recommended but not necessary.
 Anecdote: He was 10 years of age and unlike his fellow inmates didn't fear the
                guards (nuns) nor the principal (penguin no. 1). Sister Patrick Maureen
                imparted instructions to the class: "Upon completion of exam, bring
                it to my desk, return to your seat and read anything of your choosing -
                just don't disturb your classmates who are still taking the test."
               He completed exam toot-sweet; just answering enough questions
               correctly to barely pass. He proceeded to read his astronomy book.
               Sister P.M., the meanest nun in the prison, walked down the aisle
               to his desk (boys so much
               preferred being seated in the back). She said with a loud and stern
               voice: "Put that garbage away. I'll give you something good to
               read!" He looked up at her and said: "If I don't read this garbage,
               I don't read anything! Think about what you told the class about
               test and reading." To everyone's shock, she turned around, walked
               back to her desk and said: "He's right. I did say that you could
               read what you wanted to read. He stood tall in the saddle (desk).
               He couldn't relish his victory long for when P.M. commenced to
               teach, he got up without permission, took an A.D.D. walk to the
               window and starred out and became a day dreamer. Next stop:
               principal's office.
                                                                         -Citizen Journalist
       The two-stage (chemical) rocket  plus upgraded shuttle-type solid-fueled
booster rockets would carry 4 astros in Orion-based Multi-Purpose Vehicle
 to and from International Space Station with up to 55,000 pounds of supplies,
instruments, equipment. About the same amount in weight as Space
Shuttle. It could also carry up to 55,000 pounds unmanned unlike Space Shuttle
but like Air Force X-37B. This hoped for heavy-lifter is currently in a state of limbo.
       A super-heavy-lifter able to lift cargo weighing up to 350,000 pounds (with
 larger MPV) to ISS and 160,000 pounds to the moon or beyond (you would have
two MPVs for a moon mission - one manned and the other unmanned; more for a
 Mars mission). Under consideration is a second stage which would be an evolved
 Saturn-5 third stage and called an EDS (Earth Departure System or ETV {Earth Transfer                                                                                                                                                   Vehicle}). The  EDS would bear some of the cargo weight, as well as, the landing craft
 (Please read or reread our original proposals: "ATBTC: Action Chain Letter 5"
 proposals 10-12 at /group/rickcosmos-eclectic and "Action Chain Letter 9..." topic 1
 at /group/nasa-our-way) and ACL 9 addendum regarding NERVA and
Saturn S-N (N for nuclear thermal {hydrogen; too dangerous? The two Voyagers
which are leaving solar system are powered by plutonium - libs complained when it
was launched} and safer than solid, liquid boosters).
      Why was Oba,ma's decision to cancel Moon Project another blunder. Experts
contend that we will only be able to get 25 to 30% of our electricity from solar
and wind by 2035 (that's why we need to "Drill, Baby, Drill,' do more clean coal
and built more nuclear fission plants and, later, fusion plants (see ACL 9 on
how NASA can help with the latter) and never more - but wait....
      Mining the moon inexpensively for He-3 (for fusion plants) and silicon for
solar panels built in orbit  would enable lunar exploration and technological
development followed by private sector taking over site(see ACL 9 and ATC -
ATBTC: Together...A New Beginning at /group/newfederalism, /group/nasa-our-way,
sciencerepublicans). We might be able to secure up to one-third of our electricity
by 2025-30 from solar and, presently, underdevelopment fusion in a cost-effective
manner unlike damn heavily-subsidized solar and wind on terra ferma!
Proposal 49: Let's go with a fair tax (national sales tax except on food) of 10% with
those on social services exempt upon showing proof,  in order
that libs don't scream! And, a flat tax of 10%: 10% of salary, wage or salaries; 10% of
dividends on stocks, bonds and commodities; 10% of interest on savings accounts;
10% of rental income; 10% of gifts and gambling/prizes; 10% of the sale of property
and stocks, bonds, commodities. What could be fairer? If you are going to allow
for deductions, limit it to primary mortgage and/or secondary mortgage and/or
charitable donations. This constitutes tax simplification too! More Americans
would be able to save money by filling out form themselves. Allowing deductions
would necessitate a flat tax of 12.5% or a fair tax of 12.5%.
Proposal 50: Obama-care is just one step away from socialized medicine. Annually,
there is $40 billion in waste and fraud in Medicaid and Medicare. Do you think that
that would be the case with a private company. They wouldn't be in business
very long. Obama wants fed gov to assume even more responsibility for the
health care of you and your family!
       Privatize M &M. Private sector would offer elderly, disabled and poor many
more options. Create means-tested interest-earning healthcare bank accounts;
money supplied by fed and states for premiums, account can only be used for
healthcare and individuals can add to it. Why should wealthy receive full Medicare?
Means-testing will determine amount of money for premium coverage. Companies
would offer numerous policies with and without
co-pays, with or without monthly fees, with or without annual fees; policies that
cover certain things but not others - even custom-build policies. Presently, doctors,
hospitals, technicians, old people homes...not PC?...get about 80% of what they
request from Medicare and about 60% from Medicaid (it's the reason that people
are hard-pressed to find a doctor who accepts Medicaid; soon the self-same thing
will be the case for Medicare - about 60% under Obama-care). Private sector
would be motivated to eliminate waste and fraud while gov workers don't give
a damn! (Every year, 1% of fed gov workers loose their job while it's 3.5 in private
sector; it is extremely difficult to fire gov employees for incompetence or bad
behavior courtesy of unions). Let's say that $35 of the $40 billion is saved: 1/2 could
be used for debt reduction and 1/2 to make sure doctors continue to get 80%.
 Let's return to space center... Sleeping air traffic controllers...Why not extend SATS?
(Action Chain Letter 8: Fast Forward Future..." Expanded Version).
Commercial airlines have employed an automatic pilot for decades; the pilot is
necessary to take-off and land the jet, as well as, seize control from AP in the event
of an emergency. In recent years, the Space Shuttle with on-board computer and
instrumentation along with ground control can land without manual control.
Let's not forget flying drones - preprogrammed flight but with increasing capability
to make in-flight changes. Most commercial jets have a pilot along for the ride or
for emergency purposes; the technology exists for take-off and landing without
need of human. How sad. That's progress?
 Proposal 51: Save taxpayers money. No need for air traffic controllers, especially,
during non-peak hours. The airliner retrofitted with the right equipment, such as,
on-board radar and access to computer in the tower and communication voice-to-
voice and computer-to-computer with another plane (s) in the area should be
able to land with no trouble and, eventually, 24/7. Costly in the short run;
astronomically large savings in the long-run. (Further, integration of SATS
{Small Aircraft Transportation System) into the larger air travel system will mean
 less traffic at large airports).
Lousy Little Lying Liberals (my copyrighted alliteration). The super-rich and the
rich...did you enjoy segue? We were talking about how NASA could save as
tons of money in three areas and now we're talking economics proper....don't
pay their fair share of taxes - the wealthiest Americans - the top 1% pay over 40%
of federal income taxes - - and that's up from 33% in 1996; further, the top 3% take
care of 75% of FIT! Libs: We should raise taxes on the rich making them pay
their fair share - my useless foot! Less you forget: Laffer Curve. Supplied-Side
Economics (libs disparagingly refer to it as trickle-down) was proven valid by
(it's ironic: libs idolize him; they're too stupid to realize that he was anything but
a liberal!), Ronnie Reagan and 'W.' Eco/Fin Crisis caused by lip-of-wrist senator
barney frank's fannie and freddie; fed; unions. Progressive income tax punishes
people for working hard - knocked up to a much higher bracket; the antithesis
of capitalism. Studies have shown that over a ten year period in America that
you have a two-third chance of going up a notch and a one-third chance of
going south when the categories are: non-working poor, working-poor, lower
middle-class, mid middle-class, upper middle-class, rich and super-rich.
Force working in opposition: lib; they have a vested interest in getting as
many people on social services as possible, keeping them on ss for as long as
possible and giving them as many hand-outs as possible (things that they
don't need or more than they need in a particular category) for the poor vote
overwhelmingly democrat. It has become a generational thing: children,
parents and grandparents on ss. Sad but true! Libs have destroyed the old
Protestant Work Ethic, the Traditional Family and a Strong Sense of Right and
Wrong. Hell, people on the public dole have been sapped of their pride; they
think they deserve ss - that it is owed them. They never demand less or only what
they need. We are not talking about the truly needy; we are talking about the
parasitic bums. Some states are stricter regarding eligibility for various social
services than others, including, Medicaid. Obama-care will soon illegally take
that Medicaid power away from the states!
       Clinton vetoed Workfare twice before being forced by Republicans to sign
it in the election year of '96; he was afraid that Republicans would use it as a
political weapon against him for Americans were getting sick-and-tired at the
time with freeloaders. When it worked, Billy-boy took the bows; few know this:
Upon becoming president one of the first executive orders Obama signed
with to weaken the Workfare Program - remember: votes from the poor. Tis
a pity for millions got off the doll.
      LBJ (Liberal-Boy Johnson) so-called "Great Society" social programs have
cost us 16 trillion!!! since the mid-'60s while the percentage of non-working
poor and working poor has remained the same. So much for his war against
poverty! Due to an increase in population, the numbers have risen; same
percentage-wise, more in actual numbers. Would have been worse if it hadn't
been for Workfare 1996-2007 (2007, Obama watered it down - creep!).
 PROPOSAL 52: Eliminate annual inflation/cost-of-living increase for welfare
recipients after person has been on it for three years; cut it by 25% after six.
 Welfare mothers shouldn't receive
Aid to Dependent Children; they shouldn't be allowed to keep their children (many
have more children for more social services). Cruel to separate mother from
child? Think of the child. Study after study has shown that a child is best off
in a mom-and-dad household functional followed by mom/dad dysfunctional
followed by single parent functional and, bringing up the rear, single-parent
dysfunctional. Children in single parent households most likely to grow-up
to drink and/or/ take drugs and/or be unable to hold down a job and/or drop
out of high school and/or wind up in jail or prison and/or commit suicide.
Interestingly enough, the more educated and the more money a single women
has, the more likely she is to give up baby for adoption. Welfare mothers
should be forced to do so for the sake of the child. Americans are the most
giving people on the globe - they give more per capita to charities and
non-profits than people in any other country. People not gov the solution.
Americans will give even more if they see 'hand-out' programs being reduced.
Before fed social programs began in the 1940s and expanded big-time in 1960s,
 people had pride and did everything possible to avoid asking for help. When
desperate turned to family, friends, neighbors, church, Salvation Army, etc.
They got the help that they needed and no more. People knew that eventually
they would pay back or be available to offer other kind of assistance when
someone else required it. Welfare is now called Entitlement!
 We have arrived at that juncture again, the one in which we are compelled - we did
try mightily to resist - to pat ourselves on the back. Recently, S & P downgraded
prospect for U.S. Saving Bond; we predicted, as early as a year ago, we
could loose 'Triple A' Bond Rating within 5 years. Now, Charles Krathaumer,
political/economic commentator and former psychiatrist (we so enjoy that combo)
 is predicting that it could happen in 2; update: within a year! He holds a degree in
 economics; we have studied economics on our own since age 14. It is interesting:
our foresight and keen understanding....Enough already!
 PROPOSAL 50: End 'co-signing' loans for those who want to built nuclear fission
plants for up to 75%; taxpayer - no, high-risk investors - yes; or, at least, reduce citizen
liability, after all, we won't share in future dividends. End all Federal gov 'co-signing'
 even for small business loans. More blacks were able to start small businesses
because Nixon started Small Business Administration and sb loans than because of
 what any other president did. Taxpayers should no longer take risk: if company
fails, we're left holding the bag; if company succeeds, we don't get $$$ - not even a
'Thank You' Note!
NASA and military should focus on replacing aging GPS system. Military should
equip X-37B when operational with space-to-air and space-to-ground anti-missile
weapon. Violation of Space Treaty? It will only have weapon after war commences.
We have been reducing the number of nuclear warheads as per agreement with
Russia. Convert those ICBMs to anti- missile missiles; also, replace nuclear-tips
with conventional bombs. Traitor Obama bowed to Putin and promised not to
do such things - he denies it - just look at treaty; he claims that it doesn't count
because it is only in preamble, Putin says otherwise. He is allowing Russia to
retain a 20,000 to 200 advantage in tactical (short-range) nuclear weapons. He sacrificed
all this for resumed inspections of their declared sites! Obama, we order you to make
 meaning of treaty crystal clear to Putin - although, you want Russia to be a super-power
 again (See "A Bad Case of Treason"). We should have the right to do what we choose
with nuclear de-fanged ICBMs.
We have military bases in 100 countries; we pay the bulk of the cost to defend Japan,
Germany and South Korea. Let's weigh the pros and cons, shall we. Our presence is
good for their economies; our presence gives us leverage with those countries. We
beat Germany and Japan in WW2 - a war that they started. We rebuilt those
countries and now they are economic powerhouses courtesy of Uncle Sam. Certainly,
they should pay the cost (don't forget: 'Cold War' over; we won) of their own defense- 50%
 for 10 years,75% thereafter. We should maintain a presence in Japan or South Korea -
we should put part of our anti-missile shield in one of these countries (shield Obama
 shrunk in deference to Putin). If they object: leave completely.Besides, nowadays, we
 can respond rapidly from a distance if we choose to defend these countries. South Korea
 is indebted to us for a not so shabby economy. Step up to the plate. You're big boys now.
You can't hide behind Lady Liberty's 'skirt' forever.(It would require a reworking of Jap and
 kraut constitutions which severely limit the size of their militaries after WW2 for fear that
they might start another war; that fear is no longer warranted - we need to save $$$s).
 Bolivia is partitioning the U.N. for human rights for "Mother Earth" and for a spokesman
(they forgot a lawyer). We are confident the backward and ignorant American libs will
endorse this preposterous proposal right after they secure human rights for animals!
 To Whom it may Concern:
                       "Look in my face; my name is Might-have-been;
                        I am also called No-more, Too-late, Farewell."
                                                        -Christina Rossetti, 1830-1894
With a Nod toward the Late Rod Serling:
                       "Between the idea
                        And the reality
                        Between the motion
                        And the act
                        Falls the Shadow."
                                                         -T.S. Eliot, 1888-1965
A "Goodbye" Addams Family-Style:
                      "Lizzie Borden took an axe
                       And gave her mother forty whacks;
                       When she saw what she had done
                       She gave her father forty-one!"
(During the 1890s - trial in 1894 - little girls sang it while they played
jump-rope. Sweet!). That's all, Folks.
*Dr. Yamamoto's Pediatric Clinic and Whorehouse in South Korea.


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Chain letters almost always end up asking you to forward the information, good thoughts, and money immediately.

WISPR said...

Ya you are saying right.I am agree with your opinion.

herbs said...

good thinking of the author in this post....

Eyelash Enhancer said...

We should have the right to do what we choose
with nuclear de-fanged ICBMs.