-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 1:51 pm
Subject: WHERE are MY DIVIDENDS??? (Expanded/Updated Version)
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 1:51 pm
Subject: WHERE are MY DIVIDENDS??? (Expanded/Updated Version)
Where are My Dividends??? (Expanded Version) posted Dec. 21, 2010
by Richard DePersio
Reminder: Three "Plato" articles follow.
"...pork-barrel legislation sails through Congress, lavishing money on small projects
that cannot possibly be described as promoting the national interest...Death by a
thousand subsidies. The cost of Dan Rostenkowski's underground parking garage
at the Museum of Science and Industry is insignificant in the face of our $14
trillion economy. So is the ethanol subsidy. So is the trade protection for sugar
producers, and the tax break for pharmaceutical companies with operations in
Puerto Rico, and the price supports for dairy farmers. But in total, these things--
and the tens of thousands like them-- are significant. Little inefficiencies begin to
disrupt the most basic function of a market economy: taking inputs and producing
good and services as efficiently as possible. If the government has to support the
price of milk, the real problem is that there are too many dairy farmers. The best
definition I've ever heard of a tax shelter is some kind of investment or behavior
that would not make sense in the absence of tax considerations. And that
is exactly the problem here: Governments should not be in the business of
providing incentives for people to do things that would not otherwise make sense."
-Charles Wheelan, W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 2002, updated: 2010.
End virtually all types of subsidies, including, corporate welfare to big oil and gas.
Those who want a subsidy should go through an extremely difficult obstacle course
to qualify.
End subsidies to wind and solar. Experts say that greenies won't start showing a
a small profit until 2020 (no doubt, subsidies will continue beyond that year).
Sometimes, Charles is liberalish, he didn't mention wind and solar. Experts also
tell that w/s can only generate about 25% of our electrical needs and no more -
and that it can't do it until about 2040. See: "ATBTC Action Chain Letter 4 (Updated
and Expanded" NASA might be able to guarantee 25% and add another 5% and do it
at much lower cost and more efficiently.
End subsidies to SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. Risk-investors usually get bank-
backing because of their track record. Let these types of investors take the big
risks and not taxpayers!!!
End all unconstitutional, socialist, costly subsidies: oil. gas. wind, solar, farm,
ethanol, electric cars, utilities, etc., especially now when nation is
facing hyper-inflation or bankruptcy or both.Free market forces must
prevail. These handouts allegedly prevent
food and energy prices from going too low. Survival of the Fittest. Those companies
with flexible/adaptable business models will
prosper at times and manage just to get by at other times. Those that
can't will perish. Too big to fail is a ridiculous economic concept. While
criminal president, unconstitutionally played bankruptcy judge in
order to sock it to preferred bond and shareholders and common
shareholders and spare unions of as much discomfort as he could.
Obama and union unconstitutionally assumed the largest share of ownership
and control. Fed gov can't own and manage a private company but is. Obama
nationalized/socialized auto and banking industries and is in the process of doing
the self-same thing with the health industry. No more financial bailouts!!!
Auto companies should have faced a real bankruptcy judge and reorganized under
Chapter Eleven if they could. These are just some of Obama's impeachable
offenses. Let's not forget: He has taken the first steps toward partially or completely
controlling Internet.
Fed Grants were originally established due to Sputnik fear and were meant
for universities and colleges for physics research and
developments in engineering. Later extended to social sciences and
educational studies. We can no longer afford the latter two; perhaps, we
can continue first two but reduced in light of debt crisis.
And, grants to companies -unconstitutional.
Subsidies to SpaceX and Virgin Galactic:
Your tax dollars. You won't be surprised to know that it was Obama's idea! It isn't a
Your tax dollars. You won't be surprised to know that it was Obama's idea! It isn't a
loan - you won't be paid back! You won't enjoy potential dividends either!
Bond and stockholders will. Meanwhile,
NASA - budget 17.5 Billion (1/2 of 1% of fed budget)faces $1 billion-plus cut. We believe
that virtually all fed departments, agencies and programs must be cut due to dangerous
$15 trillion debt. NASA: Completely or partially responsible for over 30,000 discoveries
and inventions since its inception in 1958. Only gov program that gives you a
return on your investment - for every $1 budgeted NASA, you get $5 back within 7
years in the form of science and technology. Don't you think that a $500 million cut
is more reasonable - about a 2.5% cut? Some recent NASA activity:
NASA developing silicon-germanium electronics for satellites that is highly
resistant to temperature and radiation variations.
NASA and weather: Goes-P new generation satellite developed by NASA for
NASA and weather: Goes-P new generation satellite developed by NASA for
more precise measurements of moisture and temperature variations. Expect
clearer weather photos with your weather reports.
NASA in NANO. Nanosatellite size of a loaf of bread unfolds to over 100 square
feet with a thickness of 1/100th a human hair.
As always, what NASA does will eventually be applied to devices in your home,
car, office, farm, factory, hospital, etc.
We were one of the first to propose that NASA should develop declassified version of
Air Force X-37B and use the $9 billion dollars worth of R & D from CONSTELLATION
Program (Orion, Ares 1 and 5, Altair) in new heavy-lifter and manned - beyond -
earth-orbit program. Update: Obama lost, he wanted to start from scratch and waste
the $9 billion.
We can't afford to wait for SpaceX (Falcon 9) to be capable of sending astros to and
from space station.
We will have to pay Russia, whom we beat in Moon Race, a hefty price for tickets
for them to fly us to our station,
we footed most of cost. Further, we lifted most of the 14 modules that comprise the
station. SpaceX won't be able to carry astros until 2014 or later. Meanwhile, China,
Japan and France will soon be able to carry astros to our station.What will China
(our banker) charge us. It is humiliating -
needn't be the situation. SpaceX's biggest obstacle: in excepting gov $$$s it
must except expensive red tape, paperwork and regs to impede its progress.
NASA knows how to work the system and deliver. We support private space
programs for we are true capitalists but don't want to support with our $$$s - unless,
we share in dividends!
(See "Updated Anew: Chain Letter of a Nature Different 1" for what you can do).
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