Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fwd: Wasn't he the guy Who Was...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Sep 4, 2011 5:02 pm
Subject: Wasn't he the guy Who Was...

Wasn't he the guy Who Was in a buddhist temple, Who didn't know Why he Was there
                            by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
       (When you visit a comsat, please check out all articles on Pages 1 & 2)
Preface: Dago Red: "How does it feel to be presented the prestigious "Offending
with Truth" award by the "Association Against American Revisionism by Liberals
(ASS R Libs, for short)?" Citizen Journalist" Honored, of course. We'll keep doing
what we do best." Richard D.: "Years ago, weren't you one of Jerry's kids. How
do you feel now that Jerry Jewish...excuse me, Lewis...won't be hosting the
it's-all-about-me telethon with honorable mention given to MDA?" CJ:"He used
to get good guests to perform. I wonder if he couldn't deal with the fact that it
was shrunk from 22 hours to 6 hours - it isn't even enough time for him to unwrap
his ego! He is one of Our People and did raise tons of dollars for a good cause.
Americans give more per capita to charities and non-profits than they do in any
other country." RD: "Click for charity for Cash at our Comsats (websites). Just
click on an ad - no obligation - look at an ad from a top-of-the-shelf company.
Clicks Count for Cash - CJ's profits go to charities and non-profits." Dago Red:
"We announced on Facebook, Twitter and Amplify that Google was shutting down
group sites on 8/31 - as it turns out, they are still there but we can't add or
subtract articles. We went to the tally at 12:30 P.M. and we had 291 readers
(visits) for the week. We checked every 5 minutes and by midnight, we had 343 -
a record! Thank you for the send-off.
As is our wont, we start off with cosmos (which means world) and, then, we
proceed with the world and Offending with Truth (we didn't win that prestigious
award for nothing) when circumstances warrant (and they often do).
      Edwin Hubble probably did more to change our perspective of the cosmos
than anyone since Nick Copernicus. The vast majority of astronomers harbored
the view that The Milky Way Galaxy was the whole universe and that the sun
was the center of the universe (they were uneasy about the latter). Ed showed
that our Galaxy was just one of hundreds of billions of galaxies which he
classified as: spirals (and barred-spirals, until recently, we thought that we lived
in a spiral but it turned out to be barred);ellipticals; irregulars (the system of
galaxies types that we still employ today; we have added 'peculars' a type of
irregular representing a galaxy that is violently exploding or two galaxies
colliding). Further, Ed determined that the universe is expanding. You, the
earth, the sun and The Galaxy aren't expanding but the distance between
galaxies is - space is expanding. It only appears as if our galaxy is the center
of the universe - you would think the same thing if you lived in another galaxy
- - an optical illusion of sorts. In addition, it appears that our solar system is in
 the center of the galaxy and surrounded by stars because interstellar dust
obscures the true center.
English Teachers Wanted: Poor Grammar Preferred. Obama hates the good
people of Arizona! They pass an immigration bill which Obama's Justice
Department is holding up in court on its constitutionality. They are right to do this:
America is fainting, Citizen Journalist agreed with Obama!!! Not so fast: We
like Arizona's tough-on-illegal policy (it wouldn't be necessary if fed gov did its
job and sealed the border!). We don't cotton to people entering our sovereign nation
illegally primarily to get free social services (illegally allowed in states with a
lib gov or county exec) free emergency and non-emergency care in our emergency
rooms, free public school education for their children. Who is footing the bill?
Real Americans and those who came here legally! They also come here to commit
crimes individually or to form gangs. Potentially, they could carry disease
for they didn't go through the normal immigration policy. The constitution question:
Is immigration policy strictly the domain of fed gov? Fed gov should have Arizona's
policy regarding companies who hire and landlords who rent to illegal's. And,
checking the legal status of those suspected of being illegal, as well as, those
who have been arrested to be turned over to the fed authorities.
       Obama is allowing the damn anti-American-cattle farting U.N. and Mexico to
sue Arizona! It's unprecedented; it's un-American!!! It will set a precedent; he must
be stopped (Add it our list of 17 constitutional crimes committed by Obama in
"A Bad Case of Treason").
       Obama's Departments of Justice and Education claim that Arizona discrim-
inates against Hispanics when it comes to hiring English teachers. They must
replace their standard of fluent with command of English. They don't hire Hispanics
with heavy ascents and imperfect grammatical skills. They must! Libs and Lib-unions
don't care about the kids. It is sad that the dumbing-down of the children of
Arizona is taking place. Is this America!?!
In 1996, Al Gore visited a Buddhist Temple in California and would later claim that he
didn't know why he was there!!! He is also sensitive to warming when there is no
warming. And, than there is China's super-computer.
It's time for our irregularly scheduled A.D.D. break sponsored by Adderall and Seagram7;
       Adam and Eve ate an apple from "The Tree of Knowledge" in the Garden of
Eden...Actually, the Bible doesn't specify the fruit. In fact, most biblical scholars
agree that it wasn't an apple!
Back to the temple...It was during the presidential election of that year. What we are
about to relate is part fact/part allegation supported by reasonable guesses:
He was there collecting envelopes (fact). He would later claim that he didn't know
why he was there (fact). (We suppose that it was a normal occurrence for him to
frequent Buddhist Temples!). The envelopes contained campaign contributions
(allegation, strongly believed to be true) from Chinese (laundered through a number of
hands and orgs - it is illegal for a foreign gov or individual to contribute to an
American political campaign) gov (allegation - but, we must examine what transpired
earlier in the year).
He continues to be handed envelopes containing money - profits from his "The-Green
Sky-is-Falling" Company!
                           To Be Continued...


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