Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fwd: IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE (totally new version)


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 15, 2011 2:10 pm
Subject: IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE (totally new version)

A Star is Born/A Tale of Two Nieces: R. DePersio is close to his nieces; although,
they live far away and he rarely sees them. Alexa (age 11; magnet school) and
Katie (age 15; magnet school) have registered a star (RA20h1m46.62s
D38degrees4'47.97") in the constellation Cygnus with U.S. government with the moniker:
Richard J. DePersio; added a note to the Music of the Spheres (you are welcome to
visit him on a planet near the star; bring plenty of beer or don't bother to visit!).
We endorse without reservation NASA, "ChildFund International," "Judicial Watch,"
"Alliance Defense Fund" and strongly recommend,
/group/science-space-technology, "Satellite Launch Charts."

                                        IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE
                                              by Richard DePersio
We are going to start at the end. Subsequent installments will reveal the thought
process employed, offer justifications for conclusions and supply details.
After years of searching, I have embraced Deism with a taste of Plato. I have
problems with the Bib...
We interrupt this article with a Special Bullitten: Citizen Journalist has apprehended
the heretofore nebulous Richard DePersio (alias, Rick; alias, Citizen Reporter;
alias, Rickcosmos). We think that we know him from various sources or do we?
Transparency: Do we know him any better than one of Obama's 44 stealth czars?
Who are they and what do they do in the shadows by day and in the dark at
night when most good Americans are sleeping? If we know R.D., we need to
know more. Citizen Journalist (you can call me C.R. but you don't have to call
me Rick) always had a policy regarding books, especially, those of the
non-fiction variety. He wouldn't purchase a non-fiction which didn't contain an
"About the Author" section for he wanted to know the level of professionalism
and the degree of credence to place in the words of the scribe.
       After an expensive and extensive search in four continents (North America,
South America, Europe and Antarctica), including, searching in garbage cans,
we learned the shocking truth!
       He became interested in astronomy and space exploration at the age of six;
politics at ten; economics, foreign and defense policies at the ripe old age of
fourteen. American history - his roots - at eighteen. R.D. began to dabble in
various other sciences after nineteen. He didn't find the classroom conducive
to learning and likely enjoyed A.D.D. having been diagnosed with regular and
two variants as an adult. Only student to argue with nuns; didn't realize that that
was a no-no and that he was suppose to fear them. More pride of self-ed as
opposed to schooling. Strange kid (Not by design by via employing hindsight):
Started reading the newspaper at ten, everyday at thirteen; began attending
meetings at the local Republican club at fourteen - only kid there - - didn't
realize that he wasn't suppose to hobnob with the big shots.
       Did that: Was involved with seven institutions of higher learning after
high school; motivated by the acquisition of paper. (Completed three years of
college) Earned an associate-of-arts degree in liberal arts with a concentration in
science journalism; certificates in computer applications, space and general
science, business management and medical assistance. R.D. completed an
internship in museum/science education.
       The fun will begin momentarily....C.J. has opted to place Epilog prior to
Fun...Will resume article proper soon: same time, same channel...Is he a
grammatical though breaker?...Don't say a word: He packs a punch and has
big friends: on the couch are George, John, Tom and Jim, all about are Topper and
                                           by Citizen Journalist
Obvious...Subtle...Superficial...Deep...Face-value...Multi-lay ed.....He never gives
his true age...Prides himself on his honesty...Shoots-from-the-Hip/Non-P.C./
Pulls-No-Punches....Thinks that he knows more about outside than people who
go outside...Modest International Man of Mystery...Look at him and what is
transpiring behind him...He resides In and Out of Plato's Cave...
           His first black friend (we needn't say "African-American" because the
           Reverend Jackson ordered everyone to do so in 1988) Harriman (who was
           passing) said of "Krazy Kat" what C.J. thinks is applicable to R.D.:
           "May in some time...let in the light which is now to our meager vision
            denied...For you will understand him no better then we who linger on
            this side of the pale."
           "It's wot's behind me I am. It's the idea behind me (with ever-changing,
            shifting backgrounds) and that's what I am."
           "He is but a shadow of himself caught in the web of this mortal skein."
'cause of the cause.
As a child and teen and since exposed to old and new. Good taste and not as old
as you might think.
                                    Best Movies (the envelope, please)
                                          As told to C.R. by R.D.
           1) (Temporary aside: Once compiled a list of his 50 favorite movies and
               was shocked to discover that as a rule he hated musicals but his
               favorite movie was) YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (Patriotism? See best
               T.V. series which was irreverent);
            2) Twelve Angry Men;
            3) 2001: A Space Odyssey;
            4) Good fellows;
            5) The Pink Panther;
            6) Hanoi Hilton;
            7) Blazing Saddles;
            8) The Day the Earth Stood Still;
            9) Devil's Advocate;
           10) Hear No Evil, See No Evil
                                                  Best Songs
             1) Jumpin' Jive (Cab Callaway);
             2) Wayward Wind (Patsy Kline);
             3) Yankee Doodle Dandy (James Cagney);
             4) Pomp Stomp (instrumental, Woody Herman Orchestra);
             5) Yesterday (Beatles);
             6) Birth of the Blues (Sammy Davis Jr.);
             7) My Way (Frank Sinatra);
             8) The Gambler (Kenny Rogers);
             9) Is that All There Is (Peggy Lee);
            10) It's a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
              (R.D.'s Godfather knew "Rat Pack")
Best Singers (not in order): Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Nat 'King' Cole,
Billie Holliday, Buddy Holly, Bing Cosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Louis
Armstrong, Chuck Berry
Ponder this: Have today's singers listen to an hour of one or more of the above
singers. What they then be capable of getting on stage!?!
                                     Best Television Series
               1) M*A*S*H*;
               2) Bonanza;
               3) Dick van Dyke;
               4) Burns and Allen;
               5) Twilight Zone;
               6) The Prisoner (with a nod in the direction of our British friends);
               7) All in the Family;
               8) Taxi;
               9) Odd Couple;
              10) I Love Lucy
   (It's wot's behind me)
                                             The MUSES
                1) Tom Jefferson;
                2) Jim Madison;
                3) Tom Paine;
                4) Rod Serling;
                5) Arthur C. Clarke;
                6) Isaac Asimov;
                7) Carl Sagan;
                8) Arthur Canon Doyle;
                9) "Ellory Queen";
               10) Groucho Marx
The museless: Charlie Sheen..."Who's number one?"...To be continued: In Plato's Cave...
When? Upon the return of the A.D.D. train to the "Village"....
See you in the funnies...

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