Friday, November 26, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 9:53 pm

                               ATBTC (Americans Taken Back Their County)
                                                  CHAIN LETTER 4:
                                          EXPLORATION and ENERGY
                      by Richard DePersio, Joined by Fellow Revolutionaries
        Loose Association of Americans with Similar but Not Cookie-Cutter Views

Mining the Moon for Silicon and Helium-3 for the purpose of taking a major step toward
energy independence and generating affordable energy while our demand for energy more
then doubles over the next two decades.
      We have taken many factors into consideration in endorsing these proposals, including,
real climatology as opposed to U.N.-Cattle Fart-Hockey Stick Pseudo-climatology.
      It is extremely expensive and difficult to mine for silicon and Helium-3 on earth. The
price tag might even be prohibitive on a massive scale. Silicon is employed in producing
solar cells for solar panels which we want in earth orbit generating electricity. Helium-3 would
be used for fusion plants to generate electricity. We presently have fission plants. Fusion  plants would be less expensive, even safer and more environmentally-friendly (for the
benefit of Cattle-Farters) then fission plants.
     Let's put the subject in perspective. Coal generates 15-20% as much energy as put
into the energy of mining and processing. Mining on the moon is much less expensive
because of lower gravity and no air resistance. "Mass Drivers" powered by concentrated
sunlight would scrape helium-3 from the surface and the material to earth orbit. It would
cost only 5% to send silicon from moon to earth orbit then it would from earth to earth orbit.
Such mining would retrieve 300x more energy  from He-3 then put in, including, the energy   of going to the moon and shipping material to earth! Cost-effective: So, Why did Obama
cancel moon program? Same reason that he loaned Mexican Oil  to drill in Gulf of
Mexico during moratorium on U.S. drilling, in spite of the fact that they have much lower
safety and environmental standards?
    Don't touch pristine moon. We'll get to it. Hold your farts. 
    It has been estimated that we will have fusion plants by 3030 give or take 3 years. NASA
could truncate it to 2023 give or take 3 years.

Not allowing $9 spent on NASA's "Constellation" Program go down same presidential
black hole as "stimulus package" and Fannie/Freddie. Combine Orion/Ares 1 and Ares 5
heavy-lifter with nuclear thermal  stage ( aka earth-transfer module to moon and Mars)  to      be fired  in low or high earth orbit with it doing double-duty as cosmic ray shield for Orion.  Array should include safer liquid booster rockets rather then shuttle solid boosters if necessary. Using nuclear thermal stage would make rocket faster, more powerful and
less expensive. It would also require one or two chemical stages.

We should have 5 moon missions lasting 3 weeks at lunar equatorial region, mission to
lunar 'arctic' region for 5 weeks, flight to lunar 'antarctic' circle for 7 weeks, visit to lunar
far side for 4 weeks with comsat in Lagrange orbit and a return to lunar north for 3 months
during 2020-21. Four follow-up missions if warranted.
     NASA would establish 3 moon bases where astronauts (Commander, pilot, mission
specialists - geologists, geophysicists, engineers, astronomers) for stays of up to 3 months
with private company geologists, geophysicists, metallurgists, engineers nearby. They
would pay NASA to be flown to moon or pay private company. They might be able to
use water at poles to drink, separate out O to breath and the H for nuclear thermal power
plant and for propulsion. Living off the land. Mining can't commence until area is
thoroughly studied scientifically. During that period, private company can determine
viability of site for mining. In the future, private company would be compelled to do
exploration prior to exploitation without NASA (Pure science often leads to applied science
or technology).

Proposals 10, 11 and 12 might enable us to have fusion plants on earth by 2023 give or
take 3 years and we should begin orbiting solar energy satellites when the new version Ares   is operational which should be by or before 2017. Experts estimate that we can only get
up to 30% of our energy from solar and wind. NASA could guarantee it! Since NASA's
inception it has developed cutting-edge technology and built upon existing technology
which has made its way to the private sector - free of charge! - after 3 to 5 years.

NASA paving the way.Only 1/2 of one per cent of fed budget. Only component of fed gov
where you get a return: $5 return for every $1 invested in 5 years or less: pure science
and applied science or technology; spin-offs or applications.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fwd: WHY TEA is BAD for YOU and ATBTC is GOOD for You

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 5:19 pm
Subject: Fwd: WHY TEA is BAD for YOU and ATBTC is GOOD for You

                                     Subtitle: NO LIPTON SERVED HERE
                                              by R. DePersio, ATBTC

Dear Readers, We say: "Yes, We Can" with NINE Concrete proposals and counting. How
many tea leaves?
 A major part of the progressive movement and later the liberal movement was
the destruction of traditional morality and the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our Founding
Documents (Citizen Reporter doesn't subscribe to any religion or religious denomination but
is in possession of strong scientific and philosophical principles). Beginning in the early 1930s
and, especially, the early 1960s, progressives who became liberals have been responsible
for laws, judicial decisions, executive orders and executive branch regs which are ant-Christian,
anti-moral and anti-marriage. Their tools: the television, newspaper, movie and music
industries. Their ultimate goal: replacing our Founding Docs with the so-called "progressive
'living' constitution."
The libertarian myth: we shouldn't legislate morality. Why don't they come out-of-the-closet?
They are social liberals for they want the anti-s of the past to stand; they are opposed to efforts
by moral traditionalists, social conservatives, Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians to undo
the damage wrought, especially, on the children! Perverts. It is perfectly fine to legislate immorality! Little hypocrites like Glenn Beck, Judge Napilitano (an Italian who can't spell an Italian name to save
his life - even if the Mafia had guns to his big head) and Father and son members of congress
what's-their-names. A.D.D.-attack. Shall return!
We're back...Tea Party (words are contradictory for you can't have a party with tea!) are comprised
of 57% social conservatives and 48% who are active or semi-active in both movements. They
have chosen to suppress those moral beliefs to focus on problem number one: the economy and
to get libertarian support. For how long?!? We - Moderates, Moderate-Conservatives and
Conservatives - must now wage war on all fronts: all domestic and social issues, as well as,
foreign policy and military matters. We won't always be 100% in agreement. But, we must fight
the good fight. Rome fell for many reasons, including, moral ones.
The Tea Parties want dues and donations. ATBTC is free. We will recommend not dictate to
each other and it won't cost us one red cent! We can accomplish us much as them via
acting on chain letters. Sending copies to family, friends and co-workers and contacting members
of congress and giving them their marching orders. Submit comments, suggestions and articles for
posting even when you disagree with Citizen Reporter. Members of ATBTC don't share one
mind nor to we suppress - temporarily or permanently - -  it isn't healthy!. Let's drink to that
(with something stronger then tea! We want to win).

(We will sever ties with Tea-Like Org "Regular Folks United" for they are too timid - P.C. -
and too limited in vision and scope).

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 5:32 pm
Subject: Fwd: ATBTC
Reprint; Original: July

Editor's Note: Resurrecting the "ATBTC" Concept. This article has only been modified slightly from the original. It will serve to prove our contention: Read our older posts - we worked hard on them - - they're not out of date. This article is about a year and a half old. Certainly, articles that are three months old or less are safe. The genesis of a concept:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 6:48 pm
Subject: ATBTC

             Dear readers,
             I had nearly completed what I felt (with all due modesty) was when of the best articles ever me. When the computer won one. Article vanished into the ether; irretrievable.
             There's another crisis in America. I don't mean the economic/financial one per se. Eighty to Ninety per cent of Americans aren't even aware of it. I knew as soon as Obama stated in his inaugural address: We are a nation of believers and non-believers. It meant that he was replacing the Founding Father's Constitution with the so-called 'living' constitution that progressives created during the progressive era. Obama had given them what they craved and what their liberal descendants have now received.
             I am certain that conservatives will believe me and liberals won't. I ask conservatives and implore moderates to take about an hour for your country's sake and look up the following: Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights; the nullify doctrine of 1832; the due process clause; the commerce clause; categorical and block grants; revenue sharing; New Deal; President Truman's failed (he was stopped by U.S. Supreme Court) in 1951 to take over steel mills
(private sector)- - -does he remind you of anyone living today and where is the Supreme Court today; this one is going to pique your curiosity - Darby Lumber.
             Citizen Reporter hereby endorses and kindly requests that you  check out the following organization: "Alliance Defense Fund." 
           Times is of the essence...Only the four largest health insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield will survive and they'll serve as fronts for socialized medicine (In countries with socialized medicine you have to wait up to a week to see a primary physician and up to 3 months to see a specialist or lab technician. America will no longer be at the forefront of developing new medications due to price controls. The unions destroyed the public school system, the airline industry, the auto industry and so much more. They've been rewarded by being put in
charge of the auto industry in violation of bankruptcy laws - creditors, bond holders, shareholders got the shaft. The Federal Government owns part of the financial and private sectors - not the taxpayer even though its your money.
           Do you feel over-regulated? Soon your doctor will be chosen for you, you will be told what you can eat and what you can drive, etc. Even if the economy were to temporarily improve would it be worth the loss in state powers and individual rights?
           Pravda (Russia biggest newspaper) published an article in its paper and posted it on its website that America is doing what was done in the former Soviet Union as regards domestic policy
in general and economic policy in particular, as well as, social policy. Britain's Daily Telegram states Obama is completed Bin Laden's work.
           The A.I.G. bill signaled out one company; the president and the congress can not signal out an individual or only one of a number of similar companies. Judges swear an oath to be impartial. Obama and Supreme Court nominee know that she will be committing perjury. I could continue but my 2 fingers hurt. President Bush took a big step in the wrong direction prior to leaving office; Obama went UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
           Pick a uniform. It's the ATBTA (Citizen Reporter presents AMERICANS TAKING BACK

Please e-mail and/or phone and/or visit and/or snail mail (even if it winds up in the hands of a staff member - they keep records for numerous reasons and report data to their superior - - most Americans think that getting involved in this manner is a waste of time --- it is not) your U.S. Senators, U.S. Representative, Governor, State Senator, State Assemblyman (or representative depending on where you live - some of you were going to say: Those New Yorkers of full of themselves - they think that because they call them Assemblyman everyone does!) County Executives, Mayor and Councilman and say: Constitutional Convention; Amendment 10; Nullify Doctrine; Darby Lumber. Say whatever you want but give them hell!!!...Where were we... I'm being ADDed...oh, yes...ATBTA Revolutionaries vs. the Redcoats (no; I don't have the wrong war - the Russians are calling us reds like we referred to communists and communism as reds and red - - - slang, putdown terms that we used for communists, including, Soviets.We are heading in RED direction. The "Alliance Defense Fund" needs ammunition (Contributions; irregardless of whether
or not you're Christian - Citizen Reporter no longer is - - TRADITIONAL MORALITY is GOOD for
EVERYONE and VITAL if OUR NATION is to SURVIVE (Remember one of the main reasons
Rome fell!).Wear the uniform of...
                                                                                                          Freedom and Liberty,
                                                                                                          In exile in My Own Country
                                                                                      We'll Be There to Fight along  with the         
                                                        SPIRITS OF   
                                                      TOM, JIM AND THE OTHER
                                                            ORIGINAL REVOLUTIONARIES





-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 2:08 pm

                                                LET'S DO OURSELVES 
                                        SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION 

                                       Richard DePersio with Cyber-Friends
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION: We should phone and/or leave a message at the website
of our governor and state legislators demanding that they call for a Constitutional Convention
aka Article 5 Convention to which they would appoint delegates. It would require 34 states to    call for a convention. Proposed amendments have to be approved by 38 states or by 38 pairs
of delegates at the convention. In the past, the possibility of a convention has prompted
congress to act by passing amendments via the other method: approval of over two-thirds
of both houses of congress, thereby, enabling congress to control the amendment process 
but being compelled to take into account the wishes of the states. We should demand 
Constitutional Convention and no usurping by congress. 

COMMERCE CLAUSE: Said convention should propose an amendment reiterating the real
definition of the clause predicated on the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. Primarily
between 1905-21, 1933-46, 1963-72 and 2009-present, congress has invoked "Commerce
Clause" for non-commerce or intra-state commerce matters. This is also true of many
presidential executive orders, executive branch regulations and judicial decisions. These
constitute unconstitutional acts for he U.S. Constitution only gives congress authority in 16
areas. This is why, we don't won't congress too involved with amendment process. They
would not be inclined to forfeit powers unconstitutionally seized.

CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION-PLUS: Delegates or committees appointed by delegates
should list laws, orders, regs, decisions rendered that are in violation and decide or
recommend if act should be retained or modified or replaced or deemed null-and-void
and not be replaced (Citizens are victims of too many laws and regs infringing on our
liberties!). They must then frame in the form of an omnibus amendment. This action
might provoke a Constitutional Crisis with Congress claiming Constitutional Convention
exceeding mandate while states harbor the view that such action would serve to define
Nullification Doctrine.  

AMENDMENT 17: Revoke it. Superficially, it appears to have empowered the citizenry
but further probing indicates otherwise and, further, violates intent of Founding Father's.
Their Master Plan: Voters would directly elect members of state legislators and members
of House of Representatives who, therefore, would strongly fight to defend state powers
and citizen's rights in the case of the former and citizen's rights in the case of the latter.
State legislators would choose electors (now, voters choose electors) who, in turn, would
choose president. The president would, in effect, be 3 steps (now, 2) removed from the
voters and would be inclined to fight for a big and powerful fed gov to carry out the 16
responsibilities of fed gov. Each house of a state legislature would choose a U.S.
Senator. During the first 'progressive era or error' in 1913, voters would henceforth
choose U.S. Senators. Good idea; power to the people. Wrong!!! Bad idea. Under
original system a senator's desire to empower fed gov would be held in check by the
strings attached to him by state legislators (who are interested in state powers {first} and
citizen's rights {second}). Example: Major Healthcare Reform giving fed gov control
over an additional 17% of economy and shrinking state authority and citizen's rights in
the realm of healthcare with this humongous bill. Senators would fear that state
legislators wouldn't extend their contracts for another 6 years when their terms expired 
and might pressure them to resign or recall them. The Founding Fathers gave birth to
an ingenious plan which progressives (later known as liberals) had the audacity to mess
with and weaken not empowered us. There's an old army saying: "If it ain't broke, don't
fix it!"Further, the nature of the beast - healthcare reform - - it is so large that it should
have necessitated a Constitutional Amendment. Instead it was shoved through - with
members of congress not reading bill indirectly written by president george soros - on
a simple majority vote bypassing 60-vote Senate approval (filibuster).

X-37B to CONSTITUTION: Last year, Obama signed a directive enabling greater overt cooperation between military and NASA (one thumb's up for Obama). Let's exercise it
to prevent Obama from destroying NASA. This year the Air Force orbited for one month
the X-37B unmanned 'secret' (launch was televised live) which presently resembles a
one-third sized version of Space Shuttle. It is suspected to have carried equipment in
it's cargo bay for testing (equipment that might be deployed as part of future military
satellites). It was landed by remote control. How many orbital test flights were conducted
in the past? We are in the dark. It would appear close to being operational and appear to
have an appearance similar to final version. The operational craft should be called
CONSTITUTION in order to drive liberals who don't believe in the real Constitution but
the bogus "progressive 'living' constitution" crazy! At least one declassified version 
should be put on loan to NASA so that NASA can develop it to bring cargo to the
International (our - we paid bulk of cost) Space Station decreasing our future dependence
on Russia (we have a plan to prevent costly dependence entirely - see previous two chain
letters and articles at and and


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 6:34 pm

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 6:07 pm

                                          BULLETIN ON COMMON SENSE
                                      SUB-TITLE: WOMEN INTERRUPTUS
                                                 by Richard DePersio
    (All comsats listed and described at

EDITOR'S (Rick) NOTE: Article is a potpourri - delicious - including, a Moon Proposal and
a return to subsidies.

      Teddy Roosevelt was a lousy progressive and a republican. Progressives became
      known as lousy liberals circa 1950. The last famous liberal-republican was Nelson
      Rockefeller. Teddy Roosevelt did three good things: A) He was a Rough Rider in the
     Spanish-American War; B) He gave permission while president for the Teddy Bear
     to be named after him; C) He coined the phrases:
                                               "bully pulpit"
                                               "Speak softly and carry a big stick"
                                               "lunatic fringe"
                                               "My hat's in the ring"
                                               "Good to the last drop"
    Citizen Reporter coined an alliteration: "Lousy, Little, Lying Liberals."

We were having discourse through cyber-space, Cyber-friends, about subsidies and stated
on the record that the Trinity considered them to be unconstitutional and socialistic.
Fed gov has no authority to give taxpayer money to certain industries or particular
companies. We're opposed to all subsidies of this type, including, subsidies to oil
companies. COMMON SENSE dictates that we let them drill for more oil in and around the
U.S. of A. The Pasticcio Nuts object. Is it preferable for us to spend hundreds of billions
of dollars on foreign oil - we get most imported oil from semi-enemies or, if you prefer,
semi-friends (is the glass half empty or half full?) - with much lower safety and environ-    mental  standards then us! And, part of it winds up in the coffers of terrorists. Don't give me solar and wind. Shut up! Experts say that we will only be able to get up to 30% of our energy from those sources by 2030. (NASA might be able to guarantee 30% -plus add  up to 20%. Of course, demand for energy between now and 2030 will increase by 2- to 3-fold  More on that later). Fed gov should not give hand-outs - corporate welfare.
       With must abandon Bush/Obama Concept of Too Big to Fail. Most companies -
oil, utilities, corporate farms, etc. - will find a way to survive by introducing a new
business model for their company. Auto companies should have gone to bankruptcy
court while banks and insurers should have restructured.
      Fed Gov is opposed to monopolies and yet it has dysfunctional ones, such  as, the U.S.
Post Office. It has been losing money for years; last year over $8 Billion! We could save
$100 Billion over 10 years (each year, Post Office is more in the red then the previous year)
by allowing private companies compete over deliveries to businesses and residences. We
heard a liberal say the Fed Gov should give more money to this semi-independent federal
agency! It is reminiscent of city-level wherein part of your taxes support transportation
but you still have to pay bus and train fare. The lib suggested that Post Office needs to
create 21th Century business model - let private sector do it. What happened after we
allowed private companies deliver parcels? We told you in our last article that the U.S.
Treasury Department's U.S. Mint uses a private company UPS rather then the gov's USPS
to deliver its coin sets to people even though they charge more! Why? Much greater chance
of delivering when scheduled to do so, much less chance of loss or damage and fully
insured.  Remember when we discussed three times as many drivers choosing to pay  
 a toll for a highway lane owned by a private company rather then the free public lane
in the few states that allow citizens a choice.

Where are we? Thus far our proposals are: 1) Return all the land stolen from states by
fed gov except land where federal buildings and military installations are located; 2) cut
corporate income tax from 35% to 25%; 3) cut capital gains tax from 15% to 10%;  4) end
subsidies, including, subsidies to SpaceX (Falcon 9 Project) and Virgin Galactic;  5) procure more oil and natural gas domestically; 6) extend lifetime of shuttle for 3 years, use Ares           R & D, build Orion.

Henceforth, but not retroactive, no more unsupported mandates! If fed gov tells states
that it most do something then fed gov must completely pay for it.
The states must call for a Constitutional Convention to once again define Commerce
Clause according to Constitution and Federalist Papers and decide how to deal with unsupported mandates of the past and how to implement nullification concept- it would constitute a Constitutional Convention-plus!  Commerce Clause was meant to regulate trade between the states, it has PROGRESSIVELY been used since the 1870s, especially, the 1930s  by the fed gov to take powers from the states and rights from the people through     regulations having naught to do with commerce or having to do with intra-state commerce.  

Republicans have proposed restoring spending to 2008 budgets for fed departments,
agencies and programs. We say "yes" but A) Freeze it for 10 years except, perhaps, allow
an inflationary adjustment and B) There should be certain exceptions to this general rule.
       Increase military spending by $100 Billion over three years and then freeze its budget
for 7 (don't spend the $100 Billion remaining from Obama's failed stimulus project). The
U.S. Constitution gives fed gov responsibility for 16 areas, it doesn't include: Departments
of Education, Agriculture, Housing/Urban Development, Transportation, Interior (we already
proposed restoration of stolen land). Reduce their budgets by over 75% over 10 years with
2/3 of savings going toward reducing deficit/debt and 1/3 increase in funds that fed gov
gives to states for education, transportation, etc. The now mini-departments will exist to
make recommendations to the states and to monitor how fed money is spent. Money comes
with no strings but states will have to pay a penalty for reckless spending. They can create
and pay for programs that states can except or reject. 
      We must double spending over the next 10 years on the following agencies which are under-budgeted: border security; INS, DEA, FBI, Coast Guard, federal prison system - not
Department of Homeland Defense except for inspections at our harbors. The areas that we
ear-marked for an increase - some are part of DHD and some aren't. The bulk of budget
should return to 2008 level.
      The FICA Tax which supports Social Security taxes income up to 95,000; it should be
increased to 100,000. The age of retirement should be raised to 67 in 2025 and 70 in 2035
(presidential bi-partisan commission proposed 67 in 2050 and 69 in 2075) for we need not
only to save money but experience. The graying of America - couples are having far
fewer babies and people are living much longer. The situation is approaching a crisis in
Japan. The converse is the case in country like Iran where 1/3 of population is under 35.
     In order to bring down the cost of healthcare, we must allow health insurance companies
to compete in more then one state, put a cap on medical malpractice claims and import
loser-pay from UK as regards all suing, allow small- and medium-sized companies to form
associations so that they can get health care for their employees cheaper. Medicare and
Medicaid are billions in debt and fraught with fraud. Let's not dig a deeper hole. Let's
let private sector compete for those on Medicare with money spent each year on this
program being placed in medical savings from which recipients can use to purchase
health insurance and only health insurance. Three years ago, Medicaid recipients were required to get Medicaid through a private insurer. All M & M would have to do in the future   is monitor.
    We should decrease to three tax rates: 10%; 25%; 33% (Obama commission is proposing
10, 20 and 30 with no deductions). Those in the 33% bracket will receive a full deduction
for primary mortgage (1) and full charitable deduction; those in 25% the same plus
secondary mortgage (1); 10% - mortgages, dependents, standard medical and charitable. We
don't wish to hurt housing industry. Americans per capita are the most giving people in
the world and likely wouldn't give less to charities and non-profits if deduction were
eliminated but why gamble.

MOON BASE waste of money or our savior when it comes to producing energy and so
much more.

                                        To be Continued.

Congratulations...Thank you. Why are you congratulating us?...You didn't A.D.D. the