Monday, May 26, 2014

                             TOP SECRET STORIES
              by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist

We are so disappointed. As you know, we consider the
UK and Israel to be the the U.S.'s best friends in the world
unlike Prez BO. We were watching the documentary series
"Horizon" on BBC-World. The Brit host (we're withholding
his name to spare him further humiliation) displayed gross
ignorance in talking about NASA in this doc concerning
 world-wide space efforts. Perhaps, he can blame his writers
 as he might just be a puppet like actors.
       It pains us to report that his statements and figures were
astronomically wrong. He shouldn't be allowed to disseminate
such info on our great NASA! He actually stated that NASA
has generated $5 billion for U.S. economy and saved 450,000
       Let's set the record straight...Since its inception in '58, our
space program has been completely, largely or partially
responsible for over 30,000 inventions and discoveries!
NASA is one of the federal entities that works. As far as pure
science it contributes from astronomy to zoology and just
about everything in between: biology; chemistry; geology;
atmospheric physics; oceanography; physics. Knowledge
for knowledge's sake is a glorious and beautiful thing.
Thanks to NASA humans (Americans) walked on another
heavenly body for the first time - arguably the greatest
accomplishment in the history of humanity. Further, pure 
science often becomes applied science or technology with 
the passage of time. The work of the Great NASA Team
(disseminated, it's only a shadow of its former self courtesy
of BO!) often results in nearly immediate new technology and
spin-offs. It has been estimated that for every $1 budgeted
to NASA, there is a $5 return within 7 years through these
technologies and spin-offs --- except in recent years and we
know why! These NASA benefits are in many of the
engineering fields, mircominaturization, materials science,
meteorology and more. For example, much of modern
medical technology is predicated on space technology ---
we're confident that it adds up to a lot more than 450,000!
Due to our recent conflict with Russia over the Ukraine. a
Russian official suggested that the U.S. use trampolines to
get its astros to International Space Station instead of 
Russia. Pudding (as we call Russian dictator) won't take this
 advice for we pay Russia $65 million to carry our astros (he
 recently raised the price tag by $15 million). It has been a
humiliation for the nation that had won the Space (Moon)
Race. International - we footed most of the bill for the space
         We stated two years that BO was wrong to extend ISS
until 2020; we proposed ending our involvement in 2014.
As we control most of the on-board systems, we should
turn them off - most can be turned off by ground control and
the balance by our astros. We should dare Russia to do
anything about it - something Bo wouldn't do for he's a little
 dictator at home and a confused pussy on the world scene - 
rendering it virtually useless.
         We are facing a debt crisis from which we might not be
able to recover thanks to BO. Major spending cuts are
needed now which will be painful. The longer we wait the
deeper and more painful the cuts. Nothing should be exempt
except NASA as it is the only government entity where we
get a return for our investment As we said in the past: $10
billion over ten years with full annual cost-of-living
 increases. After cancelling our space station as we just
about gotten everything that we could out of it, we should
divert these funds.
         What should we do with these funds. Research and
Development for nuclear thermal (not thermonuclear!)
 propulsion which is the cheapest and most effective way to
 explore solar system. Ion propulsion is best for interstellar
 travel, Further, developing nuclear fission plants aboard 
space probes and use them on manned craft. Three chemical
stages in moon rocket and two chemical/one nuclear
thermal for Mars. It is likely that moon mining for He3
(helium-3) for nuclear fusion plants on earth which are
under development which will be even cheaper and safer
than the present fission plants. Also: moon-mining for
silicon for earth-orbiting solar panels sending energy to
power stations on earth. We proposed long ago looking
into the feasibility - our idea - of placing unmanned 
Air Force X-37B when fully operational with GPS system
 in cargo bay near GPS sats to replace when dead. In
 addition, in the event of war our GPS will be a prime target
 for the enemy to render a our military nearly useless. If hit,
 X-37B would replace. X-37B would be less vulnerable as it
 is more easily maneuvered than a satellite.
        We might decide that some of these efforts should
be secret and done under the banner of the Air Force
which would contribute $$$s and personnel. The Atomic
Energy Commission might be involved too. Of course, NASA!
         Which nations should NASA collaborate with on Moon
and Mars? They are: UK; Israel; India; Brazil; Canada;
Australia; United Arab Emirates; Germany. And while they
couldn't contribute much money the following to aggravate
Russia: Poland: Czech Republic; Ukraine. It would also
reassure them that we will be there if attacked by Pudding.
We might consider China to stick it to Russia and because
their the second wealthiest country. It would be contingent
on their not misbehaving. Those projects that we label
secret will be secret from the above nations.
          A New Era in Space Exploration/Exploitation. Our
destiny lies in the cosmos. New 'Horizons' but not like the
one above!
          On keeping secrets strangely...Believe it or not the
X-37B is still technically classified. Check out detailed
picture above. We know when they are launched and how
long they stay in space. SHHHHHH don't tell anybody!
 It is believed that it is equipped with a paint-like substance
that once sprayed at sat or probe makes on-board system 
inoperable; it might have been used against a Russian
probe - Air Force denies it.
           More secrets: it is believed that Air Force wants a
manned version. These efforts have been thwarted. In the
early '60s, their X-20  Dyna-Soar space plane was cancelled
after AF astros had been chosen and a year before first 
planned flight. Research data later shared with NASA for
space shuttle development. Their MOL space station in the
late '60s was canceled during research phase as well! They
might contribute an active duty (NASA astros in past
became inactive if in military while with NASA) astro for
moon mining feasibility tests. Securing He3 and silicon
from moon might prove much less expensive than from
earth due to less gravity.
            Only putting weapons in space is verboten by a U.N.
treaty. Oops - paint! All bets are off in times of war. We have
suggested placing anti-missile system in cargo bay of
X-37B future (?) manned version. The Air Force might want
to use a version of the moon rocket for placing operational
X-37B near GPS satellites which orbit very high. NASA
might be able to use a declassified version of unmanned
and manned versions in the future.

Hermes: "More on these and other topics can be enjoyed in
the many pages of my comsat. Even once in a blue moon
surprises: topics other than astronautics and aeronautics and
space policy; the same is true at Urania's Don't forget our flagship
comsat www.rickcmtsite,

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