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From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 2:44 pm
Subject: Fwd: To Hermes, Love Urania
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 2:44 pm
Subject: Fwd: To Hermes, Love Urania
by Richard DePersio and Aphrodite
with Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
(Fortified with Shocking Non-PC; Someone has to be willing to speak
the unspeakable! It ain't you typical science article)
!) Launched in August '62. Vostok 2 was polited by Titov the Soviets
second manned mission. He was the first man to eat in space: he ate
some food paste; later, he gained the distinction of becoming the
first human to experience space sickness. Apparently, paste wasn't
umm umm food!;
2) The third American in space, Glenn, emptied a tube of applesauce
into his mouth becoming first USA to eat in space. We are certain
that it wasn't good to the last drop and he didn't become ill. We
can't be sure if Titov problem was food or motion sickness or a combo;
3) Wally Schirra was our fifth one-man Mercury mission and the
first telecast beamed to earth. It was processed and soon telecast.
Prior to this time, astronauts and cosmonauts were filmed in their
space capsule with footage shown on TV and stills in newspapers
after the conclusion of their missions;
4) Wally was followed by Gordo Cooper who launched a sphere with
strobe lights, which he was able to see on the following orbit. Gordo
was the first astro-guy to deploy a satellite from orbital flight. He
is further distinguished by the fact that his manual landing was of
pin-point accuracy;
5) The joint Apollo/Soyuz mission: after Apollo splashed down , an
astro-error caused the fumes of fuel being dumped overboard to be
drawn into the spacecraft. The fumes caused Brand to loose
consciousness, but no permanent harm resulted. The crew probably
saved their own lives by using their oxygen masks.
(Note: Mercury and Vostok flights took place between 1961-64; joint
mission in '75).
6) In '86, two cosmonauts having spent two months aboard the Mir
space station flew Soyuz spacecraft to the older Salyut station where
they spent 50 days - this represented the first transfer from one craft
to another;
7) Let's pay homage to the unmanned pathfinders...Our Ranger probes
intentionally crashed into the moon transmitting date until impact; the
Lunar Orbiters gathered data from lunar orbit (aren't you glad we
explained it; it would have driven you crazy for hours if we hadn't --- we
know our readers!); finally, we were able to soft-land Surveyors on the
moon. In '67, Surveyor 6...
FOX NEWS ALERT: Artemis is furious. Let's hope that she doesn't go
muslim (slang for violent or crazy). The goddess demands that CJCS
Comsats desist in employing the words moon and lunar. RD: "We
shall never give in to terrorist demands." Artemis: "But, darling, I'm no
terrorist." RD: "Are you a Zsa Zsa? Artemis: "Let's get physical." RD:
"Are you a Newton-John." Calliope: "Rick, I can vouch for my Greek
"Are you a Newton-John." Calliope: "Rick, I can vouch for my Greek
goddess friend. Now, be a good human and make her happy --- and
Newton-John her." Aphrodite: "Over my dead immortal body!" RD: "My
decision is...
...lifted off the lunar surface - correction: Artemis' body - moved to a new
location, and set down to photographed another sexy area. The first time
an engine had been restarted on an extraterrestrial body.
8) In '69, Apollo Astros landed within 600 feet of Surveyor 3 which had
landed about 2 and a 1/2 years earlier. Conrad and Bean retrieved some
pieces from the probe, later found to contain earth bacteria, which had
survived all that time subjected to extreme cold and heat, near vacuum
and dryness.
All of this enabled America to win Artemis Race. There must be more to
the story like even bigger events:
A) Americans and Russians could maneuver their crafts for experience
when scheduled, otherwise controlled from the ground and on-board
'auto-pilot.' They could seize control if part or all of system conked out
(US), all (USSR). The cosmonauts had to open a box containing a code
to punch in in order to secure manual control --- great if there were an
emergency! As we progressed from Mercury to Gemini to Apollo, our
spacemen secured much control of craft while the other side only a
modicum more. (One can argue that it reflected our different political systems.
B) Greater astro-control enabled us to achieve rendezvous and docking and
accomplish more during space walks - vital for Artemis missions.
C) We had the Saturn 5, was most powerful rocket ever built --- 7.6 million
pounds of thrust at launch. In '67, USSR had a more powerful Artemis rocket
but blew up on launch pad during a fueling test producing many casualties.
(Note: Saturn 5 too Apollo crafts to Artemis beginning in '69. It wouldn't be
until '87 that Russia would have a rocket approaching Saturn 5 in power ---
7.9 pounds of thrust at launch called Energiia. It was launched only twice: '87,
'88. The second time it tested an unpiloted space shuttle called Buran.
(Note: Some data came from "Smithsonian Guides: Spaceflight" {Prentice
Hall Macmillan, 1995} ** - see below).
(Our first. While we have quoted from outstanding books,
we've yet to review a single one {single one seems redundant}.
System: * star - poor; ** - fair; *** -good; **** - excellent and ^ - 1/2
"Stick and Rudder" by Wolfgang Langewiesche (McGraw-Hill, 1944). This is
without a doubt one of the greatest stories ever told: creative, educational
fun --- you just don't wish to put it down as if you are reading a mystery.
It constitutes an excellent supplement to a student pilot's manual, an
informative/imaginative journey for the earth-bound intelligent layman and
well augments a freshman aeronautical engineering student's textbook. Written
slightly more from a pilots perspective.
Don't Allow Year of Copyright dissuade you from purchasing this
top-of-the-shelf construction. Sneaky, he helps you understand Relativity too!
Remember: During and prior to WW2, what keeps a plane up - lift - was
taught correctly in elementary and high schools, pilot training and college
aeronautics. Since the late 40s, it is only taught correctly in aeronautics. Bernoulli
is baloney when misapplied leading to a false understanding of lift and, thereby,
making it harder to understand flight.
It's about Newton and your angle of attack. Who did it? The Wolfman!
Rating: ***^ (Only, we will get ****, if we ever write a book).
"Understanding Flight" by Anderson Eberhardt (McGraw-Hill, 2010) Written for the
intelligent layman and more from an aeronautical engineer's point-of-view. We
don't feign to be experts but it seems to us that the book contains a few errors
and contradictions plus a few confusing passages. We need to consult our
other books on the subject - now, especially, the Wolf - to better understand
certain parts. Educational but not entertainingly educational.
Rating: **.
"Flight: Pioneers-Airpower-Record Breakers-Future" by Ian Graham in association
with Royal Aeronautical Society (KingFisher, 2001). This book can serve a meaningful
purpose: Parent and child (over 10) can take turns reading out loud and discuss or
read separately followed by discussion. It could lead to looking up more info on
items covered in short composition.
Rating: **^.
(How did with do as first time critics?).
Aphrodite: "Wrap it up. Artemis is now visible." Calliope: "Let's do one more section."
RD: "CJ, How can we refuse: Beauty-Brain-Body!"
(Put Down that Remote!!! Wait for Guinean Surprise*)
World Launch Sites: US - Kennedy Space Center-Florida, Vendenberg, Air Force Base-
California, Wallops Island-Virginia; Russia - Baikonur Cosmodrome-Kazakh Republic,
Kapustin Yar-Russia, Piesetsk-Russia; China - Sguang chang tse, Xichang; Japan -
Kagoshima Space Center, Taneegeshima Space Center; Africa - San Marco
platform (Italian); South America - Guiana Space Center, Kourou Space Center
(French/European; Israel - Negev; India - Sriharikutas Range.
(*Let's define Latin America as Mexico and the countries of Central America, South
America and the Caribbean Islands as those controlled for many years by Spain and
where the dominate language is Spanish and where there is a pronounced Spanish
influence. And, African-Americans as descendants of those who had ancestors who
were slaves and those who were or had become freemen.
PC-Blow-Up: Have you noticed but wouldn't dare say out loud but we will that those who
emigrate here from nations to our south with a heavy British or French or Dutch influence
are better educated and more classy and cultured: the way they talk, their ideas; style of
dress; way they carry themselves; are hard working. We are speaking in general for
there are exceptions to the rule. We don't consider our observations bigoted. Recently,
a 30 year old Guinean black friend described an African-American co-worker as ghetto
due to her appearance and work habits or lack thereof. Further, the boss has to cow tow
to the African-American, clearly fearing being accused of discrimination, costing after a
verbal altercation, my much harder-working/better qualified friend her job. There is black
and there is black. It has nothing to do with color (race) for that would be indicative of
racism. What about Jamaicans, man. Of course, UK, France and Holland are part of
Western Culture to the greater degree. Word. I'm chillin' in my crib with my homies. It's
the Hip-Hop culture. Milf).
Hermes: Thank you, Urania for serving as gift's producer.
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