-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 10:04 pm
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 10:04 pm
OUR FOUNDING FATHERS (No P.C. allowed here; Framers - What is that? Something
around paintings?) created a Republic which now totters on the Precipice).
"So Two cheers for Democracy: one because it admits
variety and two because it permits criticism. Two
cheers ate quite enough: there is no occasion to give
three. Only Love the Beloved Republic deserves that."
-E.M. Foster
by Richard DePersio
(all comsats listed and described at: groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic)
Preface: I'm honored! Our ace reporter Citizen Reporter has never objected to my writing an 'Editor's Note' but when there is a Preface that's his purview. CR wanted
to know what existed here before here: his house which was built circa 1940. He
contacted the local historical society which had declined to comment as they don't
do such research over the phone for individuals. Sometimes, it seems as if there is
more then one of 'him!' He played the old sympathy card: disabled and homebound
turning a negative into a positive and procured the information that he strongly desired:
"The XXX XXXXX (privacy; wants to avoid a punch in the nose for telling truth in his
articles - the guy can't help it, he just can't help it) Greenhouse and Nursery. There were
lots for sale and the nearby gas station was on the map. The local private (for rich kids;
we hated them) technical preparatory school was a gymnasium (the term used in parts
of Europe, especially, Germany that prepares students for university) and this was an
Italian and Scandinavian neighborhood. I'm not cognizant of an equivalent term being
employed in Italy such as gymnasiumo (then again, I'm an Italian-American who doesn't
speak a word of Italian except for a few dirty words!).
Prior to the 1980s, there were virtually no murders or assaults or rapes or robberies
- there might be an occasional assault if your local store didn't pay protection money
or the private sanitation company (which picked-up trash for businesses; while public for residences - no charge) or if someone didn't make a payment to the loan shark, otherwise, the mafia protected the area while occasionally 'borrowing' merchandise
from a wholesaler making a delivery to a retailer. I'm to young to remember; I'm
relating what I was told.
When Ben Franklyn moved to Philadelphia in the 1840s, there was a Pennsylvania
colonial government with a governor appointed by the king which hardly did anything.
We being way 'across the pond' enjoyed more autonomy then other British colonies
around the globe. There was no police force and virtually no British soldiers and
virtually no crime for three reasons: 1) Ninety-nine per cent of the population was
devout, church-going Christians, majority, Quakers (but it was the same in all
thirteen colonies no matter what the dominant Christian denomination was); 2) people
kept on eye on their children and house, as well as, their neighbor's, merchants kept
a look-out for each other's stores, 3) the boss paid a decent salary for a decent day's
work in a safe working environment because it was the Christian thing to do - and
there was a strong Protestant work ethic, 4) prices were reasonable for your customers
were your neighbors and other merchants - it wouldn't be wise to charge too much to
people from who you make purchases.
Today, 85 to 90% identify themselves as Christians and only 63% (Christians, Jews,
etc) attend services regularly or semi-regularly. Mom-and-Pop stores being replaced
by malls. People, much more so in cities then towns, mind their own business - they
wouldn't dare report on misbehaving child for fear of receiving a 'thank you' in the
form of a "mind your own business; raise your own child" and a black eye! Yet, CR
thinks hat we can improve things via Constitution but magic would be required for all
positive aspects of Ben's Philly - the largest city in the colonies a the time.
Preface 2: Editor is gone; kicked him out; punched him first. Where does he get off
writing a preface. Kicked him out because he made me angry. I hear that silly little
women on girlie show "The View" worked out because of a comment made by Bill
O'Reilly. Would you storm out of your house if a guest offended you? Would you
boss run out of his office because of your words?
Was he talking about 'people of the dome'? Wrote article about them. Let's
find out if their receiving funds from "muslim brotherhood" like most so-called
'moderate' mosques and other facilities do and stop construction at sacred Twin Tower site for national security reasons if they are.
We define a socialist nation as follows: 1) The fed gov consumes 20 to 30% of
GNP - the U.S. has arrived at 25% courtesy of Obama; 2) the fed gov employs over 30%
of workforce - Obama has brought us to 50%; 3) Gov workers on average make more then private sector workers - for the first time in our history that is the case; 4) Gov
directly and/or indirectly owns and/or controls and/or subsidizes 20% to 30% of
private sector - Obama has brought us to approximately 20% and will grow to over 40%
over next four years; 5) Gov controls about 25% of means of production - we are at 5%;
6) Big gov - large number of laws, regs, workers. You know answer unless you live in
Plato's cave!
We are now or on the brink of being a secular capitalist/socialist nation. Let's not
forget that corporate welfare (subsidies), social programs and unions are socialist in
nature.When our nation was created, it consisted of four departments and a handful of agencies. Over the past century growth to 14 departments and a thousand agencies and 43 czars most of which are unconstitutional. b Fed Gov direct and indirect control of fiscal and monetary components of our
economy was less then 3% from founding to between about 1890 and 1910. It grew to
about 7% by 1921 and declined to about 5% by 1929. Rose from 5% to 25% by 1946. It
varied between 12 to 17% between '46 and '63. It arrived at nearly 20 by '69. It declined
to about 15% in the '80s and rose to about 17% by 2009 and close to 30% now (in the ballpark figures: precision isn't possible due to variables, disagreements over statistics and definitions we have attempted to go with a consensus). Bare in mind: 100% under
communism. Certain numbers should give you pause for alarm as to where we are
headed if left unchecked and then rolled back. Red flags: debt; healthcare reform;
financial reform; potential red flags: cap-and-trade by congressional legislation or
executive order and new EPA regs; loss of triple 'A' bond rating; loss of control of
World Bank and IMF; international currency no longer based on dollar because dollar is
worthless. We say red for communism, especially, as regards health, finance, energy
plus aspects of business and private lives of citizens that gov wants to control but not listed.
We must demand a Constitutional Convention. Presently, a number of states are
challenging constitutionality all or part of Healthcare Reform. This isn't real
Nullification Doctrine. Real Nullification would be for a state to disregard a fed law or
reg or etc. You are saying: "It would cause chaos if states picked and choose which fed decisions to except and which to refuse. Our Founder Tom said that it might be
necessitated if fas gov became tyrannical and threatened state powers and individual liberties. This reporter, in a recent article, spoke of Marshal Law being declared by Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff as last resort and why I need not be feared. Unconstitutional to restore Constitutional. Read essay less you think CR has taken leave of his senses; CR can't afford to loose anymore.
Its responsibility: restoration of Constitution. Problem began about a
hundred years ago and has gotten PROGRESSIVELY worse with certain years of
respite. Outlandish interpretation of "Commerce Clause." It expanded at the expense
of "Amendment Ten." State powers and citizen's rights shrunk. All congressional
legislation, judicial decisions, executive orders and federal regs must be reviewed to
determine if they violate "Constitution, including, 'Bill of Rights'" and "Federalist Papers" definition of 'Commerce Clause' and 'Amendment Ten.' We also concur with
Republican proposal that all future congressional bills come with an attachment
justifying bill as constitutional, otherwise, measure can't be considered. It would stop
the bleeding but a lot of blood has already been lost. Most of you are to stupid to
realize what's happening. Keep watching "American Idol" and fires and care chases on the local news. You won't feel it until full impact in four years and then it will be too late. And, don't vote in November. Show how stupid you. You waste of carbon and water.
Perhaps, there should be a test to determine who has enough marbles to be eligible to vote. Convention is suppose to propose amendments for ratification by three-quarters
of state legislators who had chosen delegates to Convention This method has never been employed. In the past, Amendments to the Constitution were proposed by one or more members of Congress adopted by over a two-third vote of both houses of Congress. We need a new-type of C.C. to do more. It must review laws, judicial decisions, etc. rendered over the past 100 years at federal level to ascertain what can be retained, what must be
modified and that which must be rendered null-and-void. State legislators or state
attorneys-general would vote on decisions. C.C. should be comprised of two-thirds regular citizens from all walks-of-life, including, religious (retirees and those who can't take a leave-of-action like jury duty. Process can take months, a year or more or years. It would be an on-going process with votes being taken periodically not after C.C. completes all of its work. It would necessitate Constitutional Amendment to Amend Constitutional Amendment process. Hopefully, they will leave those rendered null-and-void/unconstitutional buried and not attempt in the future to replace it with a state-version. Fonding Father's wanted small gov. People don't realize it but their lives are regulated in millions of ways, including, thickness of leather in shoes! Too many laws and regs stifle, especially, silly and/or unconstitutional and/or unnecessary and/or redundant ones stifle individualism, creativity, innovation which damages citizens and businesses. Soon, we will have to check with Mrs. Obama on what we can have for dinner!
Cr has opted to reiterate because you are probably too lazy. We don't live in a third-world banana republic wherein military seizes control of citizen government and does doesn't return it it until and if forced to so. Our military is totally - mind, heart and soul - devoted to Constitution. By unconstitutionally invoking - Obama has violated
Constitution at least five times - military would expedite process and we are confident
with substantial and active civilian participation. And, quickly exit when job is done.
Citizen Reporter doesn't subscribe to any religion or religious denomination though born and raised as a Catholic. His views on God, Jesus, Heaven are rather unorthodox and are being expressed in a series of articles at comsat-ak.blogspot.com. CR is a social conservative as regards 90% of moral or values issues and 10% moderate or libertarian. Most Americans must return too their religious roots for our Constitution is predicated on many Biblical laws (613 not just top 10; many rendered inactive after destruction of Temple Mount which was seized by 'people of the dome') and fresh stuff and British Common Law.
In "Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?" (Published by Prometheus - hey!, referred to the now defunct Prometheus Rocket Program in a couple of our NASA articles - Books in 2003) edited by Paul Kurtz it states: "...should skeptical scientific inquirers question the regnant sacred cows of religion? There are both theoretical and prudential issues here at stake. I can find no theoretical reason why not, but there may be practical considerations. For one it requires an extraordinary amount of courage today as in the past (especially in America!)." (CR: Pardon my injection - Most of Europe has gone secular, including, with France in the forefront; it looked as though Eastern Europe would go Christian in a big way during the first few years of emancipation from the Soviet Union with its active underground Christian movement now unleashed to displace the state-controlled Christian Church; it didn't last in most of the countries of Eastern Europe with Holland leading the pack. The imposition of a church tax in much of Western Europe in the early '90s ostensibly to help financially-strapped churches backfired where predominately younger people opted not to pay it and not to attend; the churches get progressively more empty as the elderly get too ill to attend or die and you have fewer people paying the church tax and, in some cases, a little something extra. One can only wonder if there was an ulterior motive and real goal of these socialist governments. Recently, we heard a British PM state that in some ways nations of Europe are becoming less socialist while America is doing some of the stupid things that Europe began doing 200 years ago and, further, he indicated that the secularization of Europe has wrought great harm. WOOOOW-What A.D.D. Tangent. Reel him in - he's way out there!)"...to criticize religion. One can challenge politicians, celebrities, cult figures, paranormal hucksters, mediums, psychics, and astrologers with abandon, but to question the revered figures of orthodox religion is another matter, for this may still raise the serious public charge of blasphemy and heresy; and this can be dangerous to one's person (CR: Is he making reference to radical and 'moderate' muslims?) and career.
(A Temporary Aside as opposed to a short or a s...h.....o....r....t A.D.D. Journey, we venture to assume: The proliferation of books, So many books, So many books by the same author. It's as if they are coming off an assembly-line. We suppose that it can partially be explained by the writer having quicker and easier access to information via the Internet. It just seems that it took 5 to 10 years to construct a monumental creation: treatise, a classic, a textbook, a technical or professional writing for others in the same general field or (WE JUST
REMEMBERED: CHURCH, BLASPHEMY, CAREER) specialty. Other non-fiction not as lofty in ambition: 3 to 5 years while fiction of tier 2: 1 1/2 to 3 years. Hack writing (we define as an individual of moderate or, in rare cases, exceptional talent who would generally produce more books during his career then his contemporaries by, some would say, "Selling out" or "Going Commercial" or "Lowering His Standards for the Almighty $$$ (what's wrong with that? So long as you had written something of true quality that may or may not have been a bestseller early in your career; or even if you hadn't: Capitalism Good). Of course, some hack writers are mediocre to moderate. All hacks write down to the less educated or those of average intelligence and those desirous of sensationalism romance or sexuality or what were once called dime novels, often mysteries and horror and westerns; of course, there not a dime anymore and there are on occasion books in these areas of a high caliber (In contrast, mediocre writers can't get published except by vanity press or today's Internet equivalent of it; even some writers of average or moderate talent have chosen this avenue). The length of time to write a book in all categories seems to have been abridged. One senses - male intuition - that the process began about 20 years ago and accelerated about a decade ago with many more authors experiencing Gs. The non-fictions which took 3 to 5 years are being written in 1 to 3 years and the fictions that took 1 1/2 to 3 years seem to be taking 1 to 1 1/2 years. It is anecdotal evidence: The number of (CHURCH, PERSON, CAREER, BLASPHEMY)authors with large output seems to have increased dramatically. Every year or two, they are plugging their latest literary birth. On rare occasions, the are asked how long they worked on it and they seem embarrassed to say: "one year or so"; sometimes, they are devious: "on and off for three years." Many are selling T-shirts, coffee mugs and whatnot with their prolific births. Wasn't Bill of O'Reilly the first noticeable author/marketer? Bard of Avon must be rolling over in his grave! Don't misinterpret CR: There have been books that were written in less then 2 years that are superior to books of a much longer gestation. We believe that author Issac Asimov still holds the record for most books written and he was anything but a hack.
It's a MIRACLE-It's a FIRST: We just thought of a segue (champagne bottles are popping at all groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic lodges in the U.S., U.K, Israel and elsewhere; let's hope that the celebrating isn't premature): Back in the early '80s, there were a few stories of priests molesting boys but the stories didn't have legs. It wasn't probed more then superficially. It didn't have legs: journalism parlance for a story that lasts three days or less Why? Back in the day, the media was afraid of the Catholic Church and to a lesser extent Evangelical Christians. Let's assume that "Science and Religion..." took less then 3 years from conception to birth. The BIG Catholic Scandal began around that time or shortly thereafter. There were a few minor immoral or anti-Christian ( such as subsidizing buses for Christian kids stopped but continued for public schoolers) judicial decisions rendered between the early '30s and the late '50s and major, moderate and small ones since then with judicial and
legislative measures to destroy the sanctity of marriage beginning in the 60s.
Let's really go back in time. Trust me, I'll validate it..Stay focused, CR...Marx and the forgotten guy (Marx must have had a dream team: manager; publicist; travel agent. He was out there - selling his monstrous creation) communism in the 1840s. Engels is his barely remembered partner in political/economic trash. Communism failed and now only exists in three pathetic third-world countries: Cuba; North Korea; some little country on the 'dark continent." Canada and Western Europe are talking baby steps away from failed socialism while Obama (his boss George Soros) and all those that surround him want us to become a secular socialist, if not, communist nation!
Beck and company unintentionally generate impression that Wilson gave birth to
progress ism and don't know about whom WE consider the fathers of that loathsome
philosophy. Political spectrum: Progressivism - to the left - socialism - to the left -communism. The bad founding daddies were Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. in the 1870s and Louis Brandells in the 1880s. These founding fathers(the f---s don't get capital 'f's) of progressivism (no big 'p' ) but it wasn't called that until the 1890s. Further, that the genesis of the "progressive 'living' constitution" was with those two idiots and Woodrow Wilson contributed toward the development of the concept after 1900. It reached its final development in a book written by Professor Howard McBain in 1937. He coined the phrase "living constitution" and it was the name of his book (Thought
to ponder: how many lousy books did he write and how long did it take him to write them?).
He certainly influenced the third worst progressive - FDR who wrote additional rights that he wanted added to the existing "Bill of Rights" (which is part of "Constitution"; if you are having problems keeping up - look at other articles by yours truly; in case your curious Obama is No. 1 big 'p' with LBJ placing and Wilson bringing up the 'p' rear). The ROOTS of EVIL.
Friendly advice: at this junction, you might want to reread quote from "Science and
FINAL CITIZEN REPORTER? To be continued...
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