-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 8:47 am
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 8:47 am
by Richard DePersio "Now where was I" was what Jack Parr (the second host of the "Tonight Show") said (how old are you?...not that old, read about what he uttered; by the way, Steve Allen - '53-58, Jack Parr - '58-
by Richard DePersio "Now where was I" was what Jack Parr (the second host of the "Tonight Show") said (how old are you?...not that old, read about what he uttered; by the way, Steve Allen - '53-58, Jack Parr - '58-
'64, Johnny Carson - '64-84 - - best host, who came after him? Canon O'brian?) The show was live
back the, His monologue wasn't aired in mountain ans pacific times: censored. Next night, he
was furious and proudly proclaimed he would never be inappropriate of word. Stormed off show.
His befuddled announcer Hugh Downs had to assume the shows reigns. Jack went on safari n
Africa. Telegrams exchanged between him and NBC. He returned after two weeks and began
he show by saying: "Now where was I?"
A non-racist - not anti-religious warning to whites. blacks, Christians, Jews, parents, grandparents and the chronically ill... You're taking on a lot; Are you sure that you can handle it?..
One shouldn't attempt that which is destined fail. Timely: election primer.
For shame. America's public schools since teacher's unions. Brace yourself. We didn't realize
how tough our parents and grandparents had it. Undo Immigration Act of 1965. Obama healthcare
reform takes another power away from the doctor/patient.And, more controversy; we personally
guarantee it. Have we ever let you down? As they used to say in "Dragnet": "Just the facts, ma'am."
he truth shall set you free. Hallelujah!
Marxism originated in 1840s which led to liberation theology in Latin America in the 1950s and
black liberations theology in America in the 1960s within the Roman Catholic Church. Condemned
by a lazy Pope in the 1980s. It combines communism with the following concepts: whites can't be
saved unless they give much of what they worked hard for to blacks - charity is a Biblical requirement for Caucasians and not something that they can do voluntarily; hatred of America - "God damn America"; hated of whites, especially, Jews. Obama's three spiritual advisors subscribed to this brand of corrupted Christianity. The one his white grandparents secured for him as a teenager because he was having an identity problem: Who am I?; Am I white? Am I black; Am I muslim?; Am I Christian. It is in his autobiography. What he needed was a psychiatrist! We (can't recollect his moniker) was followed by 20 years of the Rev. 'Wrong.' Who can forget that clown. Obama has one-of-those now! Note: Obama's parents were socialists and his treatment of Israel. Blacks who object: don't stop reading because something is coming.
Marxism originates in the 1840s. It begets progress-ism in the 1870s. Progressives become
liberals circa 1950. They commit much economic upheaval and social experimentation under
FDR and Wilson. Even more damage in 1960s with LBJ's Great Society Programs, the birth of
the modern women's movement, the drug culture and the sexual revolution. Pure and unadulterated liberalism. There goals to be realized become: Crippling Christianity - their biggest
obstacle (actually, it goes back to 1930s when the founder of the "american civil liberties union"
stated public goal was protecting everyone's liberties and secret goal was weakening influence of
Christianity ( a few minor anti-Christian judicial decisions in 1930s and '40s); control of public
elementary and high schools and colleges; control of newspaper, T.V., movie and music
industries. Forgot: fed civil servants could unionize (serve union not citizens) in early '60s and
state workers in early '70s - most gov employees were forced to do so. Public schools nearly as
good as Catholic schools as far as education and discipline prior to '60s, first and biggest
teachers union forms in early '60s, we went from spending a moderate amount on public schools to
a five-fold increase today and what do we have to show for it!. Albert Shankor, the head of
the union in the '60s said: "We'll care about he kids when they're old enough to pay union dues."
"The New England Primer" was used in most public schools from sea to shining sea from 1690
to 1930 and consisted of: rhyming alphabet; alphabet of lessons for youth; Bible questions;
Catechism. It was young persons first textbook at whatever age he started school if he were
fortunate enough to live in a own or city with a school. It wasn't uncommon for a child to graduate
college at the age of 16 or younger.Do you think that it was because there wasn't much to teach or school was easy One by one beginning in 18o0 states introduced grades. Children as young as
six had "The New England Primer." most of today's thirteen year olds would have trouble
understanding it! The Bible was also used in public schools until 1964 to teach reading. Math?
Here are math problems culled from text books between 1750 and 1960 for children 10 to 14:
"I insured of a shop worth $3600, and four-fifths of a house worth $6000, paying $126: what was
he rate of insurance?; How much money must be given with nine $100 shares at 15% discount,
in exchange for for eight $100 bonds at 2% discount?; On a farm there are 60 animals - horses,
cows, , and sheep; for each horse there are 3 cows, and for each cow there are two sheep: how
many animals of each kind? here are some questions from an elementary school history textbook:
"What is a 'writ of habeas corpus'?" and "What is the second amendment" and
"What is an ex-post-facto law?" The dumbing down of America enabled liberals to take powers
from the states that are constitutionally the states and rights from the people. It is there version of
a 'divine' plan. legislative bills, judicial decisions, executive orders and fed regs beginning big-time
in the '60s to render Christians second class citizens, degrade the sanctity of marriage, destroy
the Protestant work ethic, glorify single parents even though their children have a greater chance chance to wind up as drug addicts or in prison or drop out of school or etc.Let's not forget wind up on social services and vote democrat - you don't bite the hand that feeds you.Lib dems that control
the party (not the vast majority of rank-and-file moderate-liberal and moderate dems) have a vested
interest in getting as many people on social services as possible, giving things that they don't
require and keeping them on the public dole for as long as possible because virtually all of the non-working and working poor vote democrat.Too bad, except for the truly needy. it is at the expense of
their pride. Although to a large extent lib dems have convinced then not to feel quality because it
is due them. It is their right. Where in the "Bill of Rights" does it say that?
There were a few reported cases of priestly bad behavior in the early 90s but the stories didn't
have legs because he liberal media was still afraid of the Catholic Church. Not so a few years
ago when they made an estimated 3% of bad priest seem like 98%. It was libs dream come true.
The stage was set by January of 2009. Libs would take care of us from cradle to grave. There
was one last item on the lib agenda: make the dollar worthless! The people will beg to be saved.
Relinquishing Christianity and Capitalism for Secularism and Socialism if not Communism. We
now have proof the the economic/financial crisis was caused by Bill Clinton, the Chairman of the
Fed, Bill's Secretary of Housing, ACorn and the lovely Barney Frank and major source of
campaign funds: Fannie and Freddie. The former Fed Chairman admitted i three months ago
and Frank last week but glossed over by the liberal dominated media. The damage is done
and probably can't be undone even if Republicans control Congress: the old guard will be fighting
the constitutionalist and constructionist. We will loose or Triple 'A' bond rating, control of the
World Bank and the IMF. Libs and mods will prevent the painful but necessary spending cuts
from being made. We will still have Healthcare Reform leading to Socialized Medicine, Financial
Reform crippling corporations ans small businesses, more fed gov subsidies and regs,
skyrocketing energy costs. The fed gov has taken over student loans and declared all water in and
around the nation, including intra-state water and the puddle in front of your house subject to federal control and regulation. They will continue to partially own and control banks, insurance companies and auto industry - God, damn the Constitution! They will seize partial control of corporate and family-owned farms. You won't be able to purchase gold and silver. While
unlikely. there could be a miracle if republicans control congress and a majority of state houses.
The key: No bill can be passed unless sponsors of bill can prove its constitutionality; Congress
not funding healthcare reform. Spending bills can't be fuller-busted and require a simple majority
to pass - deny the simply majority. Cut corporate and capital gains taxes to create jobs, make
America more competitive, increase R & D, expand existing and build new factories, de fang
unions, pass loser-pay, convert all regular public schools into public charter and magnet schools, enable NASA to once again be main technological engine of our economy! Energy independence -
NASA can help there - with a concern for the environment not going off half-cocked and making
out decisions and judgement predicated on falsified useless U.N. climate data for Cap-and-Trade
will make president soros and al gore richer but cause your energy bills to increase 4-fold over the
next ten years, perhaps, 6 to 8 over the next twenty.
Undo Immigration Act of 1965. It replaced Act of 1024. According to Wikipedia: "An annual
limitation of 3000,000 vistas was established for immigration, including a 170,000 from Eastern
Hemisphere, with mo more then 20,000 per country." This includes Indonesia which has the
largest muslim population in the world and most of Middle East (southwest Asia and northeast Africa). It placed a limit of 125,000 on Western Hemisphere. "By equalizing immigration policies.
he Act resulted in new immigration from non-European nations which changed the ethnic make-up
of the United States. The most dramatic effect was to shift immigration from Europe to Asia, Central
and South America." and, Mexico. According to "Carnegie Council" on "CUNY-T.V.": Congress
didn't appreciate how fundamentally transformative legislation was." Spearheaded by Senator Ted
Kennedy who was responsible for more legislation in the Senate being passed then any other senator in history - too bad it was all bas lib leg. This particular piece of legislation is anti-white,
anti-black and anti-Christian.They weren't aware of what they were doing! It reminds us of many
countries in Western Europe passing a church tax about twenty years ago ostensibly to help the
majority of churches that were financially-strapped. Result: Most 20 to 40 year olds stopped
attending church rather then pay the tax. They also lost the voluntary contributions from those
individuals as well. Most churches in those countries have seen a sharp decline in church
attendance with over 75% being over 65. These nations have become secular some might say
sinful. Christianity defeated. Here the Catholic Church did more harm to itself then libs were ever
able to do.
It is projected that in 35 years or less that there will no longer be a majority in America but that whites will be the largest minority and that within 75 years Hispanics a.k.a. Latinos will be the
largest minority or the majority. Blacks worked hard for equal rights upon securing their
emancipation. According to the census, they were the largest minority in 1990 and after a mere
ten years, they were displaced by Hispanics. 2000: Hispanic - 14%; African-American - 13%;
Black other then African - 3%. What shocker will emerge from the 2010 census! This doesn't
factor in the estimated 12 million illegals (Hispanic - 9 million; Mexican - 6 of the 9; other - 3. Lb
dems want to grant them amnesty and immediately be joined by their spouses, underage
children and elderly parents - we are talking about close to 40 million! Blacks don't like having
been kicked out of first place and a majority oppose amnesty. They had to work hard for their
rights and they are witnessing a reduction in their political clout. Yet, over 90% are stupid and
vote dem. What have dems ever done for them. Even the landmark legislation of the '60s was
passed because of repubs - which in not taught in public schools.
The biggest enemy to libs had been Christianity. They didn't know what the were doing? Less
then 2% of the population is muslim and comes mainly from the Middle East and Indonesia. They are baby machines. They and Hispanics are producing little imams and little tortillas faster then
all other groups. Libs have been promoting multi-multiculturalism for over 20 years while
discriminating against Christians, especially, the ACLU. The number of Americans identifying
themselves as Christians has dropped from 84% to 7 7% over the past 7 years. The countries
of Western Europe, former home of socialism (they have been moving slowly toward capitalism
since the genesis of the economic/financial crisis while Obama has been going the wrong way)
recently declared tolerating in some countries and promoting in others was probably a bad idea -
sadly, they have probably come to this conclusion too late. When 'the people of the dome'
become the majority in a neighborhood or town, they slowly replace national and local laws
with sharia laws. We'll bet you a crescent and a star that Obama would prevented that from
happening here! English should be the official language and Western Europe History should comprise 75% of world history taught in schools. You should have the right to wear your
traditional garb in public but Americans should have the right to criticize you for it - keep it
home! When Americans live or visit muslim nations they are compelled o abide by a dress
code, especially, women and the host country's moral code. Failure to assimilate only holds
people back.
Liberal social experimentation threatens the majority status of whites, has weakened blacks
politically (lib dems have always taken blacks for granted) and muslims are accommodated while
Christians are told to keep it home and in church.
I'm back to resume article. Was doing research on secret military black projects...does it have to do with this article?.. no...we don't care what you do in your spare time, get a grip...There is the front line; there is behind the front line or the rear. It should be in the Geneva Convention that the enemy shouldn't have to take it in the rear except by Paratroopers or Special Forces.Don't mess with national security and public safety. Liberals shouldn't be allowed to penetrate morale and infect it. The majority don't want to serve with IT and morale should take precedence - for the military is a unique org and no place for further liberal social experimentation. Christianity de emphasis in armed forces - non-Christians would politely refrain from participation while now it has been removed from military traditions. .Women training, competing and being graded separately from men in military, Mental and physical standards lowered for women in police to enter and graduate from police academy since the early '80s. Fire departments fought for keep their standards high not to discriminate but in the name of public safety. They finally lost. They had to change mental and physical tests so that more women and minorities could pass. Last year, new exams: 9 white men and one Hispanic male passed. Lib judge invalidated those who passed.(She later became newest member of Supreme Court). Her decision was voided and men were allowed to become firemen.Ten points added to your civil service exam if you have a vagina or dark skin. And, you wondered why so many gov workers were incompetent! Homos are immoral, according to the Bible. Are bad mutations if they are born that way, according to
evolution. We are proponents of free will unlike most neurologists, geneticists and psychologists.
There problem is psychological and can be cured if they consciously and subconsciously want
it and are willing to work hard at it. Gov should not validate aberrant behavior. Same-sex
marriage forced in states by lib judges writing law which isn't their purview.Babies aborted
because they are deemed inconvenient; capital punishment for the most innocent.
We were watching doc "Picasso and Baroque" on "Ovation" and it stated that the inventors of
cubism were heavily influenced by early movies of the last century - fascinating...It is time to
leave...Why?...Your A.D.D.-ing...That's all folks.