by Richard DePersio
(Amazon: Richard DePersio
25% of Owner's Profits will go to charities & not-for-profit orgs)
Sunday, March 21, will go down in history as a very DARK day in American history. Liberal democrats were
blatant, arrogant, and utterly disgraceful as they created a new right on the Lord's Day. Our Founding Fathers
made it clear that are rights came from Nature and Nature's God and not from government! The Founding
Father's Federalisr/Constructionalist Constitution predicated on Judeo-Christian principles and capitalistic
concepts is being replace by the progressive 'living' Constitution with a strong dose of Marx where in your
rights come from government and their power comes not from the people bt unto themselves!
Yesterday, was much more then healthcare. Tomorrow, Republicans at the Capital will show it was really
about a Power Play. Obama, Polusi and Reid think that they can create a better America then Washington,
Jefferson and Madison. P-O-R will create a third-world nation. International currency no longer based
on U .S. dollar, hyper-inflation, worthless savings bonds, U.S. lose of control of World Bank and IMF,
perhaps, rioting! Within 7 years, federal government will directly and indirectly control over 50% of the
economy with monopoly money. States stripped of power; citizens rights. If government can now create
rights, they can take them away too!!!
Republicans and, maybe, moderate dems will explain how nation-wide competition, Tort reform and medium-
and small business associations could have reduced the price of health insurance and enabled more people
to have insurance without costing tax-payers one red penny - - - capitalists solutions. Dems designed it so
you will benefit for 4 years from heal care reform but not later. Meanwhile, economy will collapse in 5 years
or less!

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