by Richard DePersio
(all websites listed at group site)
Fact: Recently, 66% of Americans celebrated Christmas as a religious holy day and a secular holiday or just as a religious holy day; 33% celebrated it as a secular holiday; 1% don't celebrate it or don't know where they were and what they were doing on that day. Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Winter Solstice nonsense. It is a legal, national holiday celebrating the birth of a great philosopher or the Son of God. And, if you don't like it (by the way, this writer is no longer a Christian) have the name of the holiday changed! It's P.C. to dump on Christians but you have to be P.C.-sensitive and have a multi-cultural nonsense attitude when it comes to the handful of non-Christians (Jews, Muslims), who in reality except for a couple of chestnuts aren't offended - it's a myth generated by liberal-atheists and liberal-Christians and liberal-non-Christians (about 20% of the population is liberal) that 99% of them are offended by Christmas and the religious and non-religious things associated with it - a lie that they perpetrate about Jews(absolutely!) and Muslims(?) (Logic: Veterans parading is associated with Veteran's Day, turkey with Thanksgiving, fireworks shows with Independence Day, Dick Clark's Ball with the New Year).
Fact: 70% of the well-known and the semi-well-known Founding Fathers were Christians (the
fast majority of whom practiced a particular Christian denomination; 25% were deists (which is
a philosophy not a religion in which believe in God and heaven are derived from reason, Jesus
was a great philosopher and many of our Fathers quoted from the Bible in political speeches and during political debates. but don't except miracles and prophecies as fact but moral stories and in some cases fabricated; 5% were atheists, agnostics, pantheists (they believe that the whole universe plus the laws of the universe such as gravity that make it operate is God), Jews, etc.
Fact: The general population at it's founding was 99% Christian; 1/2% Jewish; 1/2% other and they created a nation predicated on Judeo-Christian principles.
Fact: Today, 77% identify themselves as Christian; 4% Jewish; 3% Muslim; 1% Hindu and Buddhist; 15% subscribe to the following philosophies: atheist and agnostic 12% and deist, pantheist, etc. 3%.
When Rudy (I choose not to attempt to spell his last name) was Mayor of New York City, he
substantially increased police presence in black neighborhoods. In the U.S., 16% of the
population is black (13% African-American). Crime is those neighborhoods substantially
dropped. Blacks are responsible for over 50% of the major crimes: murders, rapes, assaults
and armed robberies. What makes it even more embarrassing for black people is the fact
that a majority of it is black on black crime. When Bloomberg (I can spell it because I checked
how it is spelled on T.V.; you do know that the Mayor owns or is the chief stockholder
in the Bloomberge cable T.V. network?) became mayor, he was forced by black leaders like
the Rev. Farrakan, the Rev. Jackson, the Rev. Sharpton (I'm a bigot if I misspelled any
of their names!) and liberal white politicians to do away with the Rudy increase. He compromised and cut it in half and crime went up but not to pre-Rudy levels. Why? The'leaders' hollowed racism and racial profiling!What did the fast majority of the people living in those communities feel: they were in favor of it and wanted police presence to rise even more. Black leaders and liberal white politicians and judges are out of touch with real black people and notice that most of them don't
live in these neighborhoods!
Elinor Tatum, publisher of the black New York City newspaper: "The Amsterdam News,"
explains that black newspapers try to talk for the black community and their reporters live among them! She states, "Still others talk for us but they're anointed not elected." This writer believes
that she is speaking of the famous Reverends - we forgot the Rev. 'Wrong' - and other
black leaders and liberal white politicians of their ilk because she takes the position
that "...there are the talking heads" and that "the real leaders are the local church pastor
the grandmother who lives on the corner, the school principal." (She appeared on CUNY T.V.'s African-American Legends. Are you shocked that this composer of words (a moderate-conservative - some, say, conservative with a pinch a libertarianism - would
watch such a show! Or, might watch Chris Mathers or Larry King or CNN. There is a
difference between educated and indoctrinated. Indoctrination is what our kids and
grand kids - I don't have a kid, I have two niece kids and a sponsored kid - - - only
liberals have compassion - their bleeding hearts. This guy rarely talks about what a
great uncle he is and about his little girl in Honduras. unlike liberals, we rarely go
around like liberal celebrities, politicians and professors and talk about what goody two
shoes we are. We don't do it for a pat on the back or in an effort to try to distract from all
the bad that we do! Conservatives aren't phonies like liberals. We're depicted as cold and callous
because we oppose failed liberal social programs and want to try new approaches to
helping the needy like school vouchers and faith-based programs instead of throwing
good money after bad. Workfare was restoring pride to the poor - Republicans forced
Clinton to sign it and Bush expanded it - millions were going off of it. One of the
first things that Obama did as president was sign an executive order restoring welfare.
Liberal don't rarely care about the needy - they want to keep the poor poor for they
vote democrat and now they're in the process with healthcare and energy reform, new
regulations, new cooperate take-overs, tax hikes and new government give-away's of making
all of us dependent on Nanny Obama from cradle to grave!).
The universe is 13.7 billion years old. You've heard of the Big Bang? Actually, it wasn't big
and it wasn't loud! A light year is the distance that a ray of light covers in one year which
is 6 trillion miles - now that's fast! (Or, a 186,000 per second!). One light year equals 6 trillion miles. Our present telescopes on earth and, especially, in space can 'see' 13.4 billion light years back in the microwave part of the spectrum. Space is a time machine. The further into space that you look the further back in time that you see. The sun is a star and it takes light 8 minutes to reach us traveling at 186,000 miles per second from a distance of 93 millions
miles. The famous Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years away and, there, for we
see it the way it looked 2.5 million years ago. (By the way, it is going to collide with our
Galaxy in 3 billion years).Originally, the universe was smaller then an atom or it was a point (the
opposite of big) and expanded rapidly and there was no air to carry sound (result: no
bang) and a fraction of a second later it inflated - it expanded again - this time faster then
light ( but Einstein stated that particles with mass( like protons, neutrons and electrons can't travel at the speed of light and mass less particles - light and invisible light - can travel
at the speed of light - but nothing can travel faster then light - - - he didn't tell us that space
couldn't travel faster then light!).You are thinking of empty space - a vacuum - but there is
no such thing. This area of space less then the size of an atom contained 10 dimensions
of space (you're familiar with three: length , width and depth), dark energy, dark matter,
potential energy and matter (the type which we are familiar). During the first 'bang' exotic
particles formed from potential matter and then space expanded faster then light carrying
the particles along for the ride. Picture yourself on a conveyer belt at the airport. As far as
your concerned your standing still reading your newspaper or today more likely talking on
your cell phone or texting. Picture yourself as the exotic particle and the belt as space. To
be more accurate the space belt section behind you is traveling faster then then it is in front
of you. It also means that our universe of regular matter and energy only occupies a small fraction
of the space generated from the second 'bang' - it continued to expand without normal mass
and energy within in it in which another 'big bang' can take place in 'our' universe but we can't
see it because light from it - traveling at the speed of light - visible, radio, x-ray - hasn't
had time to reach us. Where did the BIG BANG take place? In the center of the area 300,000
years after the big bang that we can 'see' as 3 degree Kelvin radiation in the microwave. That
was when the universe lit up and became visible but since then it has lost energy and cooled
off and is 'visible' in the microwave. Wrong! The BIG BANG didn't take place there. It took
place no where or everywhere. Yo can say that it took place in the center of your body or
in the center of our Galaxy or in the center of the area 300,000 years after the BIG BANG -
but so could a living being in another Galaxy claim the the BIG BANG took place in
the center of himself or the center of his galaxy which is further in or further out then our
galaxy which would place the center of the 3 degree Kelvin radiation at a point displaced
from our central point for the 3 degree Kelvin radiation. Do you want to become further
discombobulated. The radius of our universe is 13.7 billion light years and the diameter is
twice that amount but for a galaxy a billion miles out the edge of the universe 13.7 and the
opposite edge is 13.7 billion miles out. He is detecting that 3 degree Kelvin radiation 1.3 billion
years after us - no! As far as he's concerned it is 300.000 years after the Big Bang. But
this scribe stated that because of the second Big Bang - there is empty (which really
isn't empty with dimensions and dark matter and potential regular matter, etc. But the
guy in the galaxy further out will see 3 degree Kelvin radiation and closer in the first galaxies
that formed but we see nothing. And, let's go crazy - the 3 degree Kelvin radiation is all around
us at a distance of 13.4 billion light years shouldn't it be within in emanating from and
area 600,000 light years in diameter and not 27.4 billion miles in diameter. Solution?: Remember
what Albert taught us: everything is relative!!!
Wordsworth: "Are those by distance made more sweet."
Saint Nicholas (aka Santa Claus) A pimp or whatever, they had been called around 350 A.D.
( We no P.C. here: C.E. is anti-Christian and this is a Christian nation in spite of me) purchased
three girls to become part of his herd.Then-Bishop Nicholas bought them from the pimp so they wouldn't have to demean themselves as hookers ( or whatever, the trash were called in those days) and could service him! (I made up the part after the word 'and').
Shakespeare: "An admirable musician. O, she will sing the savageness out of a bear!"
For it is each a part of that which we call human nature. Order from disorder (anti-entropy);
coalesces to create the whole and to make sense. It comes together to create a point (a black
hole by one definition...OR...
Robert Herrick: "A sweet disorder in the dress
Kindles in clothes a wantonness:
A lawn about the shoulders thrown
Into a fine distraction...
A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
I see a wild civility:
Do more bewitch me, than when Art
Is too precise in every part."