Wednesday, February 15, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 9:29 pm

                           A TRUE GHOST STORY (New Version; Read and Go to Sleep)
                                         by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist

Original Version: Mon, May 2, 2011 12:00 am
This is being composed at the bewitching hour by Topper and Harvey while bin laden without 71
virgins is in Hades: Strange occurrences were reported in the Old West (1840-1917), including, Hairy
Man (1840) later known as Big Foot say some; Thunderbird - a rash of sighting in numerous cities
(1877**); various towns report fish, pebbles, small pieces of wood, frogs falling from the sky (1873);
(1901) long and short light pulses and radio emissions from Mars detected. Later: (Fall '44,
May, '45) WW2, pilots report seeing Foo Fighters***.  Why mostly seen by hicks and drunkards, plus
, us bringing info of nature different. Where was Citizen Journalist between 1840 and 1917?
*A True Ghost Story sponsored by CJCS Comsats and your friends: the Roswell Grays).
 (Don't read the rest until the morning)
 **First encountered by Europeans on cave walls near mid-Mississippi in 1673; reports of Thunderbirds
by Indians go back 500 years: 7' to 9' long with wingspans of 10' to 20'; most tribes described them as
 harmless but a few as man-eaters. Many whities reported seeing them in Alaska, Illinois and Texas
during the '70s: peak '77. Interestingly enough, none captured dead  or alive. Reminiscent of Big Foot:
where's the beef - dead bodies (don't they die) or children (they should be extinct) or hair or pee or
crap for analysis. 'Photographic Evidence' indicates that Thunderbirds are Birds of Prey such as vultures
 and Condors; crypto-zoologists disagree. Pardon my scientific approach to these things.
Three resurrected stories in '80 from the '40s would now mark the beginning of modern UFOs
and formed the backbone for UFO-ogy.The modern UFO story is traced back to 1947, when pilot Kenneth
 Arnold described seeing what looked-like a "saucer skimming across water"on the sky and Roswell
Incident a few weeks later; pilot chasing a UFO in early '48. Recent studies, though not 100% conclusive,
seem to indicate a problem with perspective in the case of the former and distorted memories of
eyewitness stories in  '80 when forgotten story 'brought back to light' after 33 years (how reliable could they
 be after the passage of so much time?) and became definitive case for UFO nuts along with pilot chaser case
 - these three resurrected cases became the backbone of UFO studies" having been resurrected after having
long  forgotten.The were benighted as marking the beginning of the modern UFO story.
It is difficult to judge size and distance of an object when other objects aren't around  to serve as a frame-
of-reference. Foo fighters (as pilots nicknamed them) were off the wing but they could not determine how
far from wing that they were. AS heretofore stated, three cases were resurrected in 80 to mark the
beginning of modern UF0 sightings. Foos not considered part of the package. There were many other
sightings in '50s and '60s.
***Likely Explanation: Ball Lightning or Nazi creations to disorientate U.S. and British pilots; or Flying
(Do you remember the Lays Potato Chip commercial: "I bet that you can't eat just one." ? We bet that you
can't read just one! Go ahead. Make a pig of yourself: read 3 or 5...Don't stop there: read 7 or more (and at
each web site). Do it for your friend Citizen Journalist as he worked hard on them!).
                                We're on CLOUD 9 or, Should we say: A COSMIC HIGH
                                               by R. DePersio with C. Journalist
As you know, we are major proponents of nuclear thermal propulsion (see lower stages at this venue) for
missions to the moon, Mars and beyond. It has been our horse (propulsion system) in the race. In February,
2012, the National Research Council made recommendations to NASA. It stated that NASA "must prioritize
over next 5 years if it's to achieve its ground-breaking, long-term priorities and goals.
      Nuclear thermal is Number 5 in Category A! We have encouraged nuclear fission to generate heat and
electricity for manned space flight - it comes in at 7. We have used the latter in unmanned probes launched
to the comets Nuclear thermal:  hydrogen gas heated by on-board fission chamber will be expelled through a
 nozzle (concentrating the hydrogen), thereby, exiting at high speed to create propulsion (we aren't talking
about thermonuclear). NASA will make it safe. Further, it wouldn't likely be first stage. It would likely be fired
in earth orbit   (add this to earth's velocity)  to enjoy maximum speed. Nuclear thermal stage aka earth-
transfer vehicle would be needed for return trip as well. Upon returning to earth, spacecraft would land likely
leaving stage in orbit for next mission. It would take one day to reach moon and 3 months to one year to
reach Mars (depending on trajectory chosen and funds allocated - shorter path costs more; traditional
chemical would take 1 1/2 to 3 and be far more costly) and Saturn - 6 to 9 years by chemical stage and 2 to
3 by nuclear thermal stage. Much green would be saved by having shorter missions. R & D will likely
find civilian applications.

Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 9:32 pm
Subject: Fwd: ACTION CHAIN LETTER 8: Fast Forward Future/Rewind Roswell

                                                    REWIND ROSWELL
                                 by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist

      Roswell...Little gray aliens from space not the other kind from Mexico who come to our
part of the planet in order to get freebies at U.S. tax payer expense: healthcare, education,
social services; who are  committing crimes, creating gangs; spreading disease by not going
through the legal immigration process).
      Having studied science extensively for many years, we have not seen concrete
scientific evidence for flying sauces and space creatures. Read books and books and
books; seen documentaries and documentaries and documentaries; gov docs.
     Our conclusions in synopsis form: 1) 25% - conclusions couldn't be drawn due to
insufficient data or unreliability of witnesses or hoaxes or possibly unknown
meteorological phenomenon; 2) 35% - mistaken identity: Venus, marsh gas, weather
balloons, earth-orbiting satellite, lighthouse, plane, blimp, spotlights, ball lightning;  3) 
40% - black projects (secret military) testing new types of aircraft, missiles, unmanned
      When WW2 was coming to an end we got about 60% of Nazi scientists, engineers and
 technicians (who wanted to defect), equipment, prototypes, operational, test devices, stuff
 on the drawing board; Soviet Union got the rest.* Drawing board or being tested or
operational: V1s (when launched from ramps - world's first cruise missiles -- or dropped from
planes), V2s ( a Nazi-first - ballistic missiles), Jet (first), closed-circuit T.V. (first), remote-
controlled air-to-surface bomb (first), remote-controlled air-to-surface-missile with camera
mounted on it (first), rocket-plane (first, test phase), Vertical take-off and landing
plane (first, test phase), stealthy, delta wing-like fighter and bomber planes (drawing board),
saucer-shaped vehicle (drawing board), Nazi 'Bell' (drawing board, new type of magnetic 
propulsion - suction pulls up craft; proto-type may have been constructed). There were many
German firsts. American public aware of V-weapons and jet. Most Americans wouldn't
become aware of other items listed until many years after war ended. What else was unearthed
 regarding Nazi projects that we've still haven't been told about!?! 
      Roswell: crashed starship and aliens or crashed espionage balloon** and dummies.
Eventually, these balloons would be phased out due to spy planes and spy satellites. Something
 else that we didn't know at the time: the military was dropping those who had supported the
New Deal (dummies) from various altitudes for testing purposes. Of course, it wasn't planned that
 balloon would crash on the same day as a dummy test. What is preferable from the military
perspective: people reporting and describing what they believe are flying saucers or reporting on
secret black projects?
     We did know that shortly after the war ended that we fired captured V2s, built and launched
our own V2s and further developed them. It is reasonable to assume that U,S. military further
developed and tested other Nazi technology secretly from late '40s to mid-60s (people in a town
in Pennsylvania in '65 saw an object crash, military quickly arrived and retrieved; now we know
about Nazi 'Bell' - rewinding to '65 the description from townspeople resembles the 'Bell' - 15' by 10';
It descended on a gentle slope prior to crashing. Did we take it from the drawing board to the test phase?).
    Isn't interesting that over 60% of U.F.O. sightings are near military bases and airports.
    We didn't know it at the time but there were even more reports of U.F.O.s in South America,
especially, Argentina between the late '40s and the late '50s (and we had plenty). We know that many Nazi
government officials, military offices and a few scientists escaped punishment for their evil by going
primarily to Argentina. Apparently, they were assisted by the Roman Catholic Church on the grounds
that they felt communism was worse than Nazism and that these devils might be needed in the future!
Who the hell died and made  Catholics the boss!  (for the record, Citizen Journalist is former Catholic).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Scanevidence   
Scanty evidence seems to show that they went there to develop new weapons in the hope of
creating a Fourth Reich. Question: If UFOs can be attributed to them, why isn't Argentina a military
 power? It must mean that Nazis aren't responsible for the South American UFOs, therefore, they
must have been from space. This is the type of logic (or, illogic) employed by UFO experts.
 Comment: Werner von Braun and the gang were Nazis, wanted Hitler to win but were more
interested in developing technology for aviation and space travel; they were far from rabid Nazis.
They renounced Nazism, got secret security clearance, became outstanding Americans, held
top positions at NASA  at'Area 51,' Wright Patterson and other military installations were secret work
 was and still is carried out. There are no gray bogey men. Right, Altair?
*Less trusting Soviets only allowed captured personnel to do theoretical work while we used them for
 physics and engineering (applied physics); we used them for theory, building, testing.
**balloons that we were sending over Soviet Union to detect radiation from atomic bomb tests. Some
crashed shortly after take-off as in Roswell.
Downstairs: Our proposals regarding Virgins, Air Force X-37B, Moon Mining, NERVA/thermal nuclear & more.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard DePersio <>
Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:08 PM
To: Richard DePersio <>

Fwd: We Want to Get on a Virgin and Fly Her!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:27 pm
Subject: We Want to Get on a Virgin and Fly Her!!!

                     WE WANT to GET on a VIRGIN and FLY HER!!!
                       by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
Virgin Galactic is developing  space tourism, a flying police car and a flying
ambulance - cutting-edge technology. It has a NASA contract to conduct
experiments in low earth orbit and it's being considered for a contract to bring
cargo (unmanned) and astronauts and cargo to our space station.
       Phase-out subsidies to the four companies, including, SpaceX to carry
cargo and astros to and from space station: give one-third to NASA, one-third
to Virgins (contract) and use one-third debt reduction. If we go with cost-effective
moon mining, NASA should contract with Virgin Galactic. Virgin is superior to
those four companies and has profit motive - when subsidies are the bulk of your
budget as is the case with these four companies and selected solar panel
companies like Solyndra - - money isn't spent as wisely: it isn't your $$$s but
taxpayer $$$s.
       Recently, Russia initiated talks with NASA and the European Space Agency
about the possibility of a joint project: moon bases for exploration followed by a
manned mission to Mars. We endorse the idea on two conditions: 1) We favor
developing nuclear thermal propulsion (R & D might be applicable to our efforts to
create nuclear fusion plants; see below) to get to and from Mars. This component
should be secret from Russia and ESA due to potential technological ramifications
and economic benefits (it might help justify some of the cost of the missions if
private sector and/or military can take advantage of technology). 2) We're thinking
in terms of three joint bases for exploration: one in the equator, one near the north
pole and one on the far side of the moon (communication via a lunar satellite) and
more if circumstances warrant and wallets permit. We would insist on at least two
bases for U.S. independent exploration followed by exploitation (moon mining which
is cost-effective, see below) by private sector. NASA should be compensated for
supplying a service: their expertise. As you know, U.S. has second highest corporate
income tax of 35% which, we contend, should be reduced to 25% in 2013, 221/2% in
2015 and 20% in 2017; corporations would make a lot more: pay less in taxes
percentage-wise but more in taxes dollar-wise. They should pay tax for moon mining:
first 3 years: 5%; next 3: 10%; thereafter: 20%.
       We like our Virgins: We hope that Virgin Galactic would receive one of the NASA
contracts for moon exploration or flights to and from moon (NASA does projects on its
own but also contracts with private companies for certain projects). Virgins might hook-up
with a company doing R & D regarding nuclear fusion and a solar-power company. (See
below regarding moon mining).