Friday, January 28, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Fri, Jan 28, 2011 9:10 pm
In 2003, President Bush gave numerous reasons for going to war with
Iraq: most think there was only one - WMDs. We supported war for
regime change concept: if Iraq could cultivate home grown variety of                                                 democracy, it might encourage people in other Arab nations to demand
what all humans crave: freedom. In 2005, Bush and Rice elaborated:
U.S. has friends who are dictators because they do something advantages
for us; we need a change of policy: we must pressure these countries to
free their people - it is the American thing to do in the name of peace,
dignity and Israel.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

AOL Mail (2319)

AOL Mail (2319)

Fwd: WHY TEA is BAD for YOU and ATBTC is GOOD for You

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 22, 2010 5:19 pm
Subject: Fwd: WHY TEA is BAD for YOU and ATBTC is GOOD for You

                                     Subtitle: NO LIPTON SERVED HERE
                                              by R. DePersio, ATBTC

Dear Readers, We say: "Yes, We Can" with NINE Concrete proposals and counting. How
many tea leaves?
 A major part of the progressive movement and later the liberal movement was
the destruction of traditional morality and the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our Founding
Documents (Citizen Reporter doesn't subscribe to any religion or religious denomination but
is in possession of strong scientific and philosophical principles). Beginning in the early 1930s
and, especially, the early 1960s, progressives who became liberals have been responsible
for laws, judicial decisions, executive orders and executive branch regs which are ant-Christian,
anti-moral and anti-marriage. Their tools: the television, newspaper, movie and music
industries. Their ultimate goal: replacing our Founding Docs with the so-called "progressive
'living' constitution."
The libertarian myth: we shouldn't legislate morality. Why don't they come out-of-the-closet?
They are social liberals for they want the anti-s of the past to stand; they are opposed to efforts
by moral traditionalists, social conservatives, Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians to undo
the damage wrought, especially, on the children! Perverts. It is perfectly fine to legislate immorality! Little hypocrites like Glenn Beck, Judge Napilitano (an Italian who can't spell an Italian name to save
his life - even if the Mafia had guns to his big head) and Father and son members of congress
what's-their-names. A.D.D.-attack. Shall return!
We're back...Tea Party (words are contradictory for you can't have a party with tea!) are comprised
of 57% social conservatives and 48% who are active or semi-active in both movements. They
have chosen to suppress those moral beliefs to focus on problem number one: the economy and
to get libertarian support. For how long?!? We - Moderates, Moderate-Conservatives and
Conservatives - must now wage war on all fronts: all domestic and social issues, as well as,
foreign policy and military matters. We won't always be 100% in agreement. But, we must fight
the good fight. Rome fell for many reasons, including, moral ones.
The Tea Parties want dues and donations. ATBTC is free. We will recommend not dictate to
each other and it won't cost us one red cent! We can accomplish us much as them via
acting on chain letters. Sending copies to family, friends and co-workers and contacting members
of congress and giving them their marching orders. Submit comments, suggestions and articles for
posting even when you disagree with Citizen Reporter. Members of ATBTC don't share one
mind nor to we suppress - temporarily or permanently - -  it isn't healthy!. Let's drink to that
(with something stronger then tea! We want to win).

(We will sever ties with Tea-Like Org "Regular Folks United" for they are too timid - P.C. -
and too limited in vision and scope).

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 5:32 pm
Subject: Fwd: ATBTC
Reprint; Original: July

Editor's Note: Resurrecting the "ATBTC" Concept. This article has only been modified slightly from the original. It will serve to prove our contention: Read our older posts - we worked hard on them - - they're not out of date. This article is about a year and a half old. Certainly, articles that are three months old or less are safe. The genesis of a concept:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 6:48 pm
Subject: ATBTC

             Dear readers,
             I had nearly completed what I felt (with all due modesty) was when of the best articles ever me. When the computer won one. Article vanished into the ether; irretrievable.
             There's another crisis in America. I don't mean the economic/financial one per se. Eighty to Ninety per cent of Americans aren't even aware of it. I knew as soon as Obama stated in his inaugural address: We are a nation of believers and non-believers. It meant that he was replacing the Founding Father's Constitution with the so-called 'living' constitution that progressives created during the progressive era. Obama had given them what they craved and what their liberal descendants have now received.
             I am certain that conservatives will believe me and liberals won't. I ask conservatives and implore moderates to take about an hour for your country's sake and look up the following: Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights; the nullify doctrine of 1832; the due process clause; the commerce clause; categorical and block grants; revenue sharing; New Deal; President Truman's failed (he was stopped by U.S. Supreme Court) in 1951 to take over steel mills
(private sector)- - -does he remind you of anyone living today and where is the Supreme Court today; this one is going to pique your curiosity - Darby Lumber.
             Citizen Reporter hereby endorses and kindly requests that you  check out the following organization: "Alliance Defense Fund." 
           Times is of the essence...Only the four largest health insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield will survive and they'll serve as fronts for socialized medicine (In countries with socialized medicine you have to wait up to a week to see a primary physician and up to 3 months to see a specialist or lab technician. America will no longer be at the forefront of developing new medications due to price controls. The unions destroyed the public school system, the airline industry, the auto industry and so much more. They've been rewarded by being put in
charge of the auto industry in violation of bankruptcy laws - creditors, bond holders, shareholders got the shaft. The Federal Government owns part of the financial and private sectors - not the taxpayer even though its your money.
           Do you feel over-regulated? Soon your doctor will be chosen for you, you will be told what you can eat and what you can drive, etc. Even if the economy were to temporarily improve would it be worth the loss in state powers and individual rights?
           Pravda (Russia biggest newspaper) published an article in its paper and posted it on its website that America is doing what was done in the former Soviet Union as regards domestic policy
in general and economic policy in particular, as well as, social policy. Britain's Daily Telegram states Obama is completed Bin Laden's work.
           The A.I.G. bill signaled out one company; the president and the congress can not signal out an individual or only one of a number of similar companies. Judges swear an oath to be impartial. Obama and Supreme Court nominee know that she will be committing perjury. I could continue but my 2 fingers hurt. President Bush took a big step in the wrong direction prior to leaving office; Obama went UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
           Pick a uniform. It's the ATBTA (Citizen Reporter presents AMERICANS TAKING BACK

Please e-mail and/or phone and/or visit and/or snail mail (even if it winds up in the hands of a staff member - they keep records for numerous reasons and report data to their superior - - most Americans think that getting involved in this manner is a waste of time --- it is not) your U.S. Senators, U.S. Representative, Governor, State Senator, State Assemblyman (or representative depending on where you live - some of you were going to say: Those New Yorkers of full of themselves - they think that because they call them Assemblyman everyone does!) County Executives, Mayor and Councilman and say: Constitutional Convention; Amendment 10; Nullify Doctrine; Darby Lumber. Say whatever you want but give them hell!!!...Where were we... I'm being ADDed...oh, yes...ATBTA Revolutionaries vs. the Redcoats (no; I don't have the wrong war - the Russians are calling us reds like we referred to communists and communism as reds and red - - - slang, putdown terms that we used for communists, including, Soviets.We are heading in RED direction. The "Alliance Defense Fund" needs ammunition (Contributions; irregardless of whether
or not you're Christian - Citizen Reporter no longer is - - TRADITIONAL MORALITY is GOOD for
EVERYONE and VITAL if OUR NATION is to SURVIVE (Remember one of the main reasons
Rome fell!).Wear the uniform of...
                                                                                                          Freedom and Liberty,
                                                                                                          In exile in My Own Country
                                                                                      We'll Be There to Fight along  with the         
                                                        SPIRITS OF   
                                                      TOM, JIM AND THE OTHER
                                                            ORIGINAL REVOLUTIONARIES




Fwd: LIPTON Not Served at Your Local Citizen Reporter Lodge

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 12:43 am
Subject: LIPTON Not Served at Your Local Citizen Reporter Lodge

WHY TEA is BAD for YOU and ATBTC is Good for YOU www.quasarpolitics.blogspot.
com, SPECIAL CHAIN LETTER 4, /group/    newfederalism, SAVE OUR NASA /group/nasa-our-way

Beyond question, Wacky-Wiki damaged foreign policy and threatened OUR domestic security  regarding AlQuiada in Yemen. He didn't just cross-the-line but parachuted into enemy territory! Wacky definitely can't invoke
free speech here. Citizen Reporter knows what he would do if he were president!
Sent: Mon, Nov 29, 2010 11:08 pm
Subject: Former Judge Napolitano of FoxNews Drinks Tea and
is a libertarian. Re: Wikileaks - Nothing revealed in the general that those of us who follow
foreign policy and military matters didn't already know. Certain specifics, however, could
jeopardize the lives of intelligence officers, soldiers and diplomats.He is opposed to shutting
down Wikileaks and taking its CEO into custody. US. threatened; U.S. looks foolish;
U.S. looks impotent. Tea looks dangerous and poisonous.We accused them of being
in-the-closet social (amoral - moral relativists and secularists) liberals. They appear to
also be in-the-closet doves and unwittingly anti-American. They aren't concerned with
the sanctity of American lives in times of war. Sedition - no; temporary measures while a
full investigation is conducted. House arrest. Our good friends the Australians are contemplating
taking appropriate actions.The Judge and libertarian/Tea-ers must come clean. We demand
intellectual integrity..............ATBTC.
-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Sun, Nov 28, 2010 9:53 pm

                                              BUGS in the HOUSE                                                                   UPDATE: WHY TEA is BAD for YOU and ATBTC is GOOD for YOU
Sometimes, we wonder if we are bugged - not Glen Beck this time. Friday on liberal
MSNBC (keep on eye on the enemy) and Sunday on Fair and Balanced FoxNews there
were reports about internal debates within three major tea parties about adding social
 (Traditional Moral) issues to their agenda. There are concerns about retaining libertarian
support (libertarians being in-the-closet social liberals). CR ahead of the curve; Mr. Modest.

Monday, January 24, 2011


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 3:54 pm

                  "There's nothing sooner dry than  women's tears."
                                                                        -John Webster

                  "...God created men and women different - then
                   let them remain each in their position."
                                                                     -Queen Victoria

                  "Man for the field and woman for the hearth: 
                   Man for the sword and for the needle she:
                   Man with the head and women with the heart:
                   Man to command and woman to obey:
                   All else confusion."
                                                         -Alfred, Lord Tennyson

                 "If I had to give   definition of women capitalism I
                  would say: the process whereby American girls
                  turn into American Women."
                                                           -Christopher Hampton

Tis the real reason that I don't go outside: fear of my dangerous wit.

                "I'm not denyin' the women are foolish: God Almighty
                 made 'em to match the men."
                                                                      -George Eliot
May I see the light of day again, ladies?

Fwd: Again

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 7:45 pm
Subject: Again

ki                     Subtitle: Lousy Little Lying Liberals (nice alliteration; if we do say so ourselves!)
                                                     by Richard DePersio
                                former museum educator and guest college lecturer

        "Well, Golly," as Gomer Pyle would say... Recently, former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan
Greenspan blamed lib dems in Congress and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for
the economic/financial crisis by pressuring Federal Reserve Bank, Fannie and Freddie into pressuring
banks into giving mortgages to people with little or no credit on a large scale beginning in 1998. The
Washington Times points out that his recent testimony before a congressional committee investigating
the crisis received very little media coverage. The Times further points out that as a result of the scarcity
of coverage the Dem's new financial reform bill is more likely to pass thereby giving Washington
bureaucrats even greater control of financial decision-making. It will also make the federal government more powerful as we mover further away from the "Declaration of Independence," "The Constitution, including, the Bill of Rights," "the Jefferson Papers," and capitalism.
       We beg to differ with the former Fed Chairman. The few informed Americans have known the truth
for about a year and a half. Greenspan failed to mention that ACorn put a great deal of pressure on the
Clinton Administration in 1998 for the issuing of high-risk loans as well.And he failed to blame unions.He was negligent for failing to point the finger of guilt at all those responsible. The liberal-biased media blamed Bush
but the informed discovered that the 'compassionate conservative' continued the crazy program when he
became president in 2001 but when he perceived a problem and a potential crisis, he signed two
executive orders - one in 2004 and the other in 2005 - to rectify the situation - - unfortunately, to no avail.
The lib dems seized control of Congress and in 2006, Bush dispatched Republican Congressional leaders
to meet with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Barney Frank who refused to investigate the problem
and declared that Freddie and Fannie were in fine shape. Freddie and Fannie have been major campaign
contributors to Frank for many years and Obama in recent years. F and F are semi-independent federal
agencies ( we consider such entities unconstitutional). Is it legal for an organization that is part of
the government or semi-part of the government to make campaign contributions, especially, to politicians
who have jurisdiction over them?

       HOCKEY PUCKS (as Don Rickles would say) TO FANTASY FART-ERS...Who can forget the comic and infamous "Hockey Stick" Graph of the top Climatologist's a.k.a. liberal U.N. Hockey Puck and Pasticcio Nut
'Global Warming' scientists. And, the latest scientific 'discovery.' We had been told for about five years now
that there was so much methane (a greenhouse gas) in cattle farts that cattle farts were one of the major
contributors to 'global warming'. Oops. Recently, the ".U.N. Commission on Global Warming" declared that the data had been misinterpreted and cattle were wrongfully speared and that their farts were but a minor culprit.
"PETA" forced Fantasy Fart-ers to issue a statement apologizing to cattle world-wide. Source of Problem:
"FART GRAPH" was upside down with bottom up. 'Discovery'  made by one of the world's top gay U.N.

     LAFFER CURVE NO LAUGHING MATTER. Liberals don't get it because it defies common sense but so
does relativity and Quantum but has been proven to be true by theoretical studies and in actual practice.
Yo can raise taxes to the level in which there are diminishing returns: further increases in certain types of tax
will reduce revenue to government if raised any further and that cutting certain taxes can increase revenue. Obama has to increase taxes on middle class contrary to his campaign 'promise' because by allowing Bush tax
cuts to sunset means that he can't raise taxes much more on the rich. We have socialized medicine
contrary to what the "Big Liar" claims. Over the next four years, private health insurance companies will be a
front. They will be owned by the government and controlled by the government and the unions. They will
be private in name only that's why the "Big Liar" (20 counts of impeachment should be brought against him!)
told liberals not to worry that the terms "socialized medicine" or "single-payer system"  weren't in reform
bill. Like other nations with socialized medicine, you have to have a national sales tax of about 15% to support
it. The Bush tax cuts for the middle class aren't being renewed and, therefore, sales tax will generate
less money then expected. Bush stopped those who earned 40,000 or less from paying federal income taxes.
Obama will have to reinstate them but the increase can't be too large for the government will receive less
revenue. How will he be able to raise taxes to pay off national debt. Liberals won't let him cut out-of-control spending. Ten per cent of the value of of all the goods and services produced this year in U.S. equals the interest on the national debt and it will grow to 20% in 5 years and 90%!!! in 2025 courtesy of the Big Socialist/Potential communist. U.s. bonds have a Triple A rating. Technically, a country is to loose Triple A if
figure is 3%.Naturally, we are cut some slack because theoretically we are the richest nation in the world.

DOINGS; SO THEY DEMONIZE...Bush and corporations responsible for economic/financial crisis. Are
conservative defamatory. Yes. Just look at conservative vs. liberal websites. Liberals do far more name-calling
and it's of a far more evil nature. They lack facts. They demonized corporations on now government will
have greater control over them. Government and unions will continue rolling over and destroying everything:
public schools, Amtrack, postal system, airline and auto industries. JFK allowed government workers to
create unions in the early '60s and they did so during the '60s and the '70s and coupled with the genesis of
affirmative action, we have seen the quality of the government worker decline. Unions formed in the '30s and
by the late '70s and early '80s demands regarding salaries, benefits and pensions became progressively
more and more outlandish.

He never improperly capitalized on his fame and shunned the spotlight. After becoming
America's number one hero, we rarely heard from him. Armstrong has spoke: Obama is destroying the
U.S. space program. Virtually all Apollo astronauts with a few exceptions like national hero and "Dancing with
the Stars" competitor Buzz Aldrin who endorses Obama's plans for the stars (Why? It doesn't appear
to parallel Buzz's ideas; our next article will propose a plan for humans and the stars). The space shuttle is
being retired in a few months. America which was number one in space will have to beg the Russians for
a ride: to take our astronauts to and from the International Space Station for which we footed most of the
cost.Russia has made it clear that they are going to charge us an arm and a leg. If Obama had Bs, he tell Russia to stay away from OUR space station unless we fly for free! He only good for bowing. We won't be in the race to Mars. Obama cancels the Constellation Program which was to replace the shuttle, return Americans to the moon and take them to Mars and was conducting solar panel, nuclear power and ion propulsion research. NASA does pure science and technology: they say that for every dollar budgeted toNASA, you got  7 dollars back in spin offs and applications in the '60s; it's down to about 3 dollars now. Obama is destroying America and remaking it the way that ACorn, Ayes, Rev. 'Wrong' want it. Kepler spoke of the Music of the Spheres. Armstrong is dancing to Obama's Green Music!




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 7:54 pm
Subject: AGING

                            "When I went to the Bar as a very young man,
                             (Said I to myself - said I),
                             I'll work on a new and original plan,
                             (Said I to myself - said I)."
                                                                                    -W.S. Gilbert

                            "I remember my youth and the feeling that will never
                             come back anymore-that feeling that I could last for
                             ever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all men the
                             deceitful feeling that lures us on to perils, to love, to
                             vain effort - to death; the triumphant conviction of
                             strength the heat of life in the handful of dust, that
                             glow in the heart with every year grows thin.
                             grows cold, grows small, and expires---and expires
                             too soon, to soon---before life itself."
                                                                                 -Joseph Conrad
                           "I must reluctantly observe that two causes, the
                            abbreviation of time, and the failure of hope will
                            always tinge with a browner shade the evening of life."
                                                                                 -Edward Gibbon


Friday, January 21, 2011

Fwd: BIG National Security Crisis:

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 14, 2010 2:24 pm
Subject: BIG National Security Crisis:

Childhood Obesity! According to Mrs. Obama's definition of national security. Her
husband is Cig-in-Chief. She wants $5 Billion to rectify what is served in public
elementary school cafeterias and what is available in their vending machines. Does
this mean that public schools have spent hundreds of billions of dollars over
decades poorly educating and feeding YOUR children! Mrs. Obama as Momma-in-
Chief. When will fed gov confine itself to just responsibilities delegated to it by the
Constitution. Gov think: Medicaid and Medicare (fed gov unconstitutionally involved
with healthcare) billions of dollars in debt and fraught with billions of dollars of fraud -
what does it do? Healthcare Reform! It seizes control of virtually all of healthcare. Will
make your health decisions for you and diet decisions for children (it is your money;
the PTA, mayor and city council should render such decisions).-R. DePersio (all of his
comsats listed and described at

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fwd: u.n. FARTS and commerce clause SMELLS

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 30, 2010 10:13 pm
Subject: u.n. FARTS and commerce clause SMELLS
There is the science of climatology and there is u.n. Cattle Fart/Hockey-Stick-Graph/
Global-Warming climatology.
Finally, the u.n. admits what the intelligent amongst us have known for a long time.
The purpose behind their fudged data and lack of appropriate peer review is
world-wide socialism. 
FOXBN "Cashin' In" Senior u.n. official finally admits that it is about redistributing
the wealth from post-industrialized and industrialized nations to third-world countries
as punishment for Industrial Revolution (besides making george soros and al gore richer).           He believes that the 'bad' nations should be heavily taxed, for example, airline industries          and travelers (tickets). We are confident that Obama is in on it and would allow u.n. to
tax Americans and American companies. in spite of the fact. we are a sovereign nation
(he doesn't care, just look at unsealed southern border where illegals violate our
sovereignty daily) and would constitute taxation without representation. Does the u.n.
want us to go back in time 10,000 years to the beginning of agriculture or, further, to
In chain letter 3, we addressed the issue of Commerce Clause abuse. Presidents and       congresses invoking clause (meant to regulate inter-state trade) for non-trade issues, as
well as, intra-state trade. Now, 3M company which makes street signs reflective                recommended to Federal Traffic Administration (unconstitutional; not one of sixteen
areas where fed gov has authority) that cities and towns replace their street signs with
larger ones and use upper and lower case letters and the bureaucracy promptly responded "Wow! What a great idea" and has dictated that financially-strapped cities make the      change. Where is Obama and congress? They're busy securing greater control over food
industry and what we are going to be allowed to eat!
Advice: read CHAIN LETTERS., /group/
federalism, /goup/nasa-our-way and (Back articles

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fwd: libertarians: big judge nap and his little john lapdog

From: b <>
Sent: Fri, Dec 10, 2010 12:23 am
Subject: libertarians: big judge nap and his little john lapdog pet
Former judge, FOXBN host and FOXN contributor has become television's
for libertarianism. We've made our arguments for most of them being
and in-the-closet social (amoral-list;
moral relativists; secularists) liberals. 
He was interviewed by little john stossel on little john's show. I
expected the lapdog
to hump napolitano's (lousy Italian-American) leg. Nap arrived on the
scene about
two years ago. We heard him say thousands of times that he was a
judge and that that it was wrong for judges to legislate from the
bench: legislators
should legislate and the voice of the people should prevail via State
Amendments. Judge Hypocrite was upset that the people of California
were 'wrong'
to vote against the legalization of pot (they should have limited vote
to gay san
fransisco), congress is 'wrong' not to use legislation to undo "don't
ask, don't tell"
and the state surpreme court of california was right to void the
people's decision to
ban same-sex marriages (38 states ban the perversion by law and 14 by
amendments as well [different then fed amendments]). He is elated that
the 9th circuit
court - the most liberal in the nation - is likely to take up the cases
and do the  'left'
thing: overrule. We engage in intellectual integrity while he
doesn't: Legislate-from-
the-Bench. He is a big HYPOCRITE!!! He wants judges to do what is the
domain of
legislators and the people. He has LIED for two years!
The show ended with younger little john shouting: "Go, judge, go judge,
go judge"             Where was his
little cheerleader outfit!?!
We dissociated from congressman ron paul's "campaign for liberty' just
in time. He has
stated emphatically that he has been wrongfully denied the position of
a certain
financial sub-committee and if he ever secured the post that he would
audit the damn
fed (federal reserve bank). His org collects donations to achieve that
goal! Now, he
says it depends on the committee chairman and the house speaker and
that he is
unlikely to do it - CRIMINAL: collecting money under false pretenses!
tea is bad while ATBTC is good! Join us in a SECOND AMERICAN
REVOLUTION!!!, /group/nasa-our-way, /group/


October, 2010
Two months after the highly successful CITIZEN REPORTER/GOOD YEAR
BLIMP PUBLICITY TOUR ending at MOUNT RUSHMORE followed by a visit with
HEF and BUNNIES   in the GROTTO with no exploration for
right after LAUNCHING /group/nasa-our-way, CITIZEN REPORTER vanished
for a time  a la Agatha Christie (there is
speculation that he was studying MAYAN ruins in   Central
America) returns to take ill and, more importantly, take on a CAUSE.
NASA, of course. You'll join  the CAUSE, of course.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fwd: Citizen Journalist Reports

                                           CITIZEN JOURNALIST REPORTS:
                              An Open Letter of Apology Sent Across 'the Pond'

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 2:05 pm
Subject: Citizen Journalist Reports
Once again, I apologize to U.K. on behalf of U.S. In 2009, he slighted your Queen; in 2010, it                  was your PM's turn. He doesn't speak for America. Recently, he told the smelly french (you
know the drill: lower-case 'f' intentional) that they were America's greatest ally. A majority
of Brits were rightly offended. Those not familiar with obama's history as regards U.K.
might think you petty: you most certainly are not; you are America's best FRIEND! He
is so incompetent and unprofessional that he can't separate personal feelings from (as
regards treatment of his grandfather in the then British-controlled Kenya of the 1950s)
from his conduct of U.S. foreign policy and the best interest of Americans.The U.K. had been
one of our best allies during and since WW1 (we saved you from the kaiser) and our best friend                   during and since WW2 (we saved you from swastika-man; not only did you pay back your                                    financial debt accrued for both wars long before france {ingrates and contra-U.S. foreign policy                  since the conclusion of WW2, especially, since de Gaul in 1960s and didn't make their last                                         payment of WW2 war debt until recently!} and you have demonstrated your genuine friendship                    again and again). The same is true with respect to our second best friend: Israel. They have
reason to worry for he clearly favors muslim nations in the Middle East. His father and
grandfather were and his brother is a muslim and for two years as a child he attended one of       those (name begins with an 'm') radical/brainwashing muslim schools: America is the devil and
Jews are pigs and monkeys. Getting back to U.K.: extreme socialism called fascism a.k.a.
nazism a.k.a. national socialism and communism aren't polar opposites on political/economic
spectrum like most people think but are quite similar in nature. An aside: recent                        congressional-shooter quoted from "communist manifesto" and "mein kampf." So much
for preposterous liberal claim that he was prompted by vocal pro-Constitutional/anti-gov               moderates, moderate-conservatives and conservatives of the following ilk: pull-no-punches/                  take-no-prisoners in what we call our Second American Revolution (restoration of our real Constitution. I'm proud to be apart of that group of pundits.-Richard DePersio.
Sent: Wed, Oct 20, 2010 3:50 pm
On behalf of real Constitutional Americans, Rick apologizes for Obama's lack of class
and regards his subjectivity concerning alleged events concerning
his grandfather in Kenya in the 1950s to color his conduct of foreign policy. Some of his
behavior was childish in nature. U.K., Israel (which has every reason to fear a president                            who favors the muslim (lower case 'm' intentional) nations of the Middle East) and Australia                          are our three best friends in the world; friendship that goes back a long time, at least a century             with respect to the U.K. He travels the world insulting his own country and apologizing for                alleged American mistakes in the past no doubt predicated on the distorted history he learned                at the feet of the Marxist professors he favored while a lad in college or from one of his three                 'spiritual' advisors (practitioners of false Christianity: black liberation theology; he had one as a
teenage, the reverend 'wrong' was the second and he has one now). I have never felt such a need even as regards presidents with whom I disagreed I never thought, I would feel compelled to   apologize for a president.
Watching three episodes  "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" from U.K. Jeremy Brett does a              splendid (as the Brits would say) job; second best for you can't top Basil!
In exile in the former U.S.A. which is fast becoming the United Secular Socialist States of
China (while Western Europe slowly moves away from socialism toward capitalism.