l Subtitle: The Rise and the Fall
by Richard DePersio
(All components of "Citizen Reporter" listed at groups.google.com/
NOTA BENE': Last year, we composed a series of articles: "Triumvirate...
Oligarchy," "Oligarchy: The Delay," "OLIGARCHY continued," "The Dog
Ate It," "Oligarchy: I was Invited to One Party which One Should I Choose."
The series was repeated in January and can be found here under January!
They aren't out-of-date and prove that we scooped Beck and others by many
The series was repeated in January and can be found here under January!
They aren't out-of-date and prove that we scooped Beck and others by many
weeks. Under our system, George Soros was placed in the first tier. It appears
that others are playing catch-up.(Hurry! Check it out now. We are feeling down
and can use the applause!).
George Soros who aided and albeited the Nazis during WW2 in their program
of stealing from the Jews. He concentrated his efforts on Jewish-owned artwork.
George Soros who was kicked out of England for causing the British Sterling to
collapse and ordered never to return. George Soros who made over half of his
money in the U.S. but pays little in taxes because of his off-shore bank accounts.
George Soros who is the biggest contributor to the most dangerous liberal
organization in the United States: The American Civil Liberties Union (who believe
that everyone has rights except moderate and conservative Christians and who have done the most to destroy the sanctity of marriage and the traditional American family
and the most to promote immorality and abnormality and did the most since it
first formed in the 1930's when progressive FDR was President to eliminate the
teaching of constitutional law in law schools and limit law schools to case law. They
didn't accomplish that overnight but by about 1980 virtually all law schools no longer
taught it and that remains the case to this day. He is the biggest contributor to ACorn
(which is undergoing a name change so that it can get Obama money again) which
played a major role in causing the economic/financial crisis; planting the seeds between 1995 and 1998 along with a few others and watering and making them grow;
they blossomed between the last quarter of 2007 and the last quarter 2008. He's the big money-man behind the following: the Democratic Party; Family Maters; Move-On; Tide Foundation;Apollo Project (which has nothing to do with the good Apollo Project); others. Interestingly enough, virtually all of the top officials in the Obama Administration, including, the man himself Obama worked in one or more of his organizations besides the Democratic Party. He favors nationalizing banks and the oil industry which Obama is in the process of doing. George (where getting to know him so well that he's like family now - the black sheep of the family) favors the government spending beyond it's means which it has been doing. He wanted and got the two failed stimulus packages. George stands to make a mint off of Cap-and-Trade like Al Gore. Green pseudo-science is a massive fraud and front for a money-making scheme at tax-payer expense BIG-TIME. He demanded and got California to agree to build a smart-grid though no blueprints exist! (It kind of reminds us of SpaceX's Falcon 9 which orbited a 'dummy' and doesn't even have blueprints for a spacecraft but claims it will bring cargo to ISS in early 2012 and astronauts in early 2013. Obama is trying to end Shuttle and Constellation - please read or browse at first nine posts on rickscisite.blogspot.com and join the CAUSE! It almost appears as if Obama wants both NASA and SpaceX to fail! Am I A.D.D.ing!?!...where were we?). GE - owner of NBC and an arm of the Obama campaign-got the green grid contract. Oh, you're ahead of me - George is heavily invested in GE! Obama is demanding a six-month moratorium on off-shore drilling
which will cripple the U.S. oil industry and eventually lead to the loss of hundreds of
thousands of jobs. The rigs in the Gulf of Mexico won't remain idle. Plans are underway
to move them to Brazil. Guess who owns a lot of stocks in Brazilian oil!
Do you remember during the presidential campaign when T. Bone Pickens,
the oil magnate was airing PSAs on radio and television encouraging Americans to
invest in all forms of energy and that he would put his money where his mouth was
and finance wind power-generating plants across a whole state. A few months ago,
he announced that he had abandoned idea. Is he a hypocrite. No, he's a smart
businessman. Further studies indicated that it wasn't practical and viable at this time.
The dominant liberal media didn't cover the story. Reasonable experts tell us that
35 to 50% (and no more) of our heat and electricity MAY come from solar and wind
in 40 or so years. Give it time and a chance to succeed (like SpaceX - give them 4
to 6 years for cargo and 5 to 7 years for astronauts so that they can do it right and
safely. Extend life span of Shuttle for 2 to 4 years and consider Rick's original proposals- as Reagan would say: "There he goes again." A.D.D.).
Does Obama want America to fail? Spain has been telling America (www.rickaddsite.blogspot.com was number one in Spain in January. Twitter-Analytics couldn't explain it nor could we - but we were mighty grateful!). that they went green and two
industrial or service jobs were lost for every one green job created and that green
job had to be partially government-subsidized. Greece desperately needs a loan
from the IMF and the IMF is considering attaching strings: down-size socialized
medicine and encourage the development of private sector medicine for socialized
medicine isn't sustainable. What does Obama do? He has Congress pass an
extremely expensive - and make no mistake about it - health care bill (which
over 60% of Americans opposed) which will result in socialized medicine in 4 years
or less! (Did you do it? Will you do it? Oligarchy and January. We need applause!).
NOTA BENE': Recently, Russia announced that it possesses the most
advanced fighter jet, as well as, an unstoppable missile. Meanwhile,
Commander-in-Chief Obama canceled plans to place an anti-missile
radar system in Poland and anti-missile arrays in Czech Republic after
Bush got them to agree to excepting the systems in spite of their fear of
Russia. Why did Obama do it? Russia demanded it! Obama tries to
accommodate our enemies and semi-enemies and every time he does so he
fails to get anything in return thereby humiliating U.S. Then again, he travels
the world knocking America and apologizing for alleged American mistakes
here and as regards American activities internationally over the past 100 years
and thinks that he is endearing America to the world in acts of humility when
in return the world is laughing at us! No other president acted in such a
despicable manner. They talked up the country that they loved. Four presidents
in the last century - Theodore Roosevelt (R), Woodrow Wilson (D), Franklin
Roosevelt (D) and Lyndon Johnson (D) - talked up the country that they loved while loving it some much that they worked toward reinventing it!The worst
offenders having been FDR and LBJ. Until now! Obama has replaced more of
the FOUNDING FATHER'S "Declaration of Independence," "The Constitution, including, the 'Bill of Rights,'" and the "Federalist Papers" with "the progressive
'living' constitution" that the documents will soon be eclipsed! A.D.D.ed again...
Weren't we talking about national security!
Why do liberal hate offensive military (do they want us to be sitting ducks)
and defensive military (the latter is harder to understand). We could have had an
impenetrable, cutting-edge technology shield for ourselves and our real allies.
President Nixon wanted an ABM system but liberals killed it in 1970. President
Reagan wanted SDI. It's budget was cut by over 90% between 1989 and 1995. An
Obama continues to shrink the Bush Plan because Russian told him to so. By now,
we would be invulnerable to missile attack from any country and in the future from
terrorists groups if they were to acquire missiles. Bonus: all the military R & D and
actual systems deployments for the past 40 years that we could have enjoyed: they say that military technology
becomes accessible to and applied to civilian purposes after 30 years or less. (Don't
forget to join the cause at rickscisite.blogspot.com and Oligarchy/January. We need
the applause!). .
NOTA BENE': More on Cap-and-Trade (the following article is a must-read) it will
effect businesses of all sizes forcing them to purchase carbon credits, in effect,
a massive tax increase which translates into higher prices and fewer jobs created.
An estimated one million jobs lost every year as energy-intensive industries are
forced to shut their doors or move overseas. Obama and company will decide
which businesses get government subsidies and which don't - a recipe for
large-scale corruption and the government takeover of more companies. Finance
Reform is similar but would apply to commercial banks, investment banks and
savings-and loans. And, we all know how well government is at running things!!!
According to the "Campaign for Liberty":
"One day, you hear a loud knock on your front door.
But it's not a neighbor visiting or someone trying to sell you a subscription.
Instead it's a federal agent -- the federal government's newest threat to
your liberty coming to check your household appliances...your light bulbs...and
this is NO JOKE."
And further, "More government control. More international control with the
corresponding loss of freedom and sovereignty."
You still don' believe it? A few months ago, Obama asked Twitter for it's
files of tweets for historical purposes for the "Library of Congress." if anybody
believes that that is the real reason the Obama Regime wants it, we have a
Constitution no longer in use for sale. (You'll need a light bulb to read the following
articles, at rickscisite and January/Oligarchy).
We honestly believe that liberals are embarrassed by the fact that America is the world's
super-power in economics/finance-military-science-technology (including, space and
medicine)-LIBERTIES. They want the rich and middle-class to give the poor even more
- and they already give a lot, some might say too much -
then they all ready do - to the point where everyone is lower middle-class and there
is no incentive to be creative or work hard (socialism). And, they want post-
industrialized and industrialized nations to give more - and they already give a lot,
some say too much - to developing and third world nations so that everyone is about
on the same level: somewhere between the present U.S. and Ethiopia or Durfur (a
new form of socialism - international socialism). America fades to black.