Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fwd: rickcosmos has just been handed a "NEWS FLASH"

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:31 pm
Subject: rickcosmos has just been handed a "NEWS FLASH"

google                                          (Richard DePersio)                                               yahoo
                          PLEASE REMAIN CALM: HELL HAS FROZEN OVER
Editor's Note: It has been confirmed by three reliable sources. We are receiving a clarification: variation on the same theme. What the HELL does that mean?! The data is arriving sporadically
and fragmentally. It would appear...we lost our satellite link...we are attempting to reestablish
the telemetry...switching to to another comsat...we are back in business.
        Back in February, Obama came out in favor of non-unionized public charter schools and...
rickcosmos will take it from here..."Rick"..."Thank you, Rick." Your reporter has been an
advocator of charter schools when they had there genesis about 15 years ago. One by one, states - a majority of them have given their 'green light' in spite of strong opposition from the
teachers unions which lack an interest in children - primarily red with a few blue have been
embracing them angering (to put it very mildly union bosses of other unions who acted in solidarity with teacher's unions). Shocking! But, let's take a moment to put it in perspective, the union defeat has been partial for they forced states to impose strict caps on the number of such schools permitted.
       Back in February,(which was cold for those who go outside like this 'cyberspace/parallel
universe" roving  reporter) rickcosmos praised YOUR President for boldly taking a position
contrary to the unions (he allowed his head to peak out of their pocket!). Upon further contemplation,I realized that he had exercised good judgement (a rare experience and a treat for him) but BOLD was stretching it a bit. Liberals, like him, allowed the unions to destroy the regular public school system, the U.S. Postal system. Amtrak, the airline and auto industries - and are laying the ground work for enabling them to destroy the rest of the private sector including housing, financial and agriculture. In the case of the latter, the environmentalists are doing their duty in depriving southern California of irrigation to protect some little endangered species of fish (which our children in public school are told to worry about) which will result in many of these farms, which supply food for most of the country to shut down: lose of jobs and money and sky-
rocketing food prices (Schools don't teach children to worry about their parents wallets and purses - - -  ADDed, again!).
       Let's look at the school system more closely before this scribe reveals the shocking 
truth: he agrees with Obama again (variation on same theme). Twice in ten months - WOW!
             First Place: Private Schools most of which are Catholic (although, about ten percent
                               have closed in the last five years due to financial problems - crisis, really.
                               Areas: education; discipline, teachers salaries; budgets (but have taken
                               a hit).
            Second Place: Home Schools (says something about professional teachers who were
                               trained by former beatniks and worse hippies who dropped out and then
                               back in - did they really? - or those who had been trained by them) and
                               non-union Charter Schools are tied as far as education and discipline;
                               parents don't receive salary, charter schools teachers last place (Liberal
                               nonsense - regular public schools teachers aren't paid enough. First
                               of all, the problem with regular public isn't money or lack of resources -
                               liberals just want to throw good money after bad. Secondly, the big
                               liberal lie: incompetent public teachers aren't paid enough - they make
                               less the ten per cent of what policemen and fireman make while their
                               benefits and pension plans are better!; budgets: Home Schools vary while
                               Charter School teachers are bringing up the rear!Budgets for Charter
                               Schools are done on a shoe string!
           Third Place:   union Magnet Schools (however, the teachers unions have less
                               control of them compared to regular public schools; therefore, there
                               is a cap on their number too - but slightly higher then Charter Schools)
                               as far as education and discipline but second place as far as salaries
                               and budgets.  
           Dunce Cap:   regular Public Schools when it comes to education and discipline but
                               not budgets and teacher's salaries (second).
        Here it is: Last week, Obama came out in favor of 'virtual acadamies' which are Home/
Charter School Combos in which children are taught by teachers and parents, text books
and other resources are supplied by the Board of Education (unlike regular Home Schools
where parents have to fend for themselves even though they pay taxes to support public schools).
it's so un-liberal of Obama to support Charter Schools in February and 'virtual Acadamies' now -
but not Home Schools most of which have religious parents and are under attack because
liberals want them to be brainwashed into liberal philosophy on issue such as homosexuality -
sadly, there is a liberal effort in many states to force parents what they can teach in 'their
own' homes. The Obama revolution is about the government takeover of the commercial/
manufacturing/financial/agricultural sectors and taking rights away from their subjects,
including, parents!
                                THE GREEN NUTS AND THEIR BIG GREEN LIE
         rickcosmos told you in a previous article that I was telling my thirteen and nine year
old nieces of about global warming science not politics masquerading as science which they are taught in public school when the eight year old interrupted me to say: "Don't you mean climate change ." A couple of weeks earlier, the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee had
sent memos to democratic politicians to switch terms(global warming was no longer selling well) - a marketing not a scientific decision. I can only infer that he sends memos to public school principals and teachers too!
         Now we discover - you probably haven't if you still get your news from the liberal mainstream media that scientists mainly U.N. scientists and liberal politicians have been telling a BIG GREEN LIE. This constitutes a sin for a scientist - violating the Scientific Method the way
that Obama violates the U.S. Constitution. Fortunately, this reporter has dozens of non-
living and living reliable sources including cub reporters like Little Tight Vagina (1970's-style investigative reporting). A hacker seized emails sent amongst some of the top  climatologists, environmental scientists, geophysicists, ecologists and atmospheric physicists. They were falsifying data/doctoring the books for the past ten years because Mother Nature refused to behave like their computer models. They even became suspicious that their might be big eyes in cyberspace and proceeded to tell eachother to delete sensitive emails. Next month, there is going to be a big meeting on glob...excuse me, I must be liberal PC...climate change amongst the world's leaders - will Obama have egg on his face - - no. It's a pitfall when someone gets married to an idea which becomes doctrinal in nature and they rationalize largely oblivious to what they are doing. They will continue to push for cap-and trade which will cause your energy
bills to quadruple over the next ten years as the stare at wind mills (solar and wind power).
They will continue to teach the BIG GREEN LIE to our children and not tell them about what's
going to happen to mom and dad's purses and wallets.
        You shouldn't be surprised to know that yours truly has a scientific background (with
all due modesty, I'm just an average polymath) and that I been telling people the truth
about global warming and the hole in the ozone layer since 1993. Beginning in 2003, I explained
that nine of the ten most recent studies, including, a ten year NASA study and an investigation a climate change over the past 100 years indicated little or no run-away greenhouse effect
and the one that indicated moderate warming which was based on surface temperatures -
reliable on land if senses are properly located but not very reliable on water. A few months
ago, I notified you that a major study indicated global cooling and that another NASA study
done for the Environmental Protection Agency arrived at the same conclusion as the previous one (satellites measured temperatures at various levels in the atmosphere) which the Obama Administration tried to suppress! Big Brother.
       For most of you this represents a major revelation. Your most continue to do two things:
keep getting your information from reputable sources - - - like CBS, CNN and the N.Y. Times;
don't complain to your members of congress and don't support organizations like the Campaign
for Liberty, the Alliance Defense Fund and ASAMOM!

Hate Crime Legislation (which is a clear violation of the Constitution) will stifle the free speech
of members of the clergy and can give cause for an employer not to hire you (predicated on your
beliefs) - just ask an Englishman across the pond...Continue to buy hook-line-and-sinker
what they tell you about health food and preservatives in non-health foods... And, pity 
the children for an education they get not but hopefully they will dream the dreams of
twenty-first century children - - - growing up to be an Acorn!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Richard DePersio has shared a document with you

I've shared the document world_communism_domestic_socialism.pdf <> with you.


To open the document, click on the link above, or copy and paste this URL into your browser.

Start working with others online at

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:04 pm

Liberals want to tar-and-feather me; I want to say it while I still enjoy free speech (I already    informed you that 'the one' has made a 1.75 billion opening down payment on the internet; 
he is considered bailing out failing newspapers - most of the major ones are liberal biased-
in which he has a vested interest and that would make them beholden to him financially
and editorially: this would become his number one unconstitutional act - more on it later).
                                             "It would be superfluous in me to point out
                                              to your lordship that this is war."
                                                                             -Charles Francis Adams dispatch
                                                                              to Earl Russell, 1863
Some men are up to the challenge: Bush after 9/11; some men aren't up to the challenge:
obama after Fort Hill terrorist attack.
       He prefaced his eulogy at the Fort Hood memorial by condemning white Americans treatment of
American Indians. An advisor should have informed him that the Indian wars are over. He had the wrong war: this is the war against terror which he doesn't consider a war but random acts
of a criminal nature. The same kind of Clinton mentality which led to 9/11.PC prevents him
from calling the tragedy at Fort Hood what it was.
       Wars had been fought for thousands of years in which to the victor went the spoils:
he took the land and riches from, enslaved the men and raped the women of the defeated.
Leave it to the Americans to screw up tradition: we took their riches but not quite all their land;
we put most of them on rat-infested, poverty stricken land that they could call their own; no
enslavement and only isolated cases of rape; we made them U.S. citizens and allowed them
to retain membership in their tribes and have a local government; many of their young were
mistreated in special schools where they were taught American culture: English, law, dress,
art, music and Christianity. Those that chose not to live on the reservation faired better then
those that did. Today, reservations are prospering due to casinos and tax-free mail
order cigarettes and medication. Granted much goes to the Indian version of the Mafia but
all the Indians are prospering to one degree or another. As far as those who leave the
reservation or who were never on one and in many cases their parents weren't, they no
longer face discrimination .Liberals think that it was wrong then and think that it is wrong now
to Americanize immigrants. So they actually hold back Hispanics or Latinos (whichever you
choose to call them by having far too many years of bi-lingual education. You can if you chose
practice your culture in private or in public on special occasions - period. Do we want a situation  like that suffered in Western Europe, especially, France where subhuman muslims take over a town or neighborhood and force their culture on it and enforce Shia law instead of the law of the host country for which they became a citizen such as French Law. Multi-culturalism uncurbed and unchecked is a bad thing.                                                                          Sooner or later, they were bound to be conquered if not by the Europeans by the Asians.They had valuable resources which they failed to defend: they lost! This isn't what our
children are being taught in public school. They are learning liberal, revisionist American
history - the kind that obama was taught. It began in the mid-1960s and had spread to all
public schools by the 1980s, Your children are being taught by the radical youth from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s or by those who were taught be them including lies about the
Founding Fathers and religion, constitution and so much more!
      He should have talked about that muslim dog that it took a long time to stop because
most soldiers on military bases in theU .S. aren't allowed to carry guns nowadays - bases are
largely protected by the local police department or sheriff's office - and now the terrorists
know it - - this writer just found out about it.
       The muslim scum was psychologically administering to our soldiers while SPEAKING AND WRITING ON BEHALF OF JIHAD.. Liberal PC has come to the military. The police and the military should racial profile. The muslim pig should have been placed in front of a firing squad months ago (I think that the Military police can carry weapons are other soldiers when drilling).
       We are all familiar with liberal PC. Three-star General Jerry Boykin was forced to end
his military career prematurely a few months ago  for TALKING ABOUT A LOVING JESUS WHILE IN UNIFORM!!!
       obama travels the country and the world apologizing for America's past and knocking
present-day America. He holds the distinction of being the first president to do so.
                                                       " What hangs the unfortunate
                                                         circumstance of guilt."
                                                                             -rRobert Louis Stevenson, 1889
                                                        "Never make a defence or apology before
                                                        you be accused."
                                                                              -King Charles 1, 1636
       He has no right speaking for this writer for he makes no apologies for his ancestors (even when, they did do wrong for he didn't do it). This columnist only speaks of the greatest of his
country's greatness past and not so much present. Why doesn't he speak about the
facts that follow: America has freed and protected more countries then all the other
nations of the world combined and the American government and the American people
per capita give more humanitarian aid to third-world and developing nations then all the
member nations of the U.N. combined.
                                                        "There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in
                                                          this country. There is room here for only
                                                          100 per cent Americanism, only for those who
                                                          Americans and nothing else."
                                                                               -President Theodore Roosevelt
      This is a two-for: it applies equally well to obama and his wife (last year, she stated,
"for the first time in my life, I'm proud to be an American"; no true American should
recognize her as First Lady!).

He is anti: big business; cooperate executives; stockholders; small- and medium-sized
business; non-unionized workers; free speech: attack on Fox, plans to end conservative
talk radio and plan to bail out liberal newspapers.
       He is pro: union bosses and union workers; taxes; government ownership and control of the private and financial sectors; big spending; interference in the daily lives of citizens when it comes to free choice; forcing things on people that they  don't want.
                                                         "When the government fears the people that's
                                                           liberty; when the people fear the government
                                                           that's tyranny."
                                                                               -President Tom Jefferson

Saturday, November 21, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Nov 21, 2009 7:55 pm

google                                     (Richard DePersio)                                        yahoo

                                                  by rickcosmos
       Glenn Beck claims that the national debt went from zero in 1891 to 6 trillion in 2002
to 12 trillion now. Let's enter the squared mathematical ring. FIRST OFF: WE SHOULD
HAVE LISTENED TO ROSS POIROT IN 1993! This contender claims that it reached 7
trillion by 2002 and rose by 3 trillion under President Bush by April 1 of this year (this is a peculiar fiscal year: it was split in two) and has risen by 2 trillion and counting over the last 9 Obama months due to his failed stimulus package (most of which wasn't stimulus), his cash-for clunkers program and Obama's government's partial and growing takeover of the financial sector and the auto industry (wherein Bush loans became virtual stocks) his continued refusal to capitalize on America's energy resources, his failure to lower the cooperate income tax, and
 his growing tax burden on small business. The deficit could reach 25 trillion by 2018 if
he gets energy reform (cap-and-trade) and healthcare reform his way! China will replace the
U.S. as the largest economic superpower while the U.S. is reduced to the economical/
financial status of a better off third world nation!
        While the economical/financial crisis was partly due to the deficit situation, it was
largely due to President Clinton, Senator Barney Frank, Acorn, the semi-independent agencies: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Federal Reserve Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission. President Bush foresaw a looming economic/financial crisis triggered by the Housing/Mortgage Industry in 2004 and 2005 and tried to due something about
it through issuing executive orders to no avail. Acorn pressured Clintion into giving
mortgages to people with little or no credit beginning in 1998 (liberals think that the are
rights such as the right of a poor person to own a house in the Bill of Rights. Bush as a
compassionate conservative continued the program until he saw the light in 2004. Democrats
seized control of congress in 2006. He dispatched congressional Republican leaders to
the lovely democratic senator Frank whose committee was responsible for Fannie (how
appropriate!) and Freddie to do something about the high-risk mortgages being issued by
these agencies. He refused to do so. We now know that both semi-independent federal
agencies donated heavily to Frank's campaign's for many years (and Obama when he
ran for senator and president). This likely constitutes an unconstitutional act: semi-
independent FEDERAL agency. Bush knew that if the mortgage domino fell that it would
cause the commercial and investment bank, the Wall Street and major industry dominoes
to fall. Bush failed to make a big public issue out of the pending disaster back in 2004.


         The first time I agreed with him was in February and readers were beside themselves.
It only took nine months to agree with him again! Technically where talking about a
variation on the same theme. Back in February, (I was born in the best month of the year;
hint: it will be February again in three months - it happens every year) announced his support
of charter schools which are non-union ed public schools and quiet naturally bitterly opposed\d
by unions who are out to destroy America with the president's blessing. I guess that he
could afford to disagree with then one thing, after all, his economic strategy calls for
unions to destroy all businesses big and small!
First Place: Private Schools (most of which are Christian schools,especially, the Catholic
variety (this writer had the misfortune of attending one);
Second Place: Home Schools and Charter Schools (fourth place: budget-wise and by way
of teachers salaries ( thanks to unions which highly restrict the number of charter schools
in a state because the have democrats in their pocket; it's amazing that there are any
at all - that situations might improve somewhat thanks to former President Bush's No-Child-
Left-Behind Program -  a failing regular public is put on probation for three years and if it
fails to make the grade is suppose to be converted into a public charter or magnet school
or risk loosing federal funding - -  it's not likely to happen now that democrats control
congress - - - they care more about the teacher's unions then they do about the children!).
Third Place: Magnet schools (third place when it comes to budgets and teacher's salaries;
though unionized, they enjoy a degree pf autonomy).
Last place: Regular Public Schools (second place: when it comes to budgets and salaries.
And, yet, liberals say that they need bigger budgets and larger teacher salaries. Why?
So that they can get worse! Public schools have shorn modest improvements thanks not
to throwing good money after bad but by his No-Child-Left-Behind Program which largely
prevents teacher's from issuing so-called social promotions to undeserving failing students
so that they don't look bad!
       Now, Obama has endorsed virtual academies which are sort of a charter school/
home schools combos( Unlike regular home schools where the parents have to foot the
bill for textbooks and other equipment - parents can purchase books of their own choosing or t purchase them from home school organizations which also assist  parents - at a price - in making certain that the children are educated and not indoctrinated into liberal philosophy; ADDed: Many blue states are trying to make them illigal because most home school parents are religious and a big part of their learning is in that subject - Obama and other liberals don't only want to control many banks, businesses,farms and the media but what you can drive and eat and what parents can teach in the privacy of their own homes) in which all textbooks and other equipment, including, computers are supplied by the government. The child is taught by teachers and parents; they have daytime and evening access to teachers via the
computer on the phone. The jury is still out: these schools haven't been around long and,
therefore, can't be accurately and fairly judged; I'm confident that they too will prove to be
superior to the over-budgeted and over-paid teachers in regular public schools (Liberal Lie:
they aren't paid enough - they, on average, make less then ten per cent less the policemen
and firemen and their benefit and retirement packages are as good as and, in some states
better, then crime fighters and fire fighters!

EXTRA: The clergy might not be allowed to teach what the Bible has to say about
homosexuality because of hate crime legislation passed by congress. Obama and
his fellow communists want to control what is taught in church too!!!

JUST FOR LAUGHS: Obma administration in a dizzy: global warming leveled off
over last ten years (actually, there was no real evidence for global warming in the first place)
and next month the world leaders are going to meet in order to discuss what to do
about global warming (excuse me, where not talking science: PC climate change). Is that
hoot or what!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Nov 15, 2009 12:00 pm

                                 PSYCHOANALYSIS: DANGEROUS

Does anyone, besides me. see the parallel between liberals Clinton and obama? Clinton
thickened the wall between the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. and treated the terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center in 1993 as a criminal not a terrorist attack and was largely responsible
for 9/11 in spite of the bogus, politically-biased, Clinton white-wash 9/11 Commission. Do
you remember the former top Clinton official (his name slips my mind;Sandy Burger?) who apparently snuck out of the National Archives with secret documents in his pants and socks concerning Clinton's War on Terror or the lack thereof and numerous missed opportunities by Clinton to capture or kill Bin Laden - documents which will never see the light of day. Can you say: shredder?
      obama has transfered a lot of authority and responsibility from the C.I.A.,including,
staff members and unconstitutional czars with little or no knowledge or experience in
intelligence, investigation and interrogation. Finally, after nine long months, he renders
a decision regarding the the trials of terrorists and he makes the one that could put the
lives of Americans in dangerous. He isn't just liberal but stupid and reckless. The five
worst terrorists will appear in criminal court - not a military tribunal - with all the constitutional
rights of an American citizen and be able to spread their evil muslim propaganda in open
court and thereby may encourage others to follow in their evil muslim (don't come here for liberal PC which likely caused the terrorist attack at Fort Hood)footsteps!
       He doesn't give a damn about national security. He just wants to embarrass Bush and his Administration. It will make it extremely difficult for U.S. Attorneys to decide what top secret
information that they can use without revealing American intelligence gathering techniques
and methods and, more importantly, not putting the lives of intelligence operatives and offices
at risk! And, his plan to humiliate Bush will likely backfire. Reasons: 1) Most Americans
supported the Patriot Act; 2) Most Americans don't consider water boarding, sleep
deprivation and the playing of loud music to constitute torture (they consider what terrorists
do to be torture: blowing up occupied buildings, blowing themselves up and taking innocent
people with them, cutting off fingers, dislodging eyeballs and chopping off heads); 3) they
support ease dropping on terrorist's, suspected terrorist's and terrorist's sympathizers
telephone conversations and want to know what they are reading in our public libraries;
4) Sending certain terrorists to prisons in foreign countries where the interrogators
aren't so nice; 5) Following the money. Bush wasn't a popular president but the
majority of Americans supported him when it came to the War on Terror and his methods.
The N.Y. times, c.b.s. and liberal-democrats in congress gave aid and comfort to the
enemy by revealing those top secret programs and obama probably isn't smart
enough to continue them without WATERING them down. He better be prepared to
take responsibility for the next terrorist attack (wait a minute: Fort Hood) billy-boy Clinton
        I will thoroughly enjoy seeing obama with egg on his face but I would prefer that
he embarrass himself and state that he had made a mistake and has reconsidered and will
have all terrorists and enemy combatants appear before military tribunals. He needs
to grow-up. It's been a year since hew's been elected, it's time to stop blaming Bush
and take responsibility for his reckless and dangerous decisions (American soldiers are
dying in Afghanistan - the blood his on his hands - because the generals have been
waiting 6 months for the noble prize winner to choose among one of three Afghanistan policies).
And, his economic/financial decisions which are transforming America into a third-world
nation. The first anti-American American president... 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank you for your well-written article. We all le...

Thank you for your well-written article. We all le...: "Thank you for your well-written article. We all learned a lot. I hope
that you will continue to contribute
in the the future and to the five
other websites. Due to technical difficulties, you're likely only able
to become a member at:
com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic and
The other sites are listed there for you to check out. Please send me an email. I could use help man-
aging sites. Your article really
impressed me. Thank you rickcosmos
(Richard DePersio;" Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!..........Updated and Expanded Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!..........Updated and Expanded: "POST

Create a Lin"

Monday, November 9, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Nov 9, 2009 11:01 pm

                      "Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we
                        have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of
                        the people that those liberties are a Gift of God?"
                                                                                -Tom Jefferson
(Some public schools teach little or nothing about the Founding Fathers or they lie about them.
 For example that most of them were deists and atheists and agnostics; reality check: 75%
 were Christians (99% of the general population was) and 25% were deists (perhaps, public
 school teachers don't realize it but deism is a philosophy based on reason and includes a
 a believe in God and heaven. My friend Tom was a deist and attended church services!).

                      "...Almighty Being whose power regulates the destiny of nations,
                       whose blessings have been so conspicuously dispensed to this
                       rising Republic, and to whom we are bound to address our devout
                       gratitude for the past, as well as our fervent supplications and best
                       hopes for the future."
                                                                               -Jim Madison
(By the way, the quote comes from his first Inaugural address. Every president has talked
 extensively about God or God and Jesus. I watched the television coverage of Obama's
 Inaugural Day including his Inaugural address in which he stated this and only this one sent-
 ence: "We are a nation of believers and non-believers." I was alone and I shouted: "Oh, no!"
 I said to myself (I don't always talk out loud when I'm alone!): " This is it. They are indeed
 prepared and capable of replacing the real Constitution with the progressive brand". I thought
 they were and he confirmed it by breaking with tradition from Washington to Bush. Today,
 75% of Americans consider themselves Christians and 85% believe in God! Not a single
 reporter or political pundit  at the time realized it  except yours truly!).

                      "We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of
                        Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the
                        eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained."
                                                                               -the Big Guy Himself, George

(Read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution/Bill of Rights and the official. as well as, unofficial writings of our well-known and lesser known Founding Fathers and you will de-
 scover that they believed that our rights came from God and that the powers of the govern-
 ment came from the people and this is what was taught in public schools prior to the mid-
 sixties. The 20% of Americans who identify themselves as liberal/secularists, the president
 and most in congress believe in punishing the super-rich, the rich, the upper class and
 the mid-middle class and giving more and more freebies to the lower middle-class, the
working poor, and the none-working poor thereby creating a society that isn't hard-working,
 creative and motivated like  commnists and some socialist nations. A society that gets it's rights from and is dependent upon BIG GOVERNMENT and where children are' dumned' down in regular public school and indoctrinated into the liberal philosophy. Where God is removed from public places including, schools, where immorality is encouraged in all forms of liberal media. Continue to read).

                      "Unfortunately the less internal moral code of a nation has results in
                        the government having to pass more external legal codes to keep
                        order - and each new law takes away another little piece of indiv-
                        idual freedom."
                                                                                -McGuffey's 5th Electric Reader,
The time has come my friends, to do what I enjoy doing too much (I could OD) and you know
what that is: driving liberal/ secularists up the church steeple - - -

                       "The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but
                         from the hand of God."
                                                                                -President Kennedy, Inaugural
                       "So we prayer to Him now for the vision to see our way clearly - to see
                         the way that leads to a better life for ourselves  and for all our fellow
                         men - to the achievement of His will, to peace on earth. In the presence
                         of God - I know that it is America's purpose that we shall not fail."
                                                                                -Franklin Roosevelt, Inaugural
(the attacks on Christians began around 1900; big-time in the mid-1960s but most Americans
 didn't notice; more and have noticed the last few years. The size of government swelled between 1900 and 1920, 1934 and 1944, 1964 and 1970, 1977 and 1981, 1994 and 1996, 2005 and 2009; it shrunk between 1981 and 1985. Two points: 1)The size of government - number of personnel and size of government spending - during Reagan's second term rose: 1995 and 1999 but no large-scale regulations on people and companies. The same is true of Bush's second term. Obama is regulating at an unprecedented size and speed!                                   Roosevelt wrote original prayers and sometimes delivered them during his fireside chats! I can't resist when it comes to their two biggest heroes- and they weren't secularists or secularist-light. I can't stop: unlike Obama., Kennedy cut taxes on the rich and middle-class and wasn't a big regulator and wasn't hell-bent of bankrupting America!).
                        "We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon
                          on the Mount...
                          The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a
                          world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
                                                                                  -General Omar Bradley


                           Let's end with another Founding Father:
                          "Our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people(not
                            for Obama's Rev.' Wrong'; me not John A.). It is wholly inadequate
                            (for Obama's favorite professors in college - the Marxist ones
                            and his anarchist former domestic terrorist friend and community
                            organizers with socialist ideas who break the law and instruct others
                            on how to do it - - ACorn) to the government of any other."
                                                                                    -John Adams (He's not angry that
                                                                                      Richard DePersio had the audacity
                                                                                      to add to his writing; he agrees with 


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Nov 9, 2009 4:54 pm

Editor's Note: It has been brought to  the attention of rickcosmos that individuals have found it impossible to become followers or members or to leave comments at the five websites due to a technical difficulty: A missing step in the process of setting up the sites which we are unable to rectify at this time. We recommend that you send comments and other material to We have reason to believe (it varies from site to site) that we receive 15 to 60 hits per week. has been inactive save to advertise other websites will now be active and you will be able to become a member there and also indicate which other sites you follow. We will be in a position to more accurately gauge how many hits we're receiving.                                                                                                                       Article: WE ARE ALL SUBJECTS NOT CITIZENS NOW!                                                 Supplement: THE CASE FOR MARSHAL LAW NOT IMPEACHMENT                                Editor's Note: It's imperative that you read or reread or at least glance at: :"WE ARE ALL SUBJECTS NOT CITIZENS NOW" and "HERE'S WISHING YOU A DREARY CHRISTMAS" and the "TRIUMVIRATE" series. Less you think rickcosmos (aka Richard DePersio) has taken complete leave of his senses; some of you have probably thought that for a long time. Those articles serve as a foundation which for many, perhaps, most will justify my proposition.Before, you label me a right-wing nut: I have the law on my side and wait to you read what the third highest ranking democrat has to say.                                                                                                        I was a Super-Patriot. Those days are distant memories because of what seems like years of an Obama presidency.They faded to black. Constitutional/Contract/Bankruptcy/Property Laws: President Bush stretched but did not violate '1 law' , 12 times (it may have fell under more then one of the four categories listed)with congressional support toward the end of his presidency;       President Obama BROKE '1 law', 12 times (it could fall under more then one area)by Executive Order without congressional support and BROKE six more 'laws' (falling under one or more classes) again by Executive Order;                                                                                    The House broke 2 laws and 2 House procedures;                                                                  The Senate 1 law and 1 Senate procedure (They are a disgrace; they must try harder!). (I listed all the infractions in previous articles). This was the scoreboard until last week. According to Dr.David Janda, author, "The Awakening of a Surgeon," one of the many items passed  in the so-called 'Stimulus Package'  by Congress and signed by the president in February having nothing to do with stimulus was a provision calling for government medical rationing. The president, congressional democrats and the liberal media have told us that there is no rationing in healthcare reform and they were technically telling the truth - it was already in the stimulus bill that members of congress didn't read. There were laws approving eugenics in 35 states between 1905 and 1935 though rarely enforced and were eventually deemed unconstitutional. What was approved in the 'Stimulus Bill' would fall under the category of eugenics though different then the ones in force early in the last century. If and when implemented by the executive branch it will probably call for government bureaucrats to play God. Priority One: 15 to 45 years olds will be christened the most valuable members of society and 1) if there is a shortage of a drug it will have to be given to that age group first and if there is any leftovers to people of other ages and 2) if a 30 year old and a 60 need a liver transplant, it will have to be given to the 30 year old and 3) Triage (the treating of patients in the order of the severity of their condition) will be modified by the 15-45 factor. The decision will be taken away from the Chief of O.R. in consultation with the Chief Surgeon, the House physician, one of the hospital administrators and the head nurse (of course, consultation isn't always indicated but should be a medical  not a government  descision.UPDATE: ADD ONE MORE  ILLEGAL VIOLATION TO BOTH THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS!!!                                                                             The healthcare bill just passed will force people to get health insurance and punish             those who fail to do so. You might say - it will save taxpayers money but notice the words: force, health and punish and think of the term: individual liberty .Violations galore.They might come to think that they have the power to tell you what kind of car that you can drive and what you can eat!UPDATE: ADD ONE MORE VIOLATION TO HOUSE!!!                                                    The president is determining the salaries and benefits of top executives at companies and banks that received government loans which he illegally translated into virtual stocks.He's even determing salaries of executives at some companies and banks which didn't take a penny of taxpayer money.Does this constitute one of the Constitutional powers enumerated in the Constitution for the president?I think not! You might think that curbing executive compensation is a good thing. So what! The law: stockholders choose a board of directors who choose a chairman of the board (have you noticed that over the past 15 or so years, they've wanted the second title of CEO; it reminds me of movie directors, by 1940 or thereabouts the director's name appeared last in the opening credits - prior to that it was about 75% of the time and then about 20 years ago he wanted his name to appear twice - the second or third credit as a John Smith film - - rare prior to then - - - did I just go off on an ADD tangent!?) and they - confused? - board of directors determine his compensation, he in turn hires the president (and COO!) and the president puts a price on the senior vice-presidents and comptroller (and CFO!)who takes charge from there.He illegally made himself a bankruptcy judge so unions didn't have to make concessions. Why doesn't he determine what goes in the wallets of unions bosses?UPDATE: THE PRESIDENT BREAKS THE LAW AGAIN!!!                                                                               The federal government partially funds the "National Endowment of the Arts"                         and is telling creative artists to create artwork supporting his policies - that's a legal no-no! UPDATE: PRESIDENT CONTINUES TO USE CONSTITUTION AS TOILET PAPER!                           As a constructionalist, I deem semi-independent government agencies like Fannie Mae      and Freddie Mac to be unconstitional. The Founding Father's didn't want agencies or bureaus or commissions to be half way in and half way out of the executive branch. They wanted everything to be smack dab inside one of the three branches of the Federal government - that's not Obama's fault.(I don't blame everything on Obama: just the other day, I stubbed my toe and I didn't blame him; unconstitutional measures were passed by progressives, 1990-1920, 1934-1944).President Clintion, Senator Barney Frank, ACorn, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the semi-independent Federal Reserve Bank and the semi-independent Securities and Exchange commission are largely responsible for the economic/financial crisis. The unions destroyed the auto industry and so what does your president do? He puts the union in charge of GM. Fannie and Freddie deal with mortgages - now he's going to make them landlords - they will be renting houses and apartments. Illegal - perhaps; stupid - definitely. UPDATE: I JUST DECIDED TO ADD STUPIDITY TO THE OBAMA LIST!!!                                                                                            Watergate a cover-up of a break in(some say: dirty politics or political shenanigans)         looks like child's play and Iran/contra which was largely successful, well, I think that the Founding Father's would cut presidents some constitutional slack when it comes to directly or indirectly protected America via defense policy, foreign policy and national security - a little slack. George, Tom and Jim would approve of Reagan and Bush's actions. Nixon, Reagan and Bush were Republicans.                                                                                                                   On the other hand, Clinton had 5 affairs and lied about one under oath, Travel-gate, Whitewater, FBI-gate, magically disappearing and reappearing subpoenaed documents, and the China-Connection - it was only investigated superficially and had to do with Mr. Green (Al Gore) at a Buddhist Temple and claiming not knowing why he was there and the sale of nuclear technology to China and illegal campaign contributions - - - if the spam hits the fan on that one it could turn out that democrat Clintion was a TRAITOR!!!                                                                       RECENTLY, FORMER  JUDGE NAPOLIANO ASKED  JAMES CULBURN,                        THE THIRD   HIGHEST RANKING DEMOCRAT IN THE HOUSE-THE WHIP, WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GET AUTHORITY TO REGULATE HEALTHCARE (By the way, it happened on a large scale once before: democrat president Johnson and a democratically-controlled congress as part of the failed and still with us Great Society social programs) AND THE DEMOCRAT RESPONDED "MOST OF WHAT CONGRESS HAS BEEN DOING THE LAST SEVERAL MONTHS IS IGNORING THE CONSTITUTION." I never thought it was possible. And they are doing it in front of you and most of you are too stupid and lazy to find out. They have plans to take control of the internet and seize partial ownership and full control of many corporate farms -can you say: soviet collective farm? This is 100% unconstitutional as is telling people what to drive and what to eat which they have begun to do and silly you thought that I was kidding earlier!. Liberty wanes; the nanny-state takes care of you and makes decisions for you from cradle to grave. You wake up to discover that the words freedom, justice, liberty, equality have been redacted from the the dictionary and you better make sure that an Obama unconstitutional czar doesn't  hear you utter those words. The word Tyranny will loom large in your lexicon. Impeachment? The donkeys control congress and are co-conspirators                                                                                                                           In third world nations, when there is a military coup the military never voluntarily returns power to the people and/or a civilian government. I can't believe what I'm about to say: I want the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to declare Marshal Law before Commander-in-Chief Obama does. THE CHARGE: REPLACING THE FOUNDING FATHER'S FEDERALIST/CONSTRUCTIONALISTS CONSTITUTION PREDICATED ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES AND CAPITALIST/FREE MARKET CONCEPTS with the progressive 'living' constitution based on secularism and socialism if not communism. The American soldier loves the country they voluntarily serve and take an oath to upheld the Constitution. I can't believe what I am saying: I'M CALLING UPON THE MILITARY TO COMMIT AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESTORING THE CONSTITUTION AND I HAVE NO FEAR THAT THEY WILL QUICKLY RESTORE CIVIL:IAN AUTHORITY ONCE THEIR MISSION IS COMPLETED .REMEMBER: WE ARE TALKING ABOUT AN AMERICAN SOLDIER!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Nov 9, 2009 4:54 pm

Editor's Note: It has been brought to  the attention of rickcosmos that individuals have found it impossible to become followers or members or to leave comments at the five websites due to a technical difficulty: A missing step in the process of setting up the sites which we are unable to rectify at this time. We recommend that you send comments and other material to We have reason to believe (it varies from site to site) that we receive 15 to 60 hits per week. has been inactive save to advertise other websites will now be active and you will be able to become a member there and also indicate which other sites you follow. We will be in a position to more accurately gauge how many hits we're receiving.                                                                                                                       Article: WE ARE ALL SUBJECTS NOT CITIZENS NOW!                                                 Supplement: THE CASE FOR MARSHAL LAW NOT IMPEACHMENT                                Editor's Note: It's imperative that you read or reread or at least glance at: :"WE ARE ALL SUBJECTS NOT CITIZENS NOW" and "HERE'S WISHING YOU A DREARY CHRISTMAS" and the "TRIUMVIRATE" series. Less you think rickcosmos (aka Richard DePersio) has taken complete leave of his senses; some of you have probably thought that for a long time. Those articles serve as a foundation which for many, perhaps, most will justify my proposition.Before, you label me a right-wing nut: I have the law on my side and wait to you read what the third highest ranking democrat has to say.                                                                                              I was a Super-Patriot. Those days are distant memories because of what seems like years of an Obama presidency.They have faded to black.         Constitutional/Contract/Bankruptcy/Property Laws: President Bush stretched but did not violate '1 law' , 12 times (it may have fell under more then one of the four categories listed)with congressional support toward the end of his presidency;       President Obama BROKE '1 law', 12 times (it could fall under more then one area)by Executive Order without congressional support and BROKE six more 'laws' (falling under one or more classes) again by Executive Order;                                                                                    The House broke 2 laws and 2 House procedures;                                                                  The Senate 1 law and 1 Senate procedure (They are a disgrace; they must try harder!). (I listed all the infractions in previous articles). This was the scoreboard until last week. According to Dr.David Janda, author, "The Awakening of a Surgeon," one of the many items passed  in the so-called 'Stimulus Package'  by Congress and signed by the president in February having nothing to do with stimulus was a provision calling for government medical rationing. The president, congressional democrats and the liberal media have told us that there is no rationing in healthcare reform and they were technically telling the truth - it was already in the stimulus bill that members of congress didn't read. There were laws approving eugenics in 35 states between 1905 and 1935 though rarely enforced and were eventually deemed unconstitutional. What was approved in the 'Stimulus Bill' would fall under the category of eugenics though different then the ones in force early in the last century. If and when implemented by the executive branch it will probably call for government bureaucrats to play God. Priority One: 15 to 45 years olds will be christened the most valuable members of society and 1) if there is a shortage of a drug it will have to be given to that age group first and if there is any leftovers to people of other ages and 2) if a 30 year old and a 60 need a liver transplant, it will have to be given to the 30 year old and 3) Triage (the treating of patients in the order of the severity of their condition) will be modified by the 15-45 factor. The decision will be taken away from the Chief of O.R. in consultation with the Chief Surgeon, the House physician, one of the hospital administrators and the head nurse (of course, consultation isn't always indicated but should be a medical  not a government  descision.UPDATE: ADD ONE MORE  ILLEGAL VIOLATION TO BOTH THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS!!!                                                                                                                           The healthcare bill just passed will force people to get health insurance and punish             those who fail to do so. You might say - it will save taxpayers money but notice the words: force, health and punish and think of the term: individual liberty .Violations galore.They might come to think that they have the power to tell you what kind of car that you can drive and what you can eat!UPDATE: ADD ONE MORE VIOLATION TO HOUSE!!!                                                       The president is determining the salaries and benefits of top executives at companies and banks that received government loans which he illegally translated into virtual stocks.He's even determing salaries of executives at some companies and banks which didn't take a penny of taxpayer money.Does this constitute one of the Constitutional powers enumerated in the Constitution for the president?I think not! You might think that curbing executive compensation is a good thing. So what! The law: stockholders choose a board of directors who choose a chairman of the board (have you noticed that over the past 15 or so years, they've wanted the second title of CEO; it reminds me of movie directors, by 1940 or thereabouts the director's name appeared last in the opening credits - prior to that it was about 75% of the time and then about 20 years ago he wanted his name to appear twice - the second or third credit as a John Smith film - - rare prior to then - - - did I just go off on an ADD tangent!?) and they - confused? - board of directors determine his compensation, he in turn hires the president (and COO!) and the president puts a price on the senior vice-presidents and comptroller (and CFO!)who takes charge from there.He illegally made himself a bankruptcy judge so unions didn't have to make concessions. Why doesn't he determine what goes in the wallets of unions bosses?UPDATE: THE PRESIDENT BREAKS THE LAW AGAIN!!!                                                                                   The federal government partially funds the "National Endowment of the Arts"                         and is telling creative artists to create artwork supporting his policies - that's a legal no-no! UPDATE: PRESIDENT CONTINUES TO USE CONSTITUTION AS TOILET PAPER!                           As a constructionalist, I deem semi-independent government agencies like Fannie Mae      and Freddie Mac to be unconstitional. The Founding Father's didn't want agencies or bureaus or commissions to be half way in and half way out of the executive branch. They wanted everything to be smack dab inside one of the three branches of the Federal government - that's not Obama's fault.(I don't blame everything on Obama: just the other day, I stubbed my toe and I didn't blame him; unconstitutional measures were passed by progressives, 1990-1920, 1934-1944).President Clintion, Senator Barney Frank, ACorn, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the semi-independent Federal Reserve Bank and the semi-independent Securities and Exchange commission are largely responsible for the economic/financial crisis. The unions destroyed the auto industry and so what does your president do? He puts the union in charge of GM. Fannie and Freddie deal with mortgages - now he's going to make them landlords - they will be renting houses and apartments. Illegal - perhaps; stupid - definitely. UPDATE: I JUST DECIDED TO ADD STUPIDITY TO THE OBAMA LIST!!!                                                                                              Watergate  a cover-up of a break in(some say: dirty politics or   political shenanigans)         looks like child's play and Iran/contra which was largely successful, well, I think that the Founding Father's would cut presidents some constitutional slack when it comes to directly or indirectly protected America via defense policy, foreign policy and national security - a little slack. George, Tom and Jim would approve of Reagan and Bush's actions. Nixon, Reagan and Bush were Republicans.                                                                                                                 On the other hand, Clinton had 5 affairs and lied about one under oath, Travel-gate, Whitewater, FBI-gate, magically disappearing and reappearing subpoenaed documents, and the China-Connection - it was only investigated superficially and had to do with Mr. Green (Al Gore) at a Buddhist Temple and claiming not knowing why he was there and the sale of nuclear technology to China and illegal campaign contributions - - - if the spam hits the fan on that one it could turn out that democrat Clintion was a TRAITOR!!!                                                                       RECENTLY, FORMER JUDGE NAPOLIANO ASKED JAMES CULBURN,  THE THIRD   HIGHEST RANKING DEMOCRAT IN THE HOUSE-THE WHIP, WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GET AUTHORITY TO REGULATE HEALTHCARE (By the way, it happened on a large scale once before: democrat president Johnson and a democratically-controlled congress as part of the failed and still with us Great Society social programs) AND THE DEMOCRAT RESPONDED "MOST OF WHAT CONGRESS HAS BEEN DOING THE LAST SEVERAL MONTHS IS IGNORING THE CONSTITUTION." I never thought it was possible. And they are doing it in front of you and most of you are too stupid and lazy to find out. They have plans to take control of the internet and seize partial ownership and full control of many corporate farms -can you say: soviet collective farm? This is 100% unconstitutional as is telling people what to drive and what to eat which they have begun to do and silly you thought that I was kidding earlier!. Liberty wanes; the nanny-state takes care of you and makes decisions for you from cradle to grave. You wake up to discover that the words freedom, justice, liberty, equality have been redacted from the the dictionary and you better make sure that an Obama unconstitutional czar doesn't  hear you utter those words. The word Tyranny will loom large in your lexicon. Impeachment? The donkeys control congress and are co-conspirators                                                                                                                           In third world nations, when there is a military coup the military never voluntarily returns power to the people and/or a civilian government. I can't believe what I'm about to say: I want the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to declare Marshal Law before Commander-in-Chief Obama does. THE CHARGE: REPLACING THE FOUNDING FATHER'S FEDERALIST/CONSTRUCTIONALISTS CONSTITUTION PREDICATED ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES AND CAPITALIST/FREE MARKET CONCEPTS with the progressive 'living' constitution based on secularism and socialism if not communism. The American soldier loves the country they voluntarily serve and take an oath to upheld the Constitution. I can't believe what I am saying: I'M CALLING UPON THE MILITARY TO COMMIT AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL ACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESTORING THE CONSTITUTION AND I HAVE NO FEAR THAT THEY WILL QUICKLY RESTORE CIVIL:IAN AUTHORITY ONCE THEIR MISSION IS COMPLETED .REMEMBER: WE ARE TALKING ABOUT AN AMERICAN SOLDIER!