-----Original Message-----
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:31 pm
Subject: rickcosmos has just been handed a "NEWS FLASH"
From: rrdd3939@aol.com
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Sat, Nov 28, 2009 8:31 pm
Subject: rickcosmos has just been handed a "NEWS FLASH"
google (Richard DePersio) yahoo
Editor's Note: It has been confirmed by three reliable sources. We are receiving a clarification: variation on the same theme. What the HELL does that mean?! The data is arriving sporadically
and fragmentally. It would appear...we lost our satellite link...we are attempting to reestablish
the telemetry...switching to to another comsat...we are back in business.
Back in February, Obama came out in favor of non-unionized public charter schools and...
rickcosmos will take it from here..."Rick"..."Thank you, Rick." Your reporter has been an
advocator of charter schools when they had there genesis about 15 years ago. One by one, states - a majority of them have given their 'green light' in spite of strong opposition from the
teachers unions which lack an interest in children - primarily red with a few blue have been
embracing them angering (to put it very mildly union bosses of other unions who acted in solidarity with teacher's unions). Shocking! But, let's take a moment to put it in perspective, the union defeat has been partial for they forced states to impose strict caps on the number of such schools permitted.
Back in February,(which was cold for those who go outside like this 'cyberspace/parallel
universe" roving reporter) rickcosmos praised YOUR President for boldly taking a position
contrary to the unions (he allowed his head to peak out of their pocket!). Upon further contemplation,I realized that he had exercised good judgement (a rare experience and a treat for him) but BOLD was stretching it a bit. Liberals, like him, allowed the unions to destroy the regular public school system, the U.S. Postal system. Amtrak, the airline and auto industries - and are laying the ground work for enabling them to destroy the rest of the private sector including housing, financial and agriculture. In the case of the latter, the environmentalists are doing their duty in depriving southern California of irrigation to protect some little endangered species of fish (which our children in public school are told to worry about) which will result in many of these farms, which supply food for most of the country to shut down: lose of jobs and money and sky-
rocketing food prices (Schools don't teach children to worry about their parents wallets and purses - - - ADDed, again!).
Let's look at the school system more closely before this scribe reveals the shocking
truth: he agrees with Obama again (variation on same theme). Twice in ten months - WOW!
First Place: Private Schools most of which are Catholic (although, about ten percent
have closed in the last five years due to financial problems - crisis, really.
Areas: education; discipline, teachers salaries; budgets (but have taken
a hit).
Second Place: Home Schools (says something about professional teachers who were
trained by former beatniks and worse hippies who dropped out and then
back in - did they really? - or those who had been trained by them) and
non-union Charter Schools are tied as far as education and discipline;
parents don't receive salary, charter schools teachers last place (Liberal
nonsense - regular public schools teachers aren't paid enough. First
of all, the problem with regular public isn't money or lack of resources -
liberals just want to throw good money after bad. Secondly, the big
liberal lie: incompetent public teachers aren't paid enough - they make
less the ten per cent of what policemen and fireman make while their
benefits and pension plans are better!; budgets: Home Schools vary while
Charter School teachers are bringing up the rear!Budgets for Charter
Schools are done on a shoe string!
Third Place: union Magnet Schools (however, the teachers unions have less
control of them compared to regular public schools; therefore, there
is a cap on their number too - but slightly higher then Charter Schools)
as far as education and discipline but second place as far as salaries
and budgets.
Dunce Cap: regular Public Schools when it comes to education and discipline but
not budgets and teacher's salaries (second).
Here it is: Last week, Obama came out in favor of 'virtual acadamies' which are Home/
Charter School Combos in which children are taught by teachers and parents, text books
and other resources are supplied by the Board of Education (unlike regular Home Schools
where parents have to fend for themselves even though they pay taxes to support public schools).
it's so un-liberal of Obama to support Charter Schools in February and 'virtual Acadamies' now -
but not Home Schools most of which have religious parents and are under attack because
liberals want them to be brainwashed into liberal philosophy on issue such as homosexuality -
sadly, there is a liberal effort in many states to force parents what they can teach in 'their
own' homes. The Obama revolution is about the government takeover of the commercial/
manufacturing/financial/agricultural sectors and taking rights away from their subjects,
including, parents!
rickcosmos told you in a previous article that I was telling my thirteen and nine year
old nieces of about global warming science not politics masquerading as science which they are taught in public school when the eight year old interrupted me to say: "Don't you mean climate change ." A couple of weeks earlier, the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee had
sent memos to democratic politicians to switch terms(global warming was no longer selling well) - a marketing not a scientific decision. I can only infer that he sends memos to public school principals and teachers too!
Now we discover - you probably haven't if you still get your news from the liberal mainstream media that scientists mainly U.N. scientists and liberal politicians have been telling a BIG GREEN LIE. This constitutes a sin for a scientist - violating the Scientific Method the way
that Obama violates the U.S. Constitution. Fortunately, this reporter has dozens of non-
living and living reliable sources including cub reporters like Little Tight Vagina (1970's-style investigative reporting). A hacker seized emails sent amongst some of the top climatologists, environmental scientists, geophysicists, ecologists and atmospheric physicists. They were falsifying data/doctoring the books for the past ten years because Mother Nature refused to behave like their computer models. They even became suspicious that their might be big eyes in cyberspace and proceeded to tell eachother to delete sensitive emails. Next month, there is going to be a big meeting on glob...excuse me, I must be liberal PC...climate change amongst the world's leaders - will Obama have egg on his face - - no. It's a pitfall when someone gets married to an idea which becomes doctrinal in nature and they rationalize largely oblivious to what they are doing. They will continue to push for cap-and trade which will cause your energy
bills to quadruple over the next ten years as the stare at wind mills (solar and wind power).
They will continue to teach the BIG GREEN LIE to our children and not tell them about what's
going to happen to mom and dad's purses and wallets.
You shouldn't be surprised to know that yours truly has a scientific background (with
all due modesty, I'm just an average polymath) and that I been telling people the truth
about global warming and the hole in the ozone layer since 1993. Beginning in 2003, I explained
that nine of the ten most recent studies, including, a ten year NASA study and an investigation a climate change over the past 100 years indicated little or no run-away greenhouse effect
and the one that indicated moderate warming which was based on surface temperatures -
reliable on land if senses are properly located but not very reliable on water. A few months
ago, I notified you that a major study indicated global cooling and that another NASA study
done for the Environmental Protection Agency arrived at the same conclusion as the previous one (satellites measured temperatures at various levels in the atmosphere) which the Obama Administration tried to suppress! Big Brother.
For most of you this represents a major revelation. Your most continue to do two things:
keep getting your information from reputable sources - - - like CBS, CNN and the N.Y. Times;
don't complain to your members of congress and don't support organizations like the Campaign
for Liberty, the Alliance Defense Fund and ASAMOM!
Hate Crime Legislation (which is a clear violation of the Constitution) will stifle the free speech
of members of the clergy and can give cause for an employer not to hire you (predicated on your
beliefs) - just ask an Englishman across the pond...Continue to buy hook-line-and-sinker
what they tell you about health food and preservatives in non-health foods... And, pity
the children for an education they get not but hopefully they will dream the dreams of
twenty-first century children - - - growing up to be an Acorn!!!