Blog Archive

Monday, October 26, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2009 10:42 pm

                                      by rickcosmos (Richard DePersio)
Al Haig served in Vietnam. He was Top NATO General during part Of Nixon's first term
and Nixon's Chief-of -Staff during Nixon's second term. He briefly served as Reagan's
Secretary of State in the early '80s. His biggest crime: he was a true conservative and a potential threat -
he might become president some day. The so-called liberal mainstream (only 20%
of Americans identify themselves as liberals; what qualifies them to be classified as mainstream)
media made him Liberal Enemy Number One; He had to be stopped; He posed a serious
threat to their dream of replacing the Founding Father's Constitution with the so-called
progressive 'living' constitution: the former being Federalist/Constructionist in nature predicated
on Judeo-Christian principles and capitalistic economics and the latter being socialist
and secular.
       Shortly after becoming president there was an assassination attempt on Reagan. Haig
was in the White House at the time and declared: "I'm in charge here!" The story really
had legs lasting weeks. The liberal media had a field day labeling the West Point graduate
and hero a 'dummy.' Doesn't the Secretary of State know about chain of command?
If the president dies of natural causes or is killed, the vice-president becomes president
and if the president becomes incapacitated the vice-president becomes acting president.
If both are side-lined the House Speaker assumes the post of president. If he's knocked
out of the game, the Senate President pro tem goes to the plate and then comes the
Secretary of State.
       Haig was right: he was the highest ranking government official in the White House,
therefore, he had to assume command until the vice-president arrived. The power of the
press: after ridiculing him for weeks on that score, they were highly critical of
the job that he was doing at State. He could no loner be effective and credible and had
to resign.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dan Qall, former senator, was vice-president in the early '90s. His biggest crimes:
he was a true conservative and pro-real Constitution. Red Alert: He must be stopped -
potential president. He made a BIG mistake: he misspelled potato in front of school
children. Once again, the liberal news media and stand-up comics were unrelenting:
magnifying any slip of the tongue out of proportion. A man who graduated in the
top ten per cent of his law school was portrayed as a 'dummy.' While rendered
damaged goods as a presidential prospect, he had the last laugh at the expense
of liberals. Very few people know what I'm about to reveal and I can't wait to guffaw
when liberals find out. Surreptitiously, he was helping small and big businesses get around
unnecessary and/or costly (to the company, as a result, the consumer) and/or silly
government regulations. You know how liberals love regulated all aspects of business
and private. And, to a lesser degree streamline the compliance procedures, of course,
undone by Clinton.

Sara Pallin vs. Mr. Noble Prize Winner (for being the first president to travel around the
world knocking America), she wasn't qualified to be president (of course, she wasn't
running for president) but she was more qualified to be president then him when you
take into account that president is a executive not a legislative position. He
was a community organizer (ACORN), he served on two state commissions with
a former domestic terrorists who never apologized for the government buildings he
damaged and the people he injured (he also introduced Obama to the dirty Chicago
politics and to the anti-white Rev. 'Wrong' and was the biggest contributor to
Obama's campaign for state senate - - - but according to Obama, he hardly knew
his ACORN mentor nor his spiritual advisor of 20 years. He served in the U.S. Senate
for 4 years spending nearly two years running for president and devoted little time
to his senatorial duties,
       Sara Pallin was president of the local PTA; served two terms as a mayor; was a
member of two state commissions and was a governor. She was guilty of being a
true conservative and a believer in the real Constitution - - - dangerous! We all know how
she was victimized. My favorite: The same week that she debated foreign policy/defense/
history expert Biden in which she made one minor mistake mispronouncing the
name of our top general in Afghanistan, Biden made ten whoppers, she was accused
of going on a 1000,000 dollar shopping spree (which turned out to be untrue). Guess
which story the biased media covered in depth barely issuing a retraction when it
turned out to be false.

CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MS NBC and most major newspapers are character
assassins and news creators not reporters.

Afterthought: I have no problem with a women serving as vice-president or secretary of state!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Oct 24, 2009 3:41 pm

Editor's Note: Please read: "There's an old Army saying 'If it ain't broke don't Fix it";
"Bowling Bowls and Cartwheels"; "Baby Whale and Jumbo Shrimp" Parts One and Two.
Read additional articl;es if you want a fuller view Of Richard DePersio's original theories
and how he scooped Glenn Beck twice.

Monday, October 19, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Oct 19, 2009 5:53 pm

Obama promised an open and transparent government, as well as, no more politics as
usual. They're getting socialized medicine through the back door and you're going to pay
a heavy price for it: in terms of money and quality of care. At the last minute, they are trying in stealth fashion to give the shaft to all Americans including senior citizens;
pharmacological companies, for-profit and non-for profit healthcare insurers and doctors.
In 1985, then head of the largest teacher's union, Albert Shankor, said, "we'll care about
the children when they're old enough to pay union dues." Politics as usual. They don't care if you're going to suffer, they're eyes are on next year's off-year elections. Obama's number
one issue has been healthcare reform and if he doesn't get it, he will be a politically crippled
president and the liberals might loose seats in congress next year. They wouldn't consider
health associations involving small- and medium-sized businesses which would have
insured more people because it wouldn't cost the taxpayer a dime! They would consider
making it easier for health insurance companies to do business in more then one state
and thereby trough increased competition (a dirty word to liberals!) prices would come down in
a harmless manner. They wouldn't consider putting caps (payment incurred by doctor to be paid defendant on medical malpractice law suits, especially, frivolous ones - the cost of null-
practice insurance goes up when their is a null president or null congress or both -  thereby causing good doctors to take down their shingle. Trial lawyers get a big chunk of the
of what defendant is awarded and trial lawyers donate heavily to the democratic party and
democratic candidates. I implore you - call now: 202-224-3121 before you live (your life span
might be reduced) regret it!) Richard DePersio.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Re: EMERGENCY!!! Run to your phone or computer

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 12:58 pm
Subject: EMERGENCY!!! Run to your phone or computer

Call this number now; you can't afford to leave it to the other guy. You must call right away. You will be supplied with the phone numbers of your two U.S. Senators and one U.S. Representative. You don't have to know their names but you do have to meet them half-way: you have to know the state in which you live, in return, you will receive their names and phone numbers and may have averted a travesty (please read or reread: "If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it - updated and expanded and "code Red" by Richard DePersio and Contact the Campaign for Liberty).
        We have been duped by liberals at the last minute. Believe me, they and their staffs pay close
attention to phone calls and emails by their constituents because they know that those who take
the time and are so concerned are those who are likely to vote.
        We are going to have socialed medicine. By now, you must have heard the horror stories about
countries like England, Canada and France. Their moving to the right: cutting taxes; deregulating;
and allowing profit and non-for-profit health insurance companies to be created. They have had 
socialized medicine (liberals here call it universal health care) for decades and are phasing it out;
clearly they know something that you need to know.
        Weren't you curious as to why many heal insurance companies, many pharmicological
companies were supporting and many doctors too. They were sold a bill of goods and your going
to foot the bill and suffer from poor quality healthcare. The pharmacological companies were told
that their wouldn't be price controls on medicine. We enjoy the most advanced medical technology
in the world: medicine (new and improved) and equipment. We are at the forefront of medical
advancement. Healthcare companies were told that they would have more business because yyoung
people in their   30s and, especially, 20s would be heavily fined if they didn't get heath insurance
(the promise was unconstitutional but what do liberals in Congress care about the Constitution?!;
they wanted it until the last-minute because of financial concerns; doctors were told that
more people would be insured, there wouldn't be wage and price controls, that they, their
patients would have more choice and that their wouldn't be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid (many
doctors already don't except it because it pays so little, and that the cost of medical malpractice
law suits, especially for frivolous cases would not rise. Obama promised the most open, honest and
transparent administration in history - last week, you saw doctors in their lab coats meeting with
the president and supporting his healthcare ideas. It turns out that many weren't doctors but
community organizers - they just played doctor - like the old T.V. ad; hoax: like the boy in the balloon!
        Last week, the appropriate sub-committees and committees in the House and Senate
produced a bill to be Sent to the House and Senate floors for a full vote probably this week .Young people won't be heavily but modestly fined (younger people think that they are invincible: they
can't get seriously ill or be in an accident: they will except insurance if their place of employment
pays all but not half and shun it if their self-employed). So much for getting a lot more people
insured! Health insurers will have to give insurance to all individuals with all pre-existing conditions.
They thought that they could cover the cost and even make a profit with all those younger people 
being insured; now your premiums will go through the roof and probably only wealthy people will be able to afford private insurance and the best healthcare plus members of congress and union bosses!
Price controls on medications means less money spent on research and development of
new medications and tools (stockholders will suffer too; America will no longer be number 
in medical technology and advances.) Wage controls and an increase in malpractice insurance means
 fewer doctors.
        Why do you think that Obama is giving seniors who are on medicare $250 even though their
is no need for a cost-of-living increase in January. he wants to divert their attention away from
the big medicare cuts which means even fewer doctors will except it (dems are suppose to care about our seniors!). And, further, a lot of people will get health insurance and companies will only pay
for insurance when the person gets a pre-existing condition meaning most private (for profit and
not for profit will go out of business.
        They snook in last-minute changes and it might be too late to change. Call before it gets to the full Senate and House! Choice: another right denied in the Union of Socialist Secular States of America!!!.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 10:49 am

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Sun, Oct 18, 2009 10:43 am

                                                 FOR THE PATRIOTS:
WE STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU CHECK OUT- - - asamom.otg;; Summit for
                                        Marriage, Family and Parenting                                                                                                               OFF THE BEATEN TRACK:;; www.gregorybarsamian,com;; (as seen on:"Art Or Some-
thing Like it" on CUNY T.V.).



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fwd: president BOWS to king...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Apr 9, 2009 12:10 am
Subject: president BOWS to king...

...a states in largely muslim world (Middle East) that the U.S. is a nation of believers and non-believers predicated
on HUMAN PRINCIPLES. He said the selfsame thing in his igaugural address. All Presidents from Washington to
Bush talked profusely about this being a nation under God in their inaugural addresses. The Founding Fathers and
all Presidents from W to B believed that this was a Christian nation based on JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.
Your children our being taught liberal revisionist American history in public schools. This complaint comes from me:
a non-religious person.
Liberals won the abortion issue in the courts. Problem: More and more doctors refuse to perform abortions. Oboma
wants to force them to do so even if they feel it violates their Hippocratic oath and their MORAL PRINCIPLES. He
must think that they process INHUMAN PRINCIPLES. Many are threatening to leave their professions rather then
except OBOMA PRINCIPLES. Already many doctors are abandoning their chosen field because of the high cost
of medical malpractice lawsuits (most of which are frivolous) by trial lawyers (most of which are democrats) who
contribute heavily to democratic candidates. He wants socialized medicine - sort of medicaid for everybody - even
though countries with it have inferior medical technology and health care compared to the U.S. You know how poorly government programs
are run like medicare and medicaid and know he wants government to run health care for all Americans. Doesn't he already have enough on his plate running insurance companies, banks, cars including guaranteeing mufflers?!
Ten percent of Americans believe in God. He worried about the ten percent who don't have health insurance.
They can go to any hospital emergency room for emergency and non-emergency medical care at taxpayer
expense including illegal aliens!!!
                                                                                         Just a SHORT Missive,

Fwd: The Obama Report

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Jan 22, 2009 10:49 pm
Subject: The Obama Report

       Dear Fans,
       Hide the children! Liberals have waited 40 to 70 years for this day: liberals control the White House and
Congress; the mainstream media - CBS, NBC, ABC and most of the major newspapers; public elementary/
high schools and colleges, as well as, most private colleges; the music and movie industries; and the Internet
(a bonus - the Internet didn't exist until 1990 when Al Gore invented it). They will have a majority of federal
judges and appeals court justices within 4 years and a majority of of U.S. Supreme Court justices within 8
years. They have successfully diminished the influence of their  major adversary: Christian churches.
      You were warned: A) President Obama is in the process of reinstated that heinous late-term abortion
procedure in which labor is induced and a needle is stuck in the baby's head in order to suck out his or her
brain - Bush had put a stop to the inhumane act;  B) Obama will now allow federally funded doctors to perform
abortions in poor countries - Bush had stopped that from occurring  (How many people know that Bush did more
to fight disease in Africa then any of his predecessors?); C) You can now be OPENLY GAY in this WOMEN'S
ARMY (where standards are lowered so that they can play soldier). Obama has can further then Cllinton's
don't ask/don't tell policy which resulted in Colin Powell resigning as Clinton's Chairman of the military's Joint-
Chiefs-of-Staff. He made it clear that morale had to be his primary consideration, He wouldn't reveal his position
on homosexuality. He felt that it was dangerous from a mililitary perspective and could result in a crisis if Clinton went further.
       This is just the beginning.
                                                                                                                 An anti-secular gene,
P.S. This has nothing to do with color; it has everything to do with political philosophy. I outgrew being a semi-
racist when I was in my 20s. Actually, I think that Nancy Polisi (an Italian, I believe, is far more dangerous.
P.P.S. I'm looking forward to hearing you views.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

RICHARD DE PERSIO (aka rickcosmos).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fwd: Welcome to My World - Be a Part of it

Dear Friends, Richard DePersio (aka rickcosmos)) here. Please check out:www.quasarpolitical. and (eclectic). Please become a Follower (that
doesn't sound right: pretend the word is Fan - just kidding; 'Friend' sounds just right!). Like Halley's
Comet my websites make rare appearances - trying to rectify situation but not having much luck.
       I'm disabled and homebound and willing to exploit myself for Followers ('Friends').
This work gives my life meaning. Perhaps, you might send me your email address so that you don't miss a article or presentation.
       Read...Read and Comment...Read and Contribute (submit something for possible posting - Go
Where You Muse takes you!).


Monday, October 12, 2009


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Oct 12, 2009 7:57 pm

                          CAN'T RESIST: TOOTING MY OWN OWN HORN!

Thus far, rickcosmos has offered for your consideration (sometimes, Rod Serling would say: "offered for your consideration") three original theories: political, economic and constitutional; I scooped Glenn Beck twice!
       Plus:He challenged the Christians Children's Fund over changing it's name to ChildFund International and chastised a state assemblyman for unprofessional practices. Not bad for someone with limited resources - if he says so himself. (Too bad your rarely able to connect to his sites due to technical problems - persevere - - - they made a rare appearance yesterday like Halley's comet; you can always connect to his ads and reread them!). 

                                         DON'T ASK; DON'T TELL
Homosexuality is immoral according to the  Bible and abnormal according to evolution. Does
President O (as in Big Noble Prize Zero) care about this or does Commander-in-Chief O care about
morale in the military and a possible big-time drop in the number of real (he jumps the gun; pun intended) citizens volunteering for military service? OF course not, he's a liberal!
       COLLIN POWELL DID! He resigned in 1994 as Clinton's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff over the issue! He refused to express an opinion on homosexuality per se stating that his position
was a military one not a moral or psychological or political one. Billy-Boy Clinton offered a
compromise: Lift the ban on homos serving in uniform and replacing it with 'Don't ask; don't tell.
It too was unacceptable to the exceptionable general. Now, Commander-in-Zero wants to modify
or eliminate it to please the 20% who identify themselves as liberals (not talking about moderate
liberals) and the 5% who are gay and lesbo he-doesn't care about national security (HIS
generals in Afghanistan have been waiting six months for him to approve of one of their new
plans while soldiers die; it took him less time to name the White House dog; he considers
socialized medicine, creating hyper-inflation, going on a spending spree and increasing the
cost of your energy bills emergencies not dying soldiers!).

                                                BOWLING BOWL:
                                      THE TRUTH ABOUT ILLEGAL'S
Dems want to grant them amnesty (overnight citizenship) because an estimated two-thirds
will become dems and more then that union members. By the way, the estimated 12 million
illegal's has been revised to 15 million (unlike legals who can bring over underage children and
elderly parents; they will be allowed to haul over aunts, uncles and cousins, therefore, we're
really talking about 3o to 40 million: a one-party system - a la communism - union membership
peaked at 40% in the '30s and '40s is now under 15% - - - think about union dues swelling -
they already contribute tons of money to the democratic party and democratic candidates -
how could republicans possibly win an election!).
       Lousy, Little, Lying Liberals...Dems in congress lie and the heads of liberal organizations
lie and the liberal media disseminates those lies: MOST OF THEM COME HERE TO WORK!
They cost tax payers billions. THEY COME HERE TO COMMIT CRIMES ON TOP OF THE
don't go through the legal immigration process and some could be terrorists. Liberals
want an open door policy. They take jobs that Americans won't do. A recent study indicates otherwise, especially, now with the dire economic/financial system.
      An estimated 11 million are Latino/Hispanic (Whichever term that you prefer; 8 million of
which are mexican) and 4 million are other: non-hispanic citizens of Mexico, Central America,
South America, Caribbean islands; China, Vietnam, England, Eqypt, Italy, Spain, France, etc.
rickcosmos is not anti-immigrant but anti-illegal immigrant many who illegally receive health and
social services at your expense; how deep does O think your pockets are and what about
when there are all legalized!).
      THEY COME HERE TO WORK: WORK ON CRIME. A whopping 60% of serious crimes
are committed by illegals according to the FBI and an estimated 20% of inmates in county
jails are illegal according to State Police.

Contact your government officials: don't let them recreate America in their warped liberal image!!!


Thursday, October 8, 2009


EDITOR'S NOTE: 1) I paraphrase: Rome burnt while Nero fiddled. Obama goes to ? to get the Olympics for
his adopted city - Chicago and failed (It and New York have completed for decades for the prize: Most Corrupt City in America!) while we head toward hyper-inflation and or generals in Afghanistan wait 9 months for a decision on their plan
(going off on a tangent - ADD, you know - he's getting foreign policy and military advice from so-called expert
Biden (in vice-presidential debate he made ten errors on foreign policy, defense issues and U.S. history while
Palin made one - she mispronounced the name of our top general in Afghanistan; it was the same week the false story
about her wardrobe came out; question: which story did the liberal so-called mainstream media cover CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBS, PBS, CNN and most of the major newspapers cover - right, they covered the important Biden mistakes and
ignored Palin's skirt - - - in the Land of Oz they did!).
2) Please become a Follower (that doesn't sound right - pretend the word is Fan - - - just kidding; the word is
3) Please read all articles - you might want to leave some comments. You might want to submit an article for
possible posting: we want to hear from the left (guarantee: I won't edit you article if I post it), right and middle.
At this juncture, it appears that their will be one returning site ( and two new ones
( and Subject to change.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59 pm
Subject: BABYY WHALE AND JUMBO SHIMP.........Part Two

                                                        BABY WHALE

                                                         Where Am I?
Have I been transported to a parallel universe via the Einstein/Rosen bridge? England, Germany and France are
moving toward the right - capitalism while the U.S. moves toward the left - socialism. They have had decades of
socialism (including socialized medicine and an astronomically large number of regulation on the financial sector,
the commercial sector and individuals). Maybe, they've come to realize something that we should know!
          Liberals blame the economic/financial crisis on the BIG Reagan/Bush tax cuts (under Bush those who
earned less then 40,000 per year no longer had to pay federal income taxes) deregulation. Let's put their theory
(they consider it a fact like global warming!) under a microscope. Area One: big-time deregulation between 1981
and 1993; modest between 1993 and 2001; big-time between 2001 and 2009. Area Two: Big-time Reagan tax
cuts began in 1981; Bush the Father was tricked into moderate tax increases; Republican forced Clinton to undo
much of the tax increase; big time Bush tax cuts begin in 2001 and were expanded in 2002- like Reagan for the rich
and middle class. Area Three: prosperity from 1983 to 1992 (remember tax increase) followed by less then a year
of recession and less then a year of recovery.( I was remiss, Clinton increased taxes in 1994 and their would have been
a recession in this writer's opinion had it not been for the Republican tax cuts in 1996 and 1998; recession in
2000 and recovery in 2001 followed by prosperity - in spite of what the liberal media tells you - until 1998. Nearly 27
consecutive years of prosperity is unprecedented in U.S. history, perhaps, world history. The problem: spending - Bush increased debt by 3 trillion over 8 years and Obama will increase it by 8 to 25 trillion depending on how much of what he wants he gets. What do liberals want to do: increase taxes and regulations; what does most of Western Europe want to do: cut taxes and reduce regulations.Am I in the 5th dimension of the Twilight Zone!?

                                                       JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                   Blowing his own Horn

I choose not to lead with this story because I want to convince people that I am modest! Did I scoop Glenn
Beck again?! Recently, he presented a theory regarding a new-style of government that was been formed in
America - a type of oligarchy. Months earlier, I presented a similar theory. I proved it.
         On 10/6/09, her stated that Russia, France (I thought the new president was pro-U.S. and oil-producing
Arab nations led by China may be secretly planning to no longer bas world currency on U.S. dollar (which has
been the case since the end of WW1 - which we won - - - I'm stating that for the benefit of the public school
students of today!) which will further devalue the dollar which is worth nearly one-third less then it was 10 years
ago (one-third of that one-third reduction occurred since Obama became President).Obama and Congress are
devaluing dollar by going on a spending spree and the Federal Reserve Bank merrily keeps printing more money.
China is 'dumping' it's U.S. by invested in third-world countries purchasing things for a song. Glenn Beck suggests
that hyper-inflation is being created in U.S. which means we will be like a third-world nation wherein their dollar is 
virtually worthless and the President declares Marshal Law. Glenn Beck states chances of that happening are 
        I stated months ago that there was a remote chance hat the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (He is
over all U.S. military - only the civilian Defense Secretary outranks him - again, for benefit of public school students)
might declare Marshal law to undo Obama and congressional violations of constitutional law, corporate law and
bankruptcy law. In third-world (poor - I worry about public school kids at all levels) a military coup is usually
permanent. U.S. Soldiers love their country, they would restore Founding Father's Constitution and quickly
restore civilian control of government. Did I scoop Beck? Read:" Why Should You Read rickaddsite" and
"Triumvirate Backed by an oversized Oligarchy." Toot!

                                                          JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                    Mom, Flag and Apple Pie
                        For most southerners and many midwesterners: God, Guns and Gays (anti)
According to a study done by Frank Luntz, the top four most trusted professions in America (in order): 1) Moms
(my comment: being a successful mother and housewife are two of the most demanding and potentially rewarding
professions there are; liberals including feminists and the media look down on them); 2) Fireman; 3) Clergy; 4)
Pharmacists. You would know it from the liberal so-called mainstream media!
         Constitutional Americans and Mom's in particular your not alone which is what the liberals want you to think.
They either didn't cover Tea Parties or lied about them but the truth came out via the web. Who needs dinosaur like
NBC and the N.Y. Times. The Silent Majority is back and their roaring! 
         Your not alone. Please check out: (I'm not sure if www. is needed); www.marymbaker.blogspot.
com; Summit for Marriage, Family and Parenting located at Harrington University and headed by Linda Colon.
She on representatives of the aforementioned groups recently appeared on Glenn Beck (912 Project).  I also watch
Chris Mathews (to hear the opposition's side; only 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals (I'm not
including moderate liberals who aren't quite as dangerous; the 20% control America). Of course, you must not forget
the Campaign for Liberty and the Alliance Defense Fund (they fight the American Civil Liberty Union who don't
support civil liberties for everyone and have some weird ideas about civil liberties that they want to exist).
         Your not alone: mom, dad and kids!

Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!..........Updated and Expanded

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Oct 8, 2009 12:23 pm
Subject: Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!..........Updated and Expanded

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Oct 6, 2009 2:39 pm
Subject: Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!..........Updated and Expanded

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Sat, Jul 18, 2009 10:45 am
Subject: Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!
Editor's Note: New; Article proper: updated and minor corrections
Sent: Sat, Jul 18, 2009 9:44 am
Subject: Fwd: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!
Editor's Note:Trial lawyers are big contributors to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates. The price of
medical malpractice insurance always goes up when there is a democrat in the White House. Progressively, more and more talented doctors have abandoned their professions since the seventies because of the cost. And most of the
law suits are frivolous like the women who sued her doctor who prescribed medicine and on the bottle it warned of
possible side effects, she didn't get any of the side effects but sued because she could have! The doctor has to pay
a high premium for malpractice insurance and has to wait hours or even days waiting for his case to be called -
time is money. The trial lawyer gets richer like former trial lawyer what's-his-name who ran for president, cheated
on his sickly wife and had a baby out-of-wedlock. What a piece of work.
        Over the past twenty years, sonar grams have gotten clearer and fewer and fewer surgeons will perform
abortions - Christian and non-Christian - because they feel that it violates their Hippocratic oath. Obama wants
a law passed forcing them to do so (which may be unconstitutional; is there still a Constitution?). Many hospitals
are owned by the Catholic Church. They have threatened to shut down if the law is passed. Fewer doctors and
hospitals: your in an ambulance getting worse and you might even die because the nearest doctor and hospital
isn't as near as it had been!

Subject: There's an old Army saying: If it Ain't Broke Don't Fix It!

             My Theory: How to Create a Virtual One-party System in America (this should be in red: tech problem)
(We are going for something unorthodox here perhaps unique. An article consisting of an Editor's Note, theory, title, two subtitles, sectional titles and an epilog - ADDed!).
As Groucho Marx would say: You Bet Your Life...I never heard of a major broadcast network giving a president an hour
of prime-time real estate to promote his health care  program(but it happened a few months ago). that's steadily loosing public support primarily because of it's astronomically high price tag (what results are there to show for the 8,000,000,000,000 dollar, 8-year stimulus package thus far!?Most of which isn't really stimulus). I won't name the network - all 3 were part of Obama's campaign, especially. a
America enjoys the most advanced medical technology in the world. Why do liberals believe that a major and expensive
overhaul of the Health care system is necessary? They just love spending your hard earned paycheck. Expect taxes in many areas  to go through the roof in 2013 and not just on the super-rich! The democrats won't do it next year because it's a non-presidential election year. Liberals believe in hurting the many for the sake of the few. Only twenty percent lack health insurance - this necessitates a major overhaul as opposed to a little fine-tuning? Who doesn't have health insurance?Bums but they can get emergency and non-emergency medical care in any hospital emergency room for free just like any illegal aliens (one of the perks they receive for breaking the law: entering a sovereign nation illegally).Young people in their twenties who shun it if their employer doesn't pay a hundred per cent of it - they think that they are invincible to disease because of their youth! And those who can't afford it and their employer can't afford to pay all or half like large corporations do. There is a simply inexpensive, private sector solution: associations  Allow a group of small- and medium-sized businesses to form associations. They will be totally autonomous except when it comes to health insurance for their employees. They can purchase in bulk and thereby get a discount. You have to pay full price if you don't have a large number of employees but if as an associationyou can say that we have over a hundred employees or over 200 or whatever - you will get a discount and be about to afford to pay all or half of the insurance of your employees. Insurance companies and employees win. Liberals hate it -it won't cost the taxpayers one penny! Over ninety per cent will have it. One hundred per cent is impossible to achieve (universal/dreamland: how do you register a bum or threaten a young person with a big fine if they still refuse it - it might be unconstitutional - remember when we had a Constitution?!).
Universal health care means socialized medicine in spite of what the lousy, little, lying liberals (do you like the
alliteration?) are telling you. Have you heard any of the horror stories about countries like England, Japan and
Canada with government-controlled socialized medicine like having to wait up to two weeks to see a primary
physician and up to three months to see a specialist or a lab. technician or get a bed in a hospital! Liberals claim that you will have a choice between the government program and a private program. I told my doctor that the government will determine how much he can make and his already high medical malpractice insurance will go higher (Liberals have to appease trial lawyers and price controls on medication will mean less money spent on pharmacology R&D. In 2011, not
next year - an election year - those who choose  private insurance over government insurance will be taxed(fined) unless your a union boss or a union member - only they will have choice and you can be sure they will prefer private insurance . Non-unionized workers will form or join existing unions in order to no longer be taxed(punished for excercising freedom of choice) for having private insurance. And then the government will drop the second shoe: increase taxes on private insurance companies putting them out of business or they will continue to exist for those who can afford it: the super-rich, the rich and some of the upperclass including congress - only the best for them.With so many new union members the unions will have a lot more money to contribute to the Democratic National Committee, state and local committees and individual democratic candidates  ---   taking us one step closer to a one-party system...
Like some girls use to say: What You See is What You Get...(I was remiss: don't forget about the health care czar -
of course, you can't see him; please read The Invisible Government on this website and please call: 202-224-3121 to
get the number of your two U.S. Senators and one Representative -  you don't have to know their name but you must know the state in which you live and say no to government-run health care -medicare and medicaid are trillions in debt( this part shouldn't be purple).this week - they might vote on healthcare reform this week - - it's too late to leave it to the other guy!). The union gofers will be overflowing with new members and new money. Step Two: Bring back the Equal Time law to muzzle moderate and conservative voices. Step Three: Take away the secret ballot so that union strong men can strong-arm you into voting in favor of a union at your place of employment. PLAN 9 FROM ALIEN SPACE: Those who come here legally have to wait five years to become citizens and can only bring their underage children and elderly parents. Illegal will be rewarded for their crime by being granted amnesty and becoming citizens overnight and be allowed to bring over their under and overage children, elderly parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Those who come here legally can only bring over their  underage children and elderly parents and have to wait 5 years for citizenship. You keep hearing the figure of 12 million what where really talking about is 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 million and the cost of their health care,education and social services not that many aren't already receiving these services  because of liberal governors and mayors - which constitutes a crime! It's estimated that over 2/3 will register democrat. Are will becoming
a socialistic or a communist nation? The real Constitution has already been violated 7 times. It won't mean
anything when you virtually have only one party!
Get Smart...'I've been telling people for years that the unions ruined the school system (the airline industry and the
auto industry and so Obama rewarded them with ownership and management of GM) and giving dozens of examples that our children aren't being educated but indoctrinated into the liberal philosophy. Pravda -Russia's largest
newspaper- states that Obama is doing the things that were done in the the former Communist Soviet Union including
the dumbing down of children in public schools. Recently, it hit home. I now process my own anecdotal evidence:
I was talking to my eight year old niece Alexa (namedropper; you should have gotten Diane and Andre permission
before naming their daughter; oops, I revealed their names too; I don't think like most parents they want to know the
truth). Where was I...I've been ADDed again...oh, yes...I was telling Alexa the truth about global warming - real
science vs. Al Gore science, after all, she is only supplied with one perspective on issues in her classroom. She
interrupted me a said: "Don't You Mean Climate Change?" It was less then two weeks earlier the the Chairman
of the Democratic National Committee had instructed democratic politicians to switch from global warming to climate
change because Americans weren't buying it: large scale global warming caused by humans. They teach our children
that glob --- please excuse me for not being PC --- climate change is scientific fact.The name change is a marketing change not a scientific one. The only fact is: scientists have not yet come to a consensus. Is there large- or moderate- or modest global warming (I'm not a PC kind of a guy!)caused by humans or a change in the energy output of the sun or both or no global warming and is global cooling the name of the game. Five of the six major studies indicate little or none.
And, further, the bulk of the so-called green contracts are going to GE (owner of NBC which was virtually an arm of the
Obama campaign - we can't jeopardize them). It was a marketing decision regarding the public and the so-called science being taught in the public classroom. Our little ones pay the price. It's imperative that children learn real science as our society becomes more and more scientific and technological and that they are told more then one point of view in all subjects so that they can acquire analytical skills. It wouldn't surprise me if the Chairman of the Democratic
National Committee sends memos to public school principals!
As they used to say in the T.V. series Laugh in: Sock It to me. ..Most of the stimulus package hasn't stimulated gold
bullion in heat (whatever that means). My friend received a so-called stimulus check and he socked to the liberals.
He distributed it as follows: one-third went to the Alliance Defense Fund which does battle with one of the two most
dangerous liberal organizations there is The American Civil Liberties Union (the other is ACorn). The U.C.L.U. doesn't
think that Christians have civil rights (in spite of the fact that my friend isn't a Christian exactly); one-third to the
Campaign for Liberty which favors state and people rights and not a federal government with czars lurking in the shadows. And the administration promised to be open and transparent.; the final third to the child that he sponsors in Hondorous.Obama and co-president Nancy Polusi are fuming.
As Jackie Gleason use to say: How sweet it is...Pure science: the acquisition of knowledge for knowledge's sake;
increasing man's storehouse of knowledge. It's a beautiful thing. Applied science or technology: making life
more livable and pleasant and enjoyable; it's practical. I claim that NASA is the most important federal program
save for The Department of Defense, The Department of Homeland Security, The Department of Justice and the F.B.I.
Do you think that rickcosmos belongs in a celestial rubber room!? Visit NASA or or just NASA
and check out NASA IN OUR LIVES, TECHNOLOGY AND NASA HISTORY and you'll get just a taste of how
NASA has affected your life over the past few decades and most of you weren't even aware of it. NASA focuses on
space exploration (pure science) and all forms of engineering (applied physics) but is multi-faceted benefiting
medicine, botany, zoology, meteorology, communications, household devices, oceanography, physics, transportation,
fire-fighting and so much more. I'm a member of the NASA team having joined My NASA and I hope that my nieces
join NASA's Kid's Club.
                                                                 DEAL OR NO DEAL
Is Our Future in the COSMOS or in COMMUNISM...Time is running out - Have you called 202-224-3121. You don't need
to know your congressman's name but you do have to know the name of the state in which you live! Let him or
a member of his staff know that you don'\t want to live in a 'nanny state' and have a government that takes care of you
from cradle to grave. And that you don't want Big Government to be in charge of your medical decisions and you like
associations and not a plan that will cost ?,000,000,000,000 of dollars.
Contact your governor, your state legislators, mayors, county executives and councilman and tell them you want more local and citizen powers - you want Amendment 10 in the Bill of Rights. Don't be lazy; look it up!
Look in to the Alliance Defense Fund, The Campaign for Liberty, the New Federalism and the 912 Project.
Remember: we are talking about ??,000,000,000,000. You and your children will have to pay the piper. Watch your
energy costs go higher while the government gets more green - you have less green!!!   


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 10:27 pm

                                             JUMBO SHRIMP:
                                             I WAS HIJACKED

       Good thing good old GOOGLE caught it. I was spamned and locked. A quick phone call to
F. Lee Bailey took care of that toot sweet. It uncertain as to how many hours or days they did their
dastardly deed. The ransom demand: They wanted my two favorite body parts!
       They culprits were Canadian. Didn't those from the north read what is written in the rectangle
on the top of the page. How cruel could you be? The un professionals were Patrick Nadin and
Henrietta Dotson with "Association of Faculties of Pharmacy." President Bush had stopped them there
Canadians from selling their medications in the U.S. via the Internet even though in some cases
they are cheaper (I mean that both ways!). Their Food and Drug Administration isn't as strict as ours.
The president temporarily thwarted that threat.
        President Obama wants us to have inferior socialized medicine like Canada despite his
denials. Medicaid and Medicare are trillions of dollars in debt and fraught with billions of dollars of
fraud and he wants the federal government to have greater control of your health care!

                                               BABY WHALE:

        The Union of Socialist Secular States of America. Only a few knew. They figured it out over the
last twenty-five years or so. The revelation came to this writer in the mid-'90s. They wanted to replace
the Founding Father's Federalist/Constructionist Constitution predicated on Judeo-Christian principles
and classic liberal market economics (don't faint: it later became known as capitalism; liberal came
to mean nearly the opposite) with the so-called Progressive 'living' Constitution and add FDR's
Bill of Rights to the existing Bill of Rights (this was part of the progressive movement which
became liberalism in the '50s.
        It went full throttle in the sixties: the first and biggest teacher's union formed; Johnson's "Great
Society" programs; the birth of the modern women's movement; the drug culture; the sexual
revolution. Vice President Agnew said in 1970 that the media was liberal-biased. It took this writer
a few years to figure out what he meant. Rickcosmos was a strange kid: he watched the T.V. news;
read the newspaper - not the sports and comics; attended meetings at the local Republican club -
the only kid there. The media was subtle about it. Newspapers slowly became more overt in the
mid-90s and T.V. in 2oo4 and they were practically part of the Obama campaign last year - the
so called mainstream media.
       I trace the genesis to the sixties. Liberals began the process of gaining firm control of the following:
the T.V. industry; the music industry; the movie industry; the major newspapers; public elementary
schools; public high schools; public colleges - they already had most private colleges. There were
two other obstacles: the 'living' Founding Father's and Christianity. The began lowering their prestige
in the media and public schools - slowly at first and big time later. They had a field day with
Thomas Jefferson in 1998 claiming that he fathered a child with a black slave, Two years later, it
was realized that it was probably his nephew. The media hardly said anything about it. I bet
that most Americans still believe what turned out to be a lie. In the early '80s there were a couple
of reports about misbehaving priests - the media barely covered it. They were still a afraid of
the Catholic Church - not so a few years ago when the Church did do itself what liberals wanted to do -
discredit Christianity even though 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians (only 20%
as liberals). The ACLU believe everyone has freedom of speech rights except Christians.
Muslims even terrorists according to Obama have all the rights of American citizens. The media
is turning it into a joke.
        They couldn't do it when Carter was President or Clinton because they hadn't fully realized
their aforementioned goals. It's iffy if they could have done it if Carey were elected. Our children are
being indoctrinated. They can't exercise cognitive, analytical, critical thinking that comes with
being taught only one side of issues and not just in history and economics but believe it or not
subjects like math!
         In 2004, they gained control of Congress and this year the White House. The Senate
Majority Leader said that he would employ the so-called 'nuclear' option to get 'Obama's agenda
approved in spite of a majority of American rejected the Obama plan. A few years ago, Republicans
considered the nuclear option but curb themselves on constitutional grounds. Obama has violated
the Constitution 3 times and bankruptcy law 4 times. It was a master plan. Wake up, America
the 'living' Constitution is here. Tip your hats to the liberals who will be running all aspects
of our lives - their plan was brilliant. Your all GREEN now - I'm in exile in my own country.
A few months ago, the U.S. Supreme Court bowed at the Obama alter and burnt 230 years of
corporate/bankruptcy law as a sacrifice. If they use the nuclear' option, they can't be stopped
or undone after 4 years time. The U.S. Supreme Court made it's first ruling against Christians
in the early '30s and began diminishing the sanctity of marriage in the early '70s
         If only more Americans had been aware of their master plan, They are just beginning
to wake-up. Is it too late, Comrades!?

                                            JUMBO SHRIMP:
                                          AL GORE SCIENCE

          The six major studies on 'global warming in the past ten years, five indicate that little or
no 'global warming' is taking place. Two conducted by the reputable NASA team. Lousy,
Little, Lying Liberals (it's my favorite alliteration - I copywrited it!). Two months ago, Congress
was debating cap-and-trade a.k.a. let's make Al Gore richer. NASA had completed it's
second 10 year study on 'global warming'. The most open and transparent administration had it
suppressed until recently. An anecdote: One month ago, I was telling my 8 year old niece the
truth about 'global warming (my background being in science). She interrupted me
and said: don't you mean 'climate change'? A few weeks earlier, the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee had instructed democratic politicians to stop using the term 'global warming'
and replace it with 'climate change.' because it was becoming trite and a majority of Americans were no longer buying it. This marketing not science! It's all nonsense. I guess that he doesn't only send memos
to democratic politicians but public elementary school principals too! Don't let them paint you
green - demand energy independence coupled with a scientific concern for the environment.
Is it to late, comrades!?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59 pm
Subject: BABYY WHALE AND JUMBO SHIMP.........Part Two

                                                        BABY WHALE

                                                         Where Am I?
Have I been transported to a parallel universe via the Einstein/Rosen bridge? England, Germany and France are
moving toward the right - capitalism while the U.S. moves toward the left - socialism. They have had decades of
socialism (including socialized medicine and an astronomically large number of regulation on the financial sector,
the commercial sector and individuals). Maybe, they've come to realize something that we should know!
          Liberals blame the economic/financial crisis on the BIG Reagan/Bush tax cuts (under Bush those who
earned less then 40,000 per year no longer had to pay federal income taxes) deregulation. Let's put their theory
(they consider it a fact like global warming!) under a microscope. Area One: big-time deregulation between 1981
and 1993; modest between 1993 and 2001; big-time between 2001 and 2009. Area Two: Big-time Reagan tax
cuts began in 1981; Bush the Father was tricked into moderate tax increases; Republican forced Clinton to undo
much of the tax increase; big time Bush tax cuts begin in 2001 and were expanded in 2002- like Reagan for the rich
and middle class. Area Three: prosperity from 1983 to 1992 (remember tax increase) followed by less then a year
of recession and less then a year of recovery.( I was remiss, Clinton increased taxes in 1994 and their would have been
a recession in this writer's opinion had it not been for the Republican tax cuts in 1996 and 1998; recession in
2000 and recovery in 2001 followed by prosperity - in spite of what the liberal media tells you - until 1998. Nearly 27
consecutive years of prosperity is unprecedented in U.S. history, perhaps, world history. The problem: spending - Bush increased debt by 3 trillion over 8 years and Obama will increase it by 8 to 25 trillion depending on how much of what he wants he gets. What do liberals want to do: increase taxes and regulations; what does most of Western Europe want to do: cut taxes and reduce regulations.Am I in the 5th dimension of the Twilight Zone!?

                                                       JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                   Blowing his own Horn

I choose not to lead with this story because I want to convince people that I am modest! Did I scoop Glenn
Beck again?! Recently, he presented a theory regarding a new-style of government that was been formed in
America - a type of oligarchy. Months earlier, I presented a similar theory. I proved it.
         On 10/6/09, her stated that Russia, France (I thought the new president was pro-U.S. and oil-producing
Arab nations led by China may be secretly planning to no longer bas world currency on U.S. dollar (which has
been the case since the end of WW1 - which we won - - - I'm stating that for the benefit of the public school
students of today!) which will further devalue the dollar which is worth nearly one-third less then it was 10 years
ago (one-third of that one-third reduction occurred since Obama became President).Obama and Congress are
devaluing dollar by going on a spending spree and the Federal Reserve Bank merrily keeps printing more money.
China is 'dumping' it's U.S. by invested in third-world countries purchasing things for a song. Glenn Beck suggests
that hyper-inflation is being created in U.S. which means we will be like a third-world nation wherein their dollar is 
virtually worthless and the President declares Marshal Law. Glenn Beck states chances of that happening are 
        I stated months ago that there was a remote chance hat the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (He is
over all U.S. military - only the civilian Defense Secretary outranks him - again, for benefit of public school students)
might declare Marshal law to undo Obama and congressional violations of constitutional law, corporate law and
bankruptcy law. In third-world (poor - I worry about public school kids at all levels) a military coup is usually
permanent. U.S. Soldiers love their country, they would restore Founding Father's Constitution and quickly
restore civilian control of government. Did I scoop Beck? Read:" Why Should You Read rickaddsite" and
"Triumvirate Backed by an oversized Oligarchy." Toot!

                                                          JUMBO SHRIMP
                                                    Mom, Flag and Apple Pie
                        For most southerners and many midwesterners: God, Guns and Gays (anti)
According to a study done by Frank Luntz, the top four most trusted professions in America (in order): 1) Moms
(my comment: being a successful mother and housewife are two of the most demanding and potentially rewarding
professions there are; liberals including feminists and the media look down on them); 2) Fireman; 3) Clergy; 4)
Pharmacists. You would know it from the liberal so-called mainstream media!
         Constitutional Americans and Mom's in particular your not alone which is what the liberals want you to think.
They either didn't cover Tea Parties or lied about them but the truth came out via the web. Who needs dinosaur like
NBC and the N.Y. Times. The Silent Majority is back and their roaring! 
         Your not alone. Please check out: (I'm not sure if www. is needed); www.marymbaker.blogspot.
com; Summit for Marriage, Family and Parenting located at Harrington University and headed by Linda Colon.
She on representatives of the aforementioned groups recently appeared on Glenn Beck (912 Project).  I also watch
Chris Mathews (to hear the opposition's side; only 20% of Americans identify themselves as liberals (I'm not
including moderate liberals who aren't quite as dangerous; the 20% control America). Of course, you must not forget
the Campaign for Liberty and the Alliance Defense Fund (they fight the American Civil Liberty Union who don't
support civil liberties for everyone and have some weird ideas about civil liberties that they want to exist).
         Your not alone: mom, dad and kids!